Event Table Edit (abbrev. ETE) is a free and open source table plugin for Joomla 3.x (I am working on Joomla 4.x and PHP 8.0 right now).
Update 01.03.2022: We are proud to release ETE for Joomla 4.x here: https://github.com/Theophilix/EventTableEdit. That's why the repo name of this repo has been changed to "old".
With the plugin, you can create a responsive, editable table with CSV import and export function and XML export/import for table settings. It also has a full rights management (Joomla ACL). A small additional plugin (Content - Load ETE) allows users to display two or more tables in an article (since 4.8.4 version). It is installed automatically, but can be uninstalled without any consequences if this function is not desired. You can transform the table into an appointment booking system with confirmation emails for users and the admin, including iCal calendar files for both in the attachment. Moreover, you can use the booking system to create a volunteer table for an event, where volunteers can enter their names if they want to help for a certain time. As it is based on a CSS-template, the layout of the table can be changed easily. The responsive function is based on the "Column Toggle Table with Mini Map" from the tablesaw plugins (https://github.com/filamentgroup/tablesaw).
Try all the functions (including backend) on the demo site: https://demo.eventtableedit.com. Log in as user or admin with the given login credentials.
Download latest version 4.8.8 (release date: 02.07.2021): https://github.com/Theophilix/event-table-edit/archive/master.zip.
Download older versions here: https://github.com/Theophilix/event-table-edit/releases.
Version history: scroll down to "II".
- Editable table (insert pictures, BBCode...)
- Sorting options (A-Z, Z-A, natural sorting is used)
- Choice of layout mode (stack, swipe, toggle) for enhanced responsiveness
- Instant filter / search
- Search and replace function (if admin is logged in)
- Multiple appointment booking function with confirmation email and ICAL calendar (.ics file) attachment, admin can edit cells (bookings) from frontend.
- Complete rights management (Joomla ACL: add/delete rows, edit cells, rearrange rows, administer table from frontend)
- Multilingual (currently available: DE, EN)
- CSV and TXT import with different formats (text, date, time, integer, float, boolean, four state, link, mail) and import settings (separator, values in quotes or not)
- CSV Export
- XML import and export: import and export a table (normal or appointment) with all settings
- Own CSS based template
- A small additional plugin ("Content - Load ETE") allows users to display two or more tables in an article (since 4.8.4). It is installed automatically but can be uninstalled without any consequences if this function is not desired.
Frontend view options:
- Sort columns (setting in rights management)
- Delete rows (setting in rights management)
- Add rows (setting in rights management)
- Filter rows / Instant search
- Pagination
- Print view
- Administer table (setting in rights management) with quick csv export and import (new since 4.8.7)
Backend options:
a) General
- Normal or appointment booking function
- Options for appointment booking function:
- ICAL / .ics-File options (location, subject, name of file)
- Set admin email address and email display name
- Confirmation email settings (chose subject and message text with appointment-date and -time-variables)
- CSV Import and Export (quick csv export and import via admin login in frontend)
- Show or hide user names to user or admin
- Set timelimit for bookings
- option to send two or more appoinment informations in one ics file
- add global options, so admins can offer options (p. ex. different persons or services) and users can choose them from a list. If a user clicks on an option, the specific appointment table, that has been set in backend, is loaded.
- Show or hide table title
- Usertext before and after table
- Show or hide column to delete or sort rows
- Enable automatic column sorting when table is loaded
- Use Metadata
- Enhanced SEO
- Support for BB-Code (including emoticons and option to censor offensive words, more info: https://github.com/milesj/decoda)
b) Layout / Style
Choose or select:
- Date format
- Time format
- Float separator ("," or ".")
- Cell spacing
- Cell padding
- Colors of alternating rows
- Maximum length of cell content
- Display table in the same, or a new window
- Activate table scroll function, define height
Please post all feature requests in the issues tab.
For version 4.8.8:
[1] Normal mode
- bugfix: Frontend problems after updating to 4.8.6 Theophilix#183
- bugfix: Fehler 1054 - Unknown column 'corresptable' in 'field list' #186 Theophilix#186
- bugfix: Error '500 - JHtmlIcon::email not found.' when plugin Content - Load ETE is activated Theophilix#187
[2] Appointment mode
- bugfix: Frontend: Appointment tables: Swipe layout - Last swiping - move produces error Theophilix#185
For version 4.8.7:
[1] Normal mode
- enhancement: Frontend: Admin view: New buttons for csv export + import next to administrate table button with drop field Theophilix#113
- enhancement: Frontend: Appointment tables: Frontend and backend: Enable all layout modes Theophilix#180
- bugfix: Normal tables: Can not create a new table - forms are missing Theophilix#182
[2] Appointment mode
- enhancement: Frontend: Admin view: New buttons for csv export + import next to administrate table button with drop field Theophilix#113
- bugfix: Appointment tables: Frontend: Admin can't edit and change values while logged in Theophilix#181
- bugfix: Normal tables: Can not create a new table - forms are missing Theophilix#182
For version 4.8.6:
[1] Normal mode
- enhancement: Frontend: Admin view: Search and replace values Theophilix#172
For version 4.8.5:
[x] Code improvement
