All available REST API urls and parameters are listed and described at
Every API call needs authentication with the params user_email
and authentication_token
The email is the one used for signing in into shyftplan. It is recommended to create a separate Login for using the API.
The authentication token can be acquired by two ways:
create an authentication token for your current employment on your profile
See!/login to create new login via API
are the credentials to log into shyftplanThe response contains the authentication token:
{ "success": true, "info": "Logged in", "authentication_token": ":token:", ... }
Any read list action
is paginated with the params page
(page number) and per_page
(amount of records per page). The default page size is 1000
for most of the actions.
This is how the response of most list actions looks like:
"items": [
"total": 1337
Some list actions allow an Array of parameters (for example ids
at Shifts).
That parameters can't be passed by the swagger UI. If you want to use them you need to pass them like ?ids[]=1&ids[]=2&ids[]=3
??? @Tamino in the URL?
are able to inform their employer about their absences
or stakeholders create them for them. It contains the absence reason
, time of absence and whether it is paid or not. Optionally a note for further explanation can be added. The employer can then approve or decline the absence.
- See!/absences/getApiV1Absences for fetching all absences.
- See!/absences/postApiV1Absences to create an absence.
- See!/absences/getApiV1AbsencesEmployments for fetching all employments and their work hours information.
- See!/absences/getApiV1AbsencesEmploymentsId for fetching an employment and its work hours information.
- See!/absences/deleteApiV1AbsencesId to delete an absence.
- See!/absences/getApiV1AbsencesId for fetching an absence.
- See!/absences/putApiV1AbsencesId to update an absence.
- See!/absences/postApiV1AbsencesIdApprove to approve an absence.
- See!/absences/postApiV1AbsencesIdDecline to decline an absence.
Example bsence
"id": 1337, // Id of Absence
"starts_at": "",
"ends_at": "", // Timestamps
"state": "accepted", // State of Absence (new/accepted/declined)
"reason": "other", // type of Absence Reason (vacation/sickness/overtime/other)
"notes": "", // Note added by Employee or Employer
"employment_id": 7331, //Id of Employment
"created_at": "",
"updated_at": "",
"deleted_at": "", // Timestamps
"days": 0, // Work days
"vacation_minutes": 0, // Amount of Vacation Minutes
"paid": true, // Will the employee be paid during the absence?
"absence_reason_id": 3713, //Id of Absence Reason
"is_full_day": true, // An Absence can vary between Full Day(s) or set by Time of Day
"can_manage": true // This is depending on given Stakeholder Rights
In order do distinguish between different kind of absences
every absence
has an absence reason
Note that vacation
as an absence reason
will automatically count off vacation days that have been documented in an employee's payroll information.
- See!/absence_reasons/getApiV1AbsenceReasons for fetching all absence reasons.
Example Absence
"id": 110301, // Id of Absence Reason
"company_id": 1337, // Id of Company
"name": "vacation", // Preset Absence Reason (vacation, sickness, overtime, other)
"has_localization": true, // ??? @tamino
"deleted_at": "",
"created_at": "",
"updated_at": "", // Timestamps
Every employee
can inform stakeholders about their availabilities
. The employee
is able to state whether he or she is available or unavailable, either all day or within a certain time frame and if they should be weekly repeated or appear only once.
- See!/availabilities/getApiV1Availabilities for fetching all availabilities.
- See!/availabilities/postApiV1Availabilities to create a new availability.
- See!/availabilities/getApiV1AvailabilitiesAvailabilityId for fetching an existing availability.
- See!/availabilities/getApiV1AvailabilitiesAvailabilityIdExceptions for fetching all recurring availabilities.
- See!/availabilities/deleteApiV1AvailabilitiesAvailabilityId to (PERMANENTLY) delete an existing availability.
- See!/availabilities/putApiV1AvailabilitiesAvailabilityId for editing existing availability.
??? @tamino what is an availability exception
- See!/availabilities/getApiV1AvailabilitiesExceptions for fetching all availability exceptions.
- See!/availabilities/getApiV1AvailabilitiesExceptionsExceptionId for fetching an existing availability exception.
- See!/availabilities/postApiV1AvailabilitiesAvailabilityIdExceptions to create a new availability exception.
- See!/availabilities/deleteApiV1AvailabilitiesExceptionsExceptionId to (PERMANENTLY) delete an existing availability exception.
Example Availability
"id": 1337, // Id of the availability
"employment_id": 4771, // Id of the employment
"starts_at": "",
"ends_at": "", // Timestamps
"repeat": false, // Is the availability repeated weekly?
