A real-time chat application that uses react, react-router, and react hooks in its UI to reflect changes with immediate effect. Implemented backend in node.js using the express framework and native 'HTTP' module. The real-time messaging functionality is achieved using socket.io.
Built with
Prerequisite - Install Node and VS-Code on your device.
Fork the project & fire up a terminal to enter the following command:
$ git clone [email protected]:<username>/chatbox-app.git
cd into the project folder using:
$ cd ./chatbox-app/
To open the project in Visual Studio Code, enter:
$ code .
Open another tab in your terminal and cd into the client directory on tab and into the server directory on another, & run the following command on both:
$ npm i
This will install the required node modules to get you started.
Finally, run this command on both tabs to start the respective servers.
$ npm start
- Enter your name as well as enter the name of the room you want to join/create.
- Click/Touch the Join button.
- Share you room's name with you friends and ask them to join.
- Type in your messages and hit 'Enter'.
- The app provides support for classic emojis.
This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.