Every year millions of people suffer from the inability to express their emotions and feel tormented as they are forced to fight the battle against mental illness alone.
InstaMeet aims to address the issue of mental illness through the arrangement of instantaneous meetups among people who share similar issues. Through common topic discussions, they can recover together, and work towards a healthier and better future.
The app matches people who have undergone certain traumas in the past (ex. Alchoholism, PTSD, depression and mental health), with others who have undergone, or are undergoing similar experiences.
The app differs from traditional support groups, as the app allows on-demand/instantaneous match with others using the app. Furthermore, the app also automatically generates the best location for meeting by taking into account geolocation, characteristics of meeting places, and etc.
After meeting others, the users can choose to write a short sentence on their experiences. Overtime, these sentiment analysis will be cumulated to give overall insight on the mood of the user, and how it may have changed overtime.
Core Features - Instantaneous meetup with other users, Optimal location/route, Feedback Sentiment Analysis and Tracking
Swift 5 - iOS app
Firebase - Storage
Framer/Illustrator/Photoshop - Design
Maps - Showcase the optimal spot and route for hangout
Python - Flask Web Server for Google Apps Engine
Design/Development - Difficult to integrate beautiful complex designs into the front end given the time constraints
Google API - Difficult integration due to difficult to comprehend documentation
Chat Feature - allowing users to call/video call other users
Additional Sentimental Analysis - to better comprehend where we can help the users