"available": true, // Available is true, unavailable is false
"created_at": "",
"updated_at": "" // Timestamps
Every user
is associated with at least one company
. It contains important settings about the use of the shyftplan software.
- See!/companies/getApiV1Companies for fetching all companies.
- See!/companies/getApiV1CompaniesId for fetching an existing company.
Example Company
"id": 1337, // Id of Company
"name": "", // Name of Company
"description": "", // Description of Company
"created_at": "",
"updated_at": "", // Timestamps
"image_uid": "", // Default Image are the Company Initials
"image_name": "", // Name of Initials Image
"view_personal": false, // Allow Employees to see other Employees in their Positions
"round_to": 5, // Punch Time Setting ‚Round to‘ 0, 5, or 15
"round_fair": false, // Round for employee’s benefit?
"employee_shift": true, // Can an employee create a shift by starting the punch time?
"auto_punchout": true, // End punch time automatically?
"punchout_hour": 1, // After how many hours should the punch time be ended automatically?
"edit_shift_payments": false, // Users can submit a different shift payment
"onboarding_step": 5, // Company Onboarding Tutorial has 5 steps that need to be completed before using the shyftplan software
"billing_method": "Direct", // Billing Method either direct, corrected or not set
"special_date_counted_off": false, // Has the employee off from work if only one of several locations has a special day
"probable_employees": 1, // Number of Employees stated during Registration
"auto_accept_shift_requests": null, // When enabled Shifts can be auto accepted
"survey_done_at": "", // Timestamp
"picture_data": {
"currency": "€", // Type of Currency
"time_zone": "Europe/Berlin", // Setting of preferred Time Zone
"show_user_token": true, // Show Lunchtime Token on User Modal
"round_to_shift": true, // Round to Shift Start
"invoice_email": "", // Company Email Sddress
"assignment_group_enabled": false, // Show Assignment Groups
"is_deactivated": false, // Is Billing Method deactivated?
"is_overassignment_allowed": false, // Are Overassignments allowed?
"is_dashboard_messages_allowed": false, // Enable Employees to send Messages on the Dashboard
"is_billing_reminders_enabled": false, // Enable Billing Reminder
"is_money_shown_on_evaluation": false, // Show monetary Value on Evaluation
"default_language_id": 2, // Company Language: 1 for German, 2 for English, or Custom Language
"is_absence_edit_enabled": true // Edit Absences allowed
A custom field
describes an additional information about a user
. They will be added to the user’s
information. Only stakeholders can add custom fields
- See!/custom_fields/getApiV1CustomFields for fetching all custom fields.
- See!/custom_fields/postApiV1CustomFields to create new custom field.
- See!/custom_fields/deleteApiV1CustomFieldsId for deleting an existing custom field.
- See!/custom_fields/getApiV1CustomFieldsId for fetching an existing custom field.
- See!/custom_fields/putApiV1CustomFieldsId for editing an existing custom field.
Example Custom
"id": 123, // Id of Custom Field
"name": „Drivers License“, // Name of Custom Field
"company_id": 1337, // Id of Company
"custom_field_type": "String", // Type is alway a string of characters
"sort": 1, // Sort Position of Costume Field in User Modal
"created_at": "",
"updated_at": "" // Timestamps
Every user
in a company
has an employment
. It contains the name of the employee and whether he is employee or stakeholder in this company.
Optionally work hours, pay information and contact information can be provided.
- See!/employments/getApiV1Employments for fetching employments.
- See!/users/postApiV1Users to create an employment.
- See!/employments/deleteApiV1EmploymentsId to (soft) delete an employment.
- See!/employments/getApiV1EmploymentsId for fetching an existing employment.
- See!/employments/getApiV1EmploymentsIdLiveInfo for fetching live info on an employment.
- See!/employments/postApiV1EmploymentsIdRestoreEmployment to restore a soft deleted employment.
- See!/employments/postApiV1EmploymentsIdDestroyEmployment to (permanently) delete an employment.
The employment
contains all information about the way the employee's
paygrade types
are defined on a company
level, within the position
or employee information.
Either way they are being documented within the employment
- See!/employments/getApiV1EmploymentsIdPaygrades for fetching an employment’s paygrades.
- See!/employments/getApiV1EmploymentsIdPaygradesPaygradeId for fetching an existing paygrade.
- See!/employments/postApiV1EmploymentsIdPaygrades to create paygrade for an employment.
- See!/employments/deleteApiV1EmploymentsIdPaygradesPaygradeId to delete an existing paygrade of an employment.
- See!/employments/putApiV1EmploymentsIdPaygradesPaygradeId to change an existing paygrade of an employment.
