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Siddhartha Gadgil edited this page Dec 10, 2019 · 2 revisions

Terms and Types

Mathematical Objects

We implement (homotopy) type theory foundations in scala. Thus,

  • essentially all mathematical objects are terms.
  • each term has a type, usually unique.
  • types are themselves terms.

In scala terms, these translate to:

  • a trait Term
  • a trait Typ extending term (with an additional type parameter as we see later).
  • an abstract method typ in the trait Term, giving the type.


Foundations specify certain kinds, of rules, namely,

  • formation rules for terms (including types).
  • determining the type of a term.
  • determining when two terms are definitionally equal.
  • (for non-closed terms) result of substituting a term for another of the same type in a given term.

In scala, these are implemented as

  • (case) classes for forming terms and types.
  • implementations of the typ method.
  • the equality method -- overridden in some cases.
  • a method subs for terms, inherited from a trait Subs.

Refined types

  • There are some refinements to the traits and their sub-classes. These are so that the scala type (which is seen by the compiler) has some information of the underlying HoTT type of terms - which a priori are just given by the typ method, and so are purely at runtime.

  • Specifically, we have types corresponding to (among others)

    • (dependent) functions: as scala functions
    • types: as a scala trait.
    • pairs: as a scala trait, which relates these to scala pairs.
    • recursive combinations of these.
  • Dually, the trait Typ, actually Typ[+U <: Term] has

    • a type parameter U giving an upper bound on terms having this HoTT typ.
    • an inner typ Obj in general refining U.

Scala Representations

For efficiency, many terms can be represented as scala objects. Formally these are additional constants.