Full customizable calendar widget for Android 4 and above. The main goal is to create a customized calendar widget that is easy to use while it can be adapted for unique design. I follow the AdapterView concept because I am using the GridView with smart populating.
In 2012, I made a Calendar widget to and Android application which could be used several times. I decided to clean the code and published. I hope to it will be useful.
There is enough to download only the calendarview-library which contains all neccessary files.
public class CustomCalendarAdapter extends CalendarBaseAdapter {
public CustomCalendarAdapter(Context context) {
public View getDateHeaderView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent, CalendarDateHeader calendarDate) {
// Return the days of the weeks view
public View getDateView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent, CalendarDate calendarDate, int monthType) {
// Just an usual recycling implementation...
if(convertView == null){
// .... inflating custim view for show days
// Coloring by date
Date currentDay = calendarDate.getDate();
if(monthType == MONTH_TYPE_CURRENT) { // Actual month
// Today
}else if(monthType == MONTH_TYPE_PREVIOUSLY || monthType == MONTH_TYPE_NEXT) {
// Previously or next month
return convertView;
CustomCalendarAdapter calendarAdapter = new CustomCalendarAdapter(MainActivity.this);
CalendarView calendarView = (CalendarView) findViewById(R.id.calendar);
If you want to start the week on CalendarView, just set it using by setFirstDayMonday().
The CalendarView using the yyyy. MMMM formula to date formatting. If you do not like it, then you can change with the new SimpleDateFormat. Here is the symbol meaning.
calendarView.setDateTextFormat(new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM", Locale.getDefault()));
It is possible to access the all UI components of CalendarView because of available via getters.
calendarView.getPrevButton(); // Jump to previously month button
calendarView.getNextButton(); // Jump to next month button
calendarView.getDateTextView(); // Actual date textview
calendarView.getDaysGridView(); // GridView with days of the week and other days
Here is the structure to better understanding.
| | | | DaysGridView explain
| Prev | Date | Next |
| | | | --------------------------------------
------------------------------------- | Mo | Tu | We | Th | Fr | Sat | Sun |
| | --------------------------------------
| | | Days of prev. month | |
| | |----------------------- |
| | >>>> | |
| Days | | |
| | | Days of current month |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | -----------------------|
| | | | Days of next month |
------------------------------------- --------------------------------------
calendarView.showDate(date); // jump to date
calendarView.setOnCalendarChangeListener(new CalendarView.OnCalendarChangeListener() {
public void onMonthChanged(int newYear, int newMonth) {
calendarView.setOnDateClickListener(new CalendarView.OnDateClickListener() {
public void onDateClick(Date date, View view) {
It's really easy, just you need to add an empty View in your CalendarAdapter.
public View getDateHeaderView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent, CalendarDateHeader calendarDate) {
return new View();
- Store objects by date
- AAR in maven repo
See the LICENSE file in the project root.