Example Employment
"id": 1337, // Id of Employment
"user_id": 4711, // Id of User
"company_id": 54, // Id of Company
"is_employee": true, // Is the employment an employee?
"is_stakeholder": true, // Is the employment an stakeholder?
"created_at": ...,
"updated_at": ..., // Timestamps
"deleted_at": ...,
"first_name": "Foo", // First Name
"last_name": "Bar", // Last Name
"picture_data": {
Every employment
has an employment
. It contains all specified employee information. To enable an employment survey the employment’s billing type (payroll type)
needs to be set to billing. After the payroll type
is set the employee is able to fill out the staff questionnaire which will be added to the employment survey
- See!/employments_surveys/getApiV1EmploymentsSurveysId for fetching employment survey.
- See!/employments_surveys/postApiV1EmploymentsSurveysId to create a employment survey.
Example Employment Survey
"id": 1337, // Id of Employment Survey
"first_name": "Foo", // First Name of Employee
"middle_name": null, // Middle Name of Employee
"last_name": "Bar", // Last Name of Employee
"date_of_entry": ...,
"birth_date": ..., // Timestamps
"nationality": German, // Nationality of the Employee
"gender": Female, // Gender
"has_children": true, // Has the Employee Children?
"children_count": 1, // How many Children does the Employee have?
"exit_date": null, // Exit Date if Employee has a Fixed-Term Contract
"staff_number": "", // Note that Staff Number is not equal to Punch Time Token, but set manually by stakeholder
"phone_number": "", // Phone Number of Employee
..., // etc.
Every company
can have multiple positions
. Positions
can be associated with several locations
of a company
- See!/positions/getApiV1Positions for fetching positions.
- See!/positions/postApiV1Positions to create a position.
- See!/positions/deleteApiV1PositionsId to (soft) delete an position.
Example Position
"id": 1337, // Id of Position
"company_id": 54, // Id of Company
"name": "Foo", // Position Name
"description": "", // Description
"color": "#aaeee1", // Color shown in Web
"created_at": ...,
"updated_at": ..., // Timestamps
"deleted_at": ...,
"sort": 13, // Order Number
"text_color": "#000", // Foreground color (black or white)
"note": "" // Position Note is displayed on Shift
Every company
can have multiple locations
. Locations
are meant to represent the actual sites of a company.
- See!/locations/getApiV1Locations for fetching locations.
- See!/locations/postApiV1Locations to create a location.
- See!/locations/deleteApiV1LocationsId to (soft) delete an location.
Example Location
"id": 1337, // Id of Location
"company_id": 54, // Id of Company
"name": "Foo", // Location Name
"created_at": ...,
"updated_at": ..., // Timestamps
"deleted_at": ...,
"sort": 2 // Order Number
is the join table of locations
and positions
. It references to a certain position
existing in a certain location.
- See!/locations_positions/getApiV1LocationsPositions for fetching locations positions.
- See!/locations_positions/postApiV1LocationsPositions to create a locations position.
- See!/locations_positions/deleteApiV1LocationsPositionsId to (permanently) delete an locations position.
Example LocationsPosition
"id": 1337, // Id of LocationsPosition
"location_id": 4711, // Id of Location
"position_id": 815, // Id of Position
"created_at": ...,
"updated_at": ..., // Timestamps
"deleted_at": ...,
"sort": 3 // Used to sort them by increasing number
is the join table of employments
and LocationsPosition
This defines on which positions
at what locations
an employee is able to work.
- See!/employments_positions/getApiV1EmploymentsPositions for fetching employments positions.
- See!/employments_positions/postApiV1EmploymentsPositions to create a employments position.
- See!/employments_positions/deleteApiV1EmploymentsPositionsId to (permanently) delete an employments position.
Example EmploymentsPosition
"id": 1337, // Id of EmploymentsPosition
"employment_id": 4711, // Id of Employment
"locations_position_id": 815, // Id of LocationsPosition
"created_at": ...,
"updated_at": ... // Timestamps
A shiftplan
contains a collection of shifts
within a defined period of time and is linked to an location
- See!/shiftplans/getApiV1Shiftplans for fetching shiftplans.
- See!/shiftplans/postApiV1Shiftplans to create a shiftplan.
- See!/shiftplans/deleteApiV1ShiftplansId to (permanently) delete an shiftplan.
Example Shiftplan
"id": 1337, // Id of Shiftplan
"location_id": 58, // Id of Location
"starts_at": "yyyy-mm-dd", // Shiftplan goes from this date
"ends_at": "yyyy-mm-dd", // to this date (both included)
"state": "published", // State of shiftplan (published/unpublished)
"name": "Foo", // Shiftplan name
"created_at": ...,
"updated_at": ..., // Timestamps
A shift
defines a working slot for a defined amount of employments
at a position
on a shiftplan
Please note: The assigned position
is set by the LocationsPosition
where the location
needs to match the very same the shiftplan
is linked to.