enhancement: Improve and secure ETE-code: Check all ETE .php / .js / .html files or pages with good checking software Theophilix#170
enhancement: Code: Remove all redundant "normal table" code (filter, datatypes...) in files related to appointment booking system Theophilix#53
For version 4.8.4:
[1] Normal mode
- enhancement: Frontend: Update bbcode parser Theophilix#136
- enhancement: Frontend: Add multiple ETE tables to a Joomla page (perhaps with squared brackets [ETE_Tablename]?)Theophilix#160
- bugfix: Frontend: Keep chosen layout when sorting columns Theophilix#164
- bugfix: Frontend: Cursor not at the end of popup value in cells with text or date Theophilix#169
- bugfix: Backend: Layout: Improve layout Theophilix#168
For version 4.8.3:
[1] Normal mode
- enhancement: Backend: Style tab: show example result for date format and time format and colors on mouseover Theophilix#57
- enhancement: Frontend: Shorten long text in cells with css overflow: hidden and text-overflow: ellipsis Theophilix#137
- bugfix: Frontend: Frontend: Layout: Layout problems with checkbox list in column toggle mode Theophilix#163
- bugfix: Frontend: Dropdowns don't work Theophilix#166
- bugfix: Frontend: UX: Put the typing focus on popup, so user can type directly Theophilix#167
For version 4.8.2:
[1] Normal mode
- bugfix: Backend: CSV Import: English language instead of german Theophilix#148
- bugfix: Frontend: Normal table: Layout broken when adding new line in stack or swipe mode Theophilix#159
- bugfix: Frontend: Normal table: edit sort order column disappears if table is sorted by another column Theophilix#157
[2] Appointment mode
- bugfix: Backend: Appointment table: Fix incorrect layout of all mouse-over tool tips Theophilix#154
- bugfix: Frontend: Appointment table: layout problems in booking window Theophilix#155
For version 4.8.1:
[1] Normal mode
- bugfix: Backend: Navi-Menu: No tooltips in XML / CSV Import menus Theophilix#153
- bugfix: Frontend: Layout: Always hide deleting/sorting column if deleting/sorting is forbidden Theophilix#145
- bugfix: Backend: Check all popups, remove obsolete mouseover popups Theophilix#72
- bugfix: Backend: ACL setting access level in backend not working Theophilix#161
- enhancement: Update ETE to newest table saw version Theophilix#93
For version 4.8:
[1] Normal mode
bugfix: Backend: Layout: Info that is shown on mouseover differs in layout Theophilix#150
bugfix: Frontend: Layout: Fix layout problem with stack view Theophilix#143
bugfix: Frontend: Pagination shown if a page class is set in the menu that links to the table Theophilix#134
bugfix: Frontend: Layout: Center Sorting input box vertically Theophilix#116
bugfix: Frontend: Layout: Improve layout (buttons, fields etc.) Theophilix#111
For version 4.7.9:
[1] Normal mode
- bugfix: Frontend: Frontend: No calendar picker when editing date cells Theophilix#152
For version 4.7.8:
[1] Normal mode
- enhancement: Frontend: Join both filters into one instant filter again Theophilix#151
For version 4.7.7:
[1] Normal mode
- enhancement: Frontend: Layout: Change order of layout modes in list Theophilix#144
- enhancement: Backend: Layout option: Choose standard layout (choose from swipe, stack, toggle) Theophilix#149
For version 4.7.6:
[1] Normal mode
- bugfix: Frontend: Sorting with multiple pages Theophilix#21
[2] Appointment mode
- enhancement: Frontend + Backend / Appointment tables: Add dropdown list with global options Theophilix#133
- bugfix: Frontend: Appointment function: Sort order column is visible if admin logs in Theophilix#142
[3] Other
- Frontend/Backend: Fix language issues for german language Theophilix#141
For version 4.7.5:
[1] Normal mode
- bugfix: Frontend: Keep showing first row when scrolling down in long tables Theophilix#66
For version 4.7.4:
[1] Normal mode
- bugfix: Frontend: Layout: Layout not looking good at 1280+ pixel width if delete column is activated: Theophilix#123
- activate table scroll function, define height Theophilix#66 (not working well, do not use this option!)
[2] Appointment mode
- enhancement: Appointment tables: Sort ICS files / date info in email by date: Theophilix#125
- enhancement: Frontend / Appointment tables: Show same date information in email as after click of booking button: Theophilix#131
- enhancement: Frontend / Appointment tables: option to send two or more appoinment informations in one ics file: Theophilix#132
For version 4.7.3:
[1] Normal Mode
- enhancement: Frontend / Backend: Enable sorting when the browser loads the table: Theophilix#128
- bugfix: Hide the delete icon for unauthorized users: Theophilix#129
For version 4.7.2:
[1] Normal Mode
- bugfix: Frontend: Search function not working with email datatype cells Theophilix#122
- bugfix: Update from Version 4.5.4 or lower to actual versions: missing timestamp column causes error Theophilix#130
For version 4.7.1:
[0] General:
- bugfix: differing page titles: Theophilix#121
[2]Appointment mode
- bugfix: Appointment tables: Bug with time / leading zero: Theophilix#120
For version 4.7:
[1] Normal Mode
bugfix: Frontend: Date displayed in wrong format / accept different date formats and enable search: Theophilix#118
bugfix: Frontend: Deleting column is still clickable: Theophilix#117
bugfix: Frontend: Layout: Layout problem when sorting and deleting columns are both active: Theophilix#115
bugfix: Frontend: Layout: Keep view (toggle, swipe/stack) also when searching a date or letters/numbers Theophilix#112
enhancement: Backend: CSV-Import: Remove datatype choice for appointment tables, remove menu. Theophilix#110
bugfix: Frontend: Layout: Normal mode: If user clicks on date, only actual date is shown.: Theophilix#109
bugfix: Frontend: Layout: Swipe mode: last swiping action greys out the button, no return possible: Theophilix#107
bugfix: Frontend: Layout: problems