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An AngularJS Wrapper/Binding for Framework7 which enables to write Framework7 using NG

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AngularJS Wrapper around Framework7 is a Hybrid Application development API based Framework with its own eco system of UI Components/Routing specifically targeted towards Android/iOS app development all using HTML5 and CSS3.

NG7 is a wrapper or to be more precise a binding framework which help binds Framework7 and AngularJS together. NG7 allows existing developers to quickly start with Framework7 Components without reinventing the learning curve(However,UI Components CSS need to be look into). NG7 allows Framework7 UI Components to be written in AngularJS way.

Getting Started

This is a wrapper around Framework7. This wrapper helps initialize Framework7 to be written as an AngularJS Application. All AngularjS Feature are supported along with Framework7 Download WinDevice WinDevice for logging and Bootstrapping Application on** Android/iPhone/Browser**.

WinDevice is required . If not using winDevice then use the below code and copy/paste into js file.

log = console.log.bind(console);
warn = console.warn.bind(console);
error = console.error.bind(console);


This wrapper requires basic knowledge of AngularJS and Framework7 to bootstrap.


Donwload the ** Framework7-angular ** or clone it. add a reference to file in ** index.html **

<script src="Framework7-angular/providers/framework7-providers.js" ></script>

Ensure you have also added jquery. Currently i am using jquery version


This is a base init file and must be referenced ** (required) **

In your AngularJS Application add reference ** framework7.core ** to DI (Dependency Injection) in angular.module

var app = angular.module("myApp",["framework7.core"]);

Ensure Framework7 and AngularJS are referenced before in ** index.html **


add reference in config block of AngularJS ** "framework7CoreProvider" **

index.html reference

<body ng-controller="globalCtrl" ng-cloak class="layout-dark theme-indigo" disable-tap>
    <div class="statusbar-overlay"></div>
    <div class="panel-overlay"></div>
    <div class="searchbar-overlay"></div>
    <!-- Add  PopOver Pages Prehand -->
    <div class="views">
        <div class="view view-main">
            <div class="pages navbar-fixed">
                <!-- this is where the dynamically pages will load -->
log = console.log.bind(console);
warn = console.warn.bind(console);
error = console.error.bind(console);

  app.config(['framework7Provider',function(framework7Provider) {

                    modalTitle: 'iRover Cabs',
                    material: true,
                    pushState: false, //Would be False if Cordova Is Detected
                    angular: true,
                    domCache: true,
                    swipePanel: 'left',
                    tapHold: true //enable tap hold events

                }, function(resp) {
                    log("Initialize Service");
                    //Perform Check if User is Authorized To Landing Page Else Send To Login
                    //Before Routing To Landing CHeck For Permission For Request Device Feature
                    //isLocationAvailable isLocationAuthorized

                    //window.location.hash = "#!components/landing/templates/landing.html";
                }).event(function() {
                    log("No Event Are Prescribed");
                    state: 'landing',
                    path: 'components/landing/templates/landing.html',
                    type: 'page'

                    state: 'global',
                    path: 'components/global/templates/test.html',
                    type: 'popup',
                    className : '.global'

                .landingRoute({ state: 'landing' });
    ]);['$rootScope', function($rootScope) {


API Reference

ng7 supports rich set of API which enables any NG application to initialize using Framework7

var options = 
      modalTitle: 'Framework7',
      material: true,
      pushState: true,
     ** angular: true,**
      domCache: true,
      swipePanel: 'left'


** framework7Provider.init **
Provides a one time configuration to initiazlize Framework7 from app.config block. For Options <
Please refer to Framework7. angular: true must always be passed as a key value pair parameter in options. (Required). Failing to pass angular: true will result in ng7 errors or unexpected behavior

**framework7Provider.event ** This Functions allows to add Framework7 Page Level Events From Config Block. ** event ** function enables to initialize and pass Event for Framework7. This is a one time activity.

Routing Ng7 currently routing using state management. while initiazation in config the state can be passed as follow. you can create a JSON Object containing the page type,path,and state name. (For type=='popup' there is an additional property className which help identify the popup in Framework7. This popup className is mandatory as it is requiered to track the popup to open)

            state: 'landing',
            path: 'components/landing/templates/landing.html',
            type: 'page'

            state: 'global',
            path: 'components/global/templates/test.html',
            type: 'popup',
            className: '.global'

    .landingRoute({ state: 'landing' });

This provided the basic for State. By Default it is mandatory to provide landing or default route. Refer to the below html for popup. this has reference to classsName global

    <div class="popup global">
      <div class="view">
        <div class="page">
          <div class="navbar">
            <div class="navbar-inner">
              <div class="title">Popup</div>
              <div class="right">
                <!-- Link to close popup -->
                <a class="link popup-close">Close</a>
        <div class="page-content">

referrence the code for page

    <div data-page="landing" class="page toolbar-fixed navbar-fixed" ng-controller="landingCtrl">
        <div class="navbar">
            <div class="navbar-inner">
                <div class="left"><a href class="link open-panel icon-only open-panel"><i class="icon icon-bars"></i></a></div>
                <div class="center">Test PaGe</div>
                <div class="right"><a href class="link icon-only" ng-ref='global'><i class="fa fa-search"></i></a></div>
        <a href ng7-page="global" class="floating-button color-pink">
        <i class="icon icon-plus"></i>

It is not required to reference or load pages in index.html beforehand. to navigate between pages and popup pages use the below directive in html


        <div class="right"><a href class="link icon-only" ng-ref='global'><i class="fa fa-search"></i></a></div>

to use navigation from controller refer to the below code for reference.

app.controller('globalCtrl', ['framework7', function(framework7) {
    $rootScope.framework7 = framework7;
    $rootScope.geolocation = geolocation;
    $rootScope.notification = notification;
    $rootScope.background = background;

use $rootScope.framework7.gotoPage(<STATE_NAME>) in controllers or framework7.gotoPage(<STATE_NAME>) in html.

NG7 API Documentation

Below is the list of API built around Framework7 API. These API are wrapper for AngularJS

API Description
framework7.picker() -Open Time Picker with Date
framework7.datePicker() Open Picker for Date only.
framework7.modal.alert() Provide Modal with Custom Message. Suport Object.
framework7.modal.confirm() Confirmation Modal with a Callback for success or failure based on click
framework7.modal.indicatorShow() Show Async Screen loader while loading http request or Pages
framework7.modal.indicatorHide() Hide loader once request is done Screen loader with custom elements
framework7.preloader.hide() Hide screen loader.

Further work is in progress and i would release the full documentation with details such as function arguments.



This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details


  • This NG7 Wrapper is based on work of Ashwin Kumar Suthar
  • and was inspired from Ashwin Kumar Suthar
  • This is still under development and would be migrated to Angular 2/4 Specs in next release
  • Working on new Feature request. This repo might be moved to a new project for Angular 4/6 and Vue.js


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