- See!/shifts/getApiV1Shifts for fetching an existing shift.
- See!/shifts/getApiV1ShiftsId to create a shift.
- See!/shifts/postApiV1Shifts to create a shift.
- See!/shifts/deleteApiV1ShiftsId to (permanently) delete a shift.
- See!/shifts/putApiV1ShiftsId to update an existing shift.
- See!/shifts/getApiV1ShiftsIdEvaluations for fetching the evaluation of a shift.
Example Shift
"id": 1337, // Id of Shift
"shiftplan_id": 4711, // Id of Shiftplan
"locations_position_id": 815, //Id of LocationsPosition
"starts_at": "...", // Shift goes from this Time …
"ends_at": "...", // … to this Time (ISO 8601 format)
"workers": 1, // Maximum Amount of Employees assigned to this Shift
"created_at": ...,
"updated_at": ...,
"deleted_at": ..., // Timestamps
"break_time": 0, // Duration of Breaks (in minutes)
"can_evaluate": true, // Can Shift be evaluated by the Employee?
"note": null, // Shift Note
"untimed": false, // If Shift Time should be accounted or not ???@Tamino
"manager_note": null // Manager Note (can just be seen by other Stakeholders)
A staff shift
defines the assignment of an employment
to a shift
- See!/staff_shifts/getApiV1StaffShifts for fetching staff shifts.
- See!/staff_shifts/postApiV1StaffShifts to create a staff shift.
- See!/staff_shifts/deleteApiV1StaffShiftsId to (permanently) delete an staff shift.
- See!/staff_shifts/getApiV1StaffShiftsId for fetching an existing staff shift.
Example Staff Shift
"id": 1337, // Id of StaffShift
"shift_id": 4711, // Id of Shift
"employment_id": 815, // Id of Employment
"state": "no_evaluation", // Current Evaluation state
// Possible values:
// - no_evaluation
// - done_evaluation
// - needs_evaluation
// - punchtimed
// - no_show
"created_at": ...,
"updated_at": ...,
"deleted_at": ..., // Timestamps
"total_minutes": 241, // Duration of the working time (without break)
"total_payment": 50.21 // Sum of all Payments
A request
defines an employee's wish to make a change to a shift
. If an employee is not currently assigned to a shift
he can request an application. If an employee is currently assigned to a shift
he can request a change.
- See!/requests/getApiV1Requests for fetching requests.
- See!/requests/getApiV1RequestsId for fetching an existing request.
- See!/requests/deleteApiV1RequestsId to (permanently) delete a request.
- See!/requests/postApiV1RequestsApplyShift for applying to a shift.
- See!/requests/postApiV1RequestsConfirmApplyShift to confirm a shift application.
- See!/requests/postApiV1RequestsChangeShift to create a change request.
Example Request
"id": 1337, // Id of Request
"shift_id": 4711, // Id of Shift
"employment_id": 815, // Id of Employment
"created_at": ...,
"updated_at": ..., // Timestamps
"type": "StaffRequest" // Type of Request (StaffRequest/ChangeRequest)
When a shift
is performed by an employee an evaluation
is automatically provided. This can be manually adjusted by stakeholders or a proposal of changes can be made by the employee (if enabled).
Please note: payments can be included for the evaluation
response. This decreases the response time and requires owner rights for the API user.
- See!/evaluations/getApiV1Evaluations for fetching evaluations.
- See!/evaluations/getApiV1EvaluationsStaffShiftId for fetching an evaluation for a staff shift.
- See!/evaluations/postApiV1EvaluationsStaffShiftId to set an evaluation for a staff shift.
- See!/evaluations/postApiV1EvaluationsStaffShiftIdDidNotShow to set a staff shift to employee did not show.
- See!/evaluations/postApiV1EvaluationsStaffShiftIdDidShow to set a staff shift to employee did show.
- See!/evaluations/getApiV1EvaluationsStaffShiftIdPayments for fetching payments for an evaluation.
- See!/evaluations/postApiV1EvaluationsStaffShiftIdPayments to create payments for an evaluation.
- See!/evaluations/deleteApiV1EvaluationsStaffShiftIdPaymentsPaymentId to delete payment of an evaluation.
- See!/evaluations/getApiV1EvaluationsStaffShiftIdPaymentsPaymentId for fetching an existing payment of an evaluation.
