Scan Files/Folders on Android Storage Device/Internal Device
The following are required to make the Media Scanner work properly in a Android platform. Follow the below instruction.
- Install using npm cordova Refer to Android File System layout.
- Install to manage external/internal storage for Marshmallow 6.0. It will ask for permission .For < 6.0 it will automatically works.
- add reference to media-scan.js in HTML5 Markup
- Add reference to Angularjs . This is a Angularjs based cordova project
- After reference has been added then kindly add as a DI
var app = angular.module("myApp",[""]);
Then in a Controller Inject Media
app.controller('globalCtrl', ['Media','$q',function (Media,$q)
To call the Media Scanner.
var url = [
fileType = ["mp3"];
function permissionRespfunction(resp)
//load Loader
var respArray =[];
var file = Media.scan(url,fileType);
log("Before Removing Duplicates");
$scope.fileScan = Media.removeDuplicates(resp,"name"); //remove duplicaes based on Name
log("After Removing Duplicates");
log("No Media Found...Please Scan Again");
else if(resp=="NOT_REQUESTED")
Media.permission(permissionRespfunction); //Func Ends
else if(resp=="DENIED")
Media.permission(permissionRespfunction); //Func Ends
else if(resp=="DENIED_ALWAYS")
Media.permission(permissionRespfunction); //Func Ends
else if(resp=="DENIED_ALWAYS")
Media.permission(permissionRespfunction); //Func Ends
Media.permission(permissionRespfunction); //Func Ends
Media.permission(cb) : this is a async func which check for permission if on marshmallow 6.0 and above. For <6.0 it will not ask for permission. cb is a callback function.
var file = Media.scan(url,fileType) : It is a promises which return all the files based on the file Type. Kindly refer to the above example. The fileType is a file extension as an array. for url please refer to Android File System.
Media.removeDuplicates : this function removes duplicates from the promise returned from Media.scan(url,fileType)
If you have any suggestion please feel free to ping me. Please file a bug report if you have some so that i can make it more future proof and fault tolerance. Work under dev for Angular 4/6
This is for the people. MIT.