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sysbuild Build Status

Source code for the Linux-In-The-Browser project used in the CS 241 (System Programming) course at UIUC. View it live here.

Use the issue tracker to submit bug reports and feature requests. If you would like to work on this project, continue reading to get started.

Project folder structure

├── app/                      Application source code
│   ├── images/               Images/pictures
│   ├── jor1k/                The jor1k project source copied by grunt during setup
│   ├── jor1k_hd_images/      Disk images for the Virtual Machine
│   ├── scripts/              Javascript files
│   ├── styles/               SASS and CSS files
│   └── sysassets/            Files from the sysassets project copied by grunt during setup
├── dist/                     The distributable application output by the build process
├── bower_components/         Dependencies installed by Bower
├── node_modules/             Dependencies installed by npm
├── sys-gh-pages-config/      Config for the application deployed on production
└── test/                     Tests
    └── spec/

This project was scaffolded using the Yeoman webapp generator.

Development environment set up

  1. Set up Git and install node.js. Node's package manager (npm) comes bundled.

  2. Globally install Bower and Grunt. You might need to use sudo or run the command as an Administrator if it fails due to missing permissions, because of the location npm installs global packages in.
    npm install -g bower grunt-cli

  3. Fork this repository. Clone your forked git repository.
    git clone

  4. Change to the project directory.
    cd sysbuild/

  5. Configure Git to sync your fork with the original repository.
    git remote add upstream

  6. Install dependencies and set up the project.
    npm install

Useful commands

  • Run a development server. Automatically launches default browser. Also supports live reloading, which means changes automatically show up without the need to refresh the page. Files are also watched for changes - JSHint is automatically run on the changed JS files, changed SASS files are automatically compiled, etc.
    grunt serve

  • If you add a new bower component, you might want to automatically inject supported Bower components into the HTML file.
    grunt bowerInstall

  • Run JSHint.
    grunt jshint

  • Run tests.
    grunt test

  • Run a local test server, to run the tests in a browser. Navigate to http://localhost:9001 after running the following.
    grunt testserver


  1. Make sure your fork is up to date with the upstream repository. See
    git fetch upstream
    git checkout master
    git merge upstream/master
    git push origin master

  2. Create a new branch to make changes or add a new feature.
    git checkout -b my_awesome_feature_branch

  3. Stage your changes before committing. Type the following for every added/modified/deleted file.
    git add path/to/modified_file

  4. Commit your changes. Do this often.
    git commit -m "I changed this to that and fixed bla."

  5. Push the branch to origin so that others can see it.
    git push origin my_awesome_feature_branch

  6. Create a pull request for merging into the upstream master. Wait for someone to review your code and merge your changes. Make sure you followed the code guidelines below. If you were working on an issue, you can have the issue closed automatically when the pull request is merged.

Code guidelines

  • We have an editor config file for maintaining a consistent coding style. Read more and download plugins at

  • Please include tests whenever possible.

  • Keep accessibility in mind when writing HTML.

  • Make sure there are no JSHint errors.

  • Make sure all tests pass.

  • Avoid pushing changes to master. Most changes should be in their own branch, which should then be merged into upstream/master through a pull request. Your fork's master should always be in sync with upstream/master. If you made your changes in your master branch and your pull request gets rejected, your master branch will be ahead of upstream/master and it is hard to cleanup. Therefore, always make changes in a new branch.

  • We use Travis CI for continuous integration. Every time you open a pull request and make commits onto it, a build is triggered. Sometimes you will make commits which do not need a build to be created (for example, editing the README or non-code changes). In that case, just add [skip ci] somewhere in your commit message. Learn more.


We use GitHub Pages for hosting the application. The production repository is and the staging repository is You will need push access to the appropriate repository before you can deploy.

  1. Build the distributable project (output in the dist/ folder).
    grunt build

  2. Deploy to staging.
    grunt deploy:staging

  3. Deploy to production.
    grunt deploy:prod



Lawrence Angrave

2014-15 Contributors - UIUC Students

Anant Singh
Eric Ahn
Joseph Tran
Keagan McClelland
Neelabh Gupta
Scott Walters
Siddharth Seth

Open source projects

The Virtual Machine is powered by the jor1k project.
The code editor is powered by Ace.


See LICENSE.txt.

Open source licences

jor1k is distributed under the terms of the Simplified BSD License.
Bootstrap is released under the MIT license and is copyright 2014 Twitter.
Ace ( Cloud9 Editor) is BSD licenced and is Copyright (c) 2010, B.V.


Build tools for sys







No releases published


No packages published


  • JavaScript 55.3%
  • ApacheConf 20.3%
  • HTML 20.0%
  • CSS 4.4%