- See!/evaluations/putApiV1EvaluationsStaffShiftIdPaymentsPaymentId to update an existing payment of an evaluation.
Example Evaluation
"id": 1337, // Id of StaffShift
"shift_id": 4711, // Id of Shift
"employment_id": 815, // Id of Employment
"locations_position_id": 54, // Id of LocationsPosition
"shiftplan_id": 136, // Id of Shiftplan
"location_id": 58, // Id of Location
"position_id": 96, // Id of Position
"user_id": 405, // Id of User
"first_name": "Foo", // First Name of Employment
"last_name": "Bar", // Last Name of Employment
"evaluation_starts_at": ..., // Evaluated Start of Shift (ISO 8601)
"evaluation_ends_at": ..., // Evaluated End of Shift (ISO 8601)
"evaluation_break": 0, // Break Time in Minutes
"evaluation_duration": 330, // Working Time in Minutes
"state": "no_evaluation", // State of Evaluation (see StaffShift)
"shift_note": null, // Shift note
"admin_evaluation_note": null, // Evaluation Note by Stakeholder
"employee_evaluation_note": null, // Evaluation Note by Employee
"created_at": ...,
"updated_at": ..., // Timestamps
"position": { ...
"name": "Foo" // Position Name
"location": {
"name": "Bar" // Location Name
"shift": {
"starts_at": ..., // Planned Shift Start
"ends_at": ..., // Planned Shift End
"break_time": 0 // Planned Shift Break Time
Every company
can set their default language
, as well as users
individually. Optionally it is possible to add custom languages
and create translations
- See!/languages/getApiV1Languages for fetching all languages.
Example Language
"items": [
"id": 1, // Id of Language
"company_id": null, // Default Languages German and English are not bound to one single Company
"name": "Deutsch", // Name of Language in its Language
"locale": "de", // Acronym
"fallback": "de" // Fallback Language when translation for chosen Language is not set
"id": 2,
"company_id": null,
"name": "English",
"locale": "en",
"fallback": "en"
"total": 2, // Add a Custom Language for more Options via Translations
??? @tamino : is my definition correct?
A live staff shift
contains all information about a performed shift
. Note that only company
owners or stakeholders with view rights
can access live staff shift
- See!/live_staff_shifts/getApiV1LiveStaffShifts for fetching all live staff shifts.
Example Live Staff Shift
"id": 1337, // Id of Live Staff Shift
"staff_shift_id": 4771, // Id of Staff Shift
"state": "needs_evaluation", // State of Evaluation
// Possible values:
// - no_evaluation
// - done_evaluation
// - needs_evaluation
// - punchtimed
// - no_show
"employment_id": 3317, // Id of Employment
"shift_id": 1447, // Id of Shift
"locations_position_id": 4471, // Id of LocationsPosistion
"shiftplan_id": 4147, // Id of Shiftplan
"position_id": 7741, // Id of Position
"location_id": 3731, // Id of Location
"company_id": 1137, // Id of Companya
"location_name": "", // Name of Location
"position_name": "", // Name of Position
"position_color": "", // Position Color
"position_text_color": "#000", // Color of Position is either Black or White
"user_id": 4417, // Id of User
"punch_timing_id": null, // Id of Punch Timing
"punch_timing_end_time": "",
"punch_timing_overtime_start": "",
"punch_break_id": null, // Only if Shift has been punched via Punch Time
"shift_ends_at": "",
"shift_starts_at": "", // Timestamps
"first_name": "Foo", // First Name of Employee
"last_name": "Bar", // Last Name of Employee
"live_status": "idle" // ??? @tamino
Every company
and position
has at least one location
. The join table LocationsPosition
shows which position
is associated with which location
- See!/locations/getApiV1Locations for fetching all locations.
- See!/locations/postApiV1Locations to create a new location.
- See!/locations/deleteApiV1LocationsId to (soft) delete an existing location.
- See!/locations/getApiV1LocationsId for fetching an existing location.
- See!/locations/putApiV1LocationsId to edit an existing location.
- See!/locations/postApiV1LocationsIdDestroyLocation to (permanently) delete an existing location.
Example Location
"items": [
"id": 1337, // Id of Location
"name": "Zentrale", // Name of Location
"company_id": 4471, // Id of Company
"created_at": "",
"updated_at": "",
"deleted_at": "", // Timestamps
"sort": 1, // Locations are sorted by increasing Numbers
"action_type": "" // ??? @tamino
"total": 1
and password
are the credentials for the login
. To get an authentication token
for using the API a successful login
is required.
- See!/login/postApiV1Login to create a login.
Example Login
"success": true, // Was Login Action successful?
"info": "Logged in", // Login State
"authentication_token": "", // Automatically generated by Login
"User": { // User Information (See User for more)
"Company": { // Company Information (See Company for more)
The newsfeed
contains notifications about created absences
, evaluations
, punch times
, requests
and shiftplans
. It is also possible to send messages via newsfeed
- See!/newsfeeds/getApiV1Newsfeeds for fetching all newsfeeds.
- See!/newsfeeds/postApiV1Newsfeeds to create a newsfeed.
Example Newsfeed
"items": [
"id": 1337, // Id of Newsfeed
"company_id": 54, // Id of Company
"user_id": 4471, // Id of User
"key": "shiftplan.published", // Key to Newsfeed Object
"objekt_id": 13377, // Id of Newsfeed Object
"objekt_type": "Shiftplan", // Type of Newsfeed Object
"subjekt_id": null, // Id of Subject
"subjekt_type": null, // Type of Subject
"context_id": 58, // Id of Context
"context_type": "Location", // Type of Context
"message": null, // If applicable this contains Message send via Newsfeed
"created_at": "",
"updated_at": "", // Timestamps
"company": {
"name": "shyftplan", // Name of Company
"picture_data": { // Avatar of Company
Notification configurations
define whether a user
gets a notification via mobile or as an email automatically sent when a notification appears on the newsfeed
- See!/notification_configurations/getApiV1NotificationConfigurations for fetching all notification configurations.
- See!/notification_configurations/putApiV1NotificationConfigurationsId to update a notification configuration.
- See!/notification_configurations/getApiV1NotificationConfigurationsId for fetching an existing notification configuration.
Example Notification Configuration
"items": [
"id": 1337, // Id of Noticifation Configuration
"absences_mail": true, // Should Absence Notifications be sent as an E-Mail?
"absences_mobile": true, // Should Absence Notifications be sent to the Users Mobile Device?
"evaluations_mail": true, // Should Evaluation Notifications be sent as an E-Mail?
"evaluations_mobile": true, // Should Evaluation Notifications be sent to the User’s Mobile Device?
"messages_mobile": true, // Should Messages be sent to the User’s Mobile Device?
"stakeholder_requests_mail": true, // Should Stakeholders receive Shift Requests as an E-Mail?
"requests_mobile": true, // Should Users receive accepted/declined Shift Request Notifications on their Mobile Device?
"shiftplans_mobile": true, // Should Shiftplan Notifications be sent to the User’s Mobile Device?
"staff_messages_mobile": true, // Should Staff Messages be sent to the User’s Mobile Device?
"employment_id": 4471, // Id of Employment
"created_at": "",
"updated_at": "", // Timestamps
"stakeholder_absences_mobile": true, // Should Stakeholders receive Absence Requests on their Mobile Device?
"stakeholder_evaluations_mobile": true, // Should Stakeholders receive Evaluation Suggestions on their Mobile Device?
"stakeholder_requests_mobile": true, // Should Stakeholders receive Evaluation Suggestions on their Mobile Device?
"stakeholder_auto_punchout_mobile": true, // Should Stakeholders receive Auto Punch Out Notifications on their Mobile Device?
"auto_punchout_mobile": true, // Should Users receive Auto Punch Out Notifications on their Mobile Device?
"stakeholder_absences_mail": true, // Should Stakeholders receive Absence Notifications as an E-Mail?
"stakeholder_auto_request_change_accept_mobile": true, // Should Stakeholders receive Auto Shift Change Requests on their Mobile Device?
"stakeholder_auto_request_change_accept_mail": true, // Should Stakeholders receive Auto Shift Change Requests as an E-Mail?
"stakeholder_shift_application_mobile": true, // Should Stakeholders receive Shift Applications on their Mobile Device?
"stakeholder_shift_application_mail": true, // Should Stakeholders receive Shift Applications as an E-Mail?
"application_request_refused_mail": true, // Should Users receive Application Request Refusals as an E-Mail?
"application_request_refused_mobile": true // Should Users receive Application Request Refusals on their Mobile Device?
"total": 7,
Paygrade types
represent different salary and compensation models a company can have designated to use for an employees payment
They are specified on company
level, position
level or employee level. Paygrades
set on position
level will override paygrades
on company
level, paygrades
set on employee level will override paygrades
on company
and position
Please keep in mind that it is not possible to set more than one paygrade
for an employee with same paygrade type
and same position
- See!/paygrade_types/getApiV1PaygradeTypes for fetching all paygrade types.
- See!/paygrade_types/getApiV1PaygradeTypesId for fetching an existing paygrade type.
Example Paygrade Type
"id": 1337, // Id of Paygrade Type
"name": "Regular", // Type of Pay (Fixed/Bonus Fixed/Hourly/Bonus Percentage)
"pay_type": "fixed", // Type of Pay (Fixed/Bonus Fixed/Hourly/Bonus Percentage)
"company_id": , // Id of Company
"deleted_at": "",
"created_at": "",
"updated_at": "",
"start_time": null,
"end_time": null, // Timestamps
"special_day": false, // Does this Paygrade Type apply for a Special Day e.g. a Holiday?
"monday": true,
"tuesday": true,
"wednesday": true,
"thursday": true,
"friday": true,
"saturday": false,
"sunday": false, // Days of Validation
"min_minutes": 0, // Information about Paygrade Validation in Minutes
"selection": null, // ??? @tamino How many times is this Paygrade Type applied?
"paychex_la": null, // ??? @tamino How many Paychex have been calculated with this Paygrade Type?
define the total amount of money an employee
earns from a shift.
Note that to be able to receive payment
information about an employee's performed shifts the
staff shift id` is required.
- See!/staff_shifts/getApiV1StaffShifts to get the staff shift id required for payment requests.
- See!/payments/getApiV1PaymentsStaffShiftId for fetching an existing payment for a staff shift.
Example Payment
"id": 1337, // Id of Payment
"type": "AdminPayment", // Type of Payment ??? @tamino
"value": 10, // Value of Paygrade Type
"paygrade_type_id": 7331, // Id of Paygrade Type
"is_edited": false, // Is the Payment editable?
"inherited_from": „company“, // Where has the Paygrade been created? (Company/Position/Employee)
"display_name": „regular, fixed“, // Display name is put together from Name of Paygrade and Type of Paygrade
"sum_with_shift": 480, // Length of Shift in Minutes
"paygrade_type": {
"id": 6844, // Id of Paygrade Type
"name": „regular“, // Name of Paygrade Type
"pay_type": „fixed“ // Type of Paygrade
Punch Timings
define punched start and end time of a shift, as well as punched breaks. Punch Timing
a can be activated on any mobile device with the shyftplan app and on
- See!/punch_timings/postApiV1PunchTimingsStart for starting punch time session.
- See!/punch_timings/postApiV1PunchTimingsShiftCreate for creating a shift via punch time.
- See!/punch_timings/putApiV1PunchTimingsId for updating punch time.
- See!/punch_timings/postApiV1PunchTimingsPunchTimingIdPunchBreaks to start break.
- See!/punch_timings/putApiV1PunchTimingsPunchTimingIdPunchBreaksId to end break.
- See!/punch_timings/getApiV1PunchTimings for fetching current punch time company.
- See!/punch_timings/getApiV1PunchTimingsFetchLocationsPositions for fetching location positions.
- See!/punch_timings/getApiV1PunchTimingsPunchTime for fetching all punch ins. // is that correct? ??? @tamino
- See!/punch_timings/getApiV1PunchTimingsRecord for fetching status.
Example Punch Timing
"success": true, // Punch Timings Status
"company_name": "" // Name of Company
define the way a user
is able to use shyftplan. Rights
can be individually assigned to a user
. Only owners in any case and stakeholders with the same rights
they want to assign to a user
can do so. Choosing the accurate rights
for a stakeholder is depending on company
internal agreements about their operational area.
Rights associated to shifts
can be listed as view rights
and manage rights
. These rights
are conjoint like this:
Assigning view rights
doesn’t affect manage rights
Deleting view rights
affect manage rights
Assigning manage rights
affect view rights
Deleting manage rights
doesn’t affect view rights
- See!/rights/getApiV1Rights for fetching all rights.
- See!/rights/getApiV1RightsMy for fetching all rights applying to user.
- See!/rights/deleteApiV1RightsId to take away a right from an employment.
- See!/rights/putApiV1RightsId to assign a right to an employment.
For each location
shifts can either be viewable or hidden. All positions
within said location
are being considered, also when deleting this right.
- See!/rights/deleteApiV1RightsLocationShiftShowRight to delete a user’s right to view all shifts of a location.
- See!/rights/putApiV1RightsLocationShiftShowRight to assign the right to view all shifts of a location to a user.
While regarding each position
individually within a location
shifts can either be viewable or hidden.
- See!/rights/deleteApiV1RightsLocationsPositionShiftShowRight to delete a user’s right to view a certain position of a location.
- See!/rights/putApiV1RightsLocationsPositionShiftShowRight to assign the right to view a certain position of a location to a user.
For each location
can be managed. This means a shift
is not only visible to the stakeholder, but can be edited, removed and created for all employees
working at the applied location
All position
within said location
are being considered. All manage shift rights
translate to matching view shift right
when they are being assigned. Removing a location
from manage right this location
is still viewable.
- See!/rights/deleteApiV1RightsLocationShiftManageRight to delete a user’s right to manage all shifts of a location.
- See!/rights/putApiV1RightsLocationShiftManageRight to assign the right to manage all shifts of a location to a user.
While regarding each position
individually within a location
shifts can also be managed.
- See!/rights/deleteApiV1RightsLocationsPositionShiftManageRight to delete a user’s right to manage a certain position of a location.
- See https://!/rights/putApiV1RightsLocationsPositionShiftManageRight to assign the right to manage a certain position of a location to a user.
Every shift has a payment
that can be viewed if necessary.
- See!/rights/deleteApiV1RightsLocationPaymentShowRight to delete a user’s right to view payments for all shifts of a location.
- See!/rights/putApiV1RightsLocationPaymentShowRight to assign the right to view payments for all shifts of a location to a user.
While regarding each position
individually within a location
, payments
for shifts of said position
can be viewed.
- See!/rights/deleteApiV1RightsLocationsPositionPaymentShowRight to delete a user’s right to view payments for all shifts in a certain position of a location.
- See!/rights/putApiV1RightsLocationsPositionPaymentShowRight to assign the right to view payments for all shifts in a certain position of a location to a user.
Every shift has a payment
that can be managed by a stakeholder. While managing payments
within a location
the view right
for this location
are automatically assigned as well. While when deleting the manage right
, the view right
for payments
still remains until this right is being deleted individually.
- See!/rights/deleteApiV1RightsLocationPaymentManageRight to delete a user’s right to manage payments for all shifts in a certain position of a location
- See!/rights/putApiV1RightsLocationPaymentManageRight to assign the right to manage payments for all shifts in a certain position of a location to a user.
While regarding each position
individually within a location
, payments
for shifts of said position can be managed.
- See!/rights/deleteApiV1RightsLocationsPositionPaymentManageRight to delete a user’s right to manage payments for a certain position of a location.
- See!/rights/putApiV1RightsLocationsPositionPaymentManageRight to assign the right to manage payments for a certain position of a location to a user.
Example Right
"id": 4277, // Id of Right
"context_id": 1337, // Id of Context
"context_type": "", // Type of Context (e.g. Location/Position/Punch Time etc.)
"name": "", // Name of Right (e.g. location_“locationId“_show_right)
"company_id": 1147, // Id of Company
"created_at": "",
"updated_at": "", // Timestamps
"is_possible_to_set": true // Is this Right possible to set?
demonstrate key-value pairs that can be added to a custom language
. In order to use translations
it is mandatory to create a custom language
While the key for the translation is a given value, the translation is arbitrary. This way it is possible to generate a new dictionary for the shyftplan software or customize terms and definitions according to the companies internal structure.
- See!/translations/getApiV1Translations for fetching all translations.
- See!/translations/postApiV1Translations to create a translation.
- See!/translations/deleteApiV1TranslationsId to delete a translation.
- See!/translations/getApiV1TranslationsId for fetching an existing translation.
- See!/translations/putApiV1TranslationsId to edit an existing translation.
Example Translation
"id": 1147, // Id of Translation
"language_id": 3, // Id of Language
"key": "", // Keys are listed when fetching all Translations
"value": "" // new desired Translation
A user
can be an employee, a stakeholder and/or the company owner. As soon as someone is invited to shyftplan a new user
has been created.
can be associated with several companies
To delete a user
it has to be done by deleting the user’s
associated with the particular company the user
is leaving.
- See!/users/getApiV1Users for fetching all users.
- See!/users/postApiV1Users to add a user employment.
- See!/users/postApiV1UsersChangeLocale to change locale.
- See!/users/getApiV1UsersId for fetching an existing user.
- See!/users/putApiV1UsersId to edit an existing user employment.
Example User
"id": 3313, // Id of User
"email": "", // Email-address of the User
"created_at": ...,
"updated_at": ..., // Timestamps
"current_company_id": 54, // Id of current Company the User logged in to
"current_location_id": 4711, // Id of current Location the User has selected
"invitation_created_at": ...,
"invitation_sent_at": ...,
"invitation_accepted_at": ..., // Timestamps
"invited_by_id": "", // Id of User that sent the invite
"invited_by_type": , // Type of User that sent the invite (stakeholder/owner)
"phone_number": 03088789603, // Phone Number of User
"deleted_at": "", // Timestamp
"locale": "", // ??? @tamino
"is_inactive": false, // Is the User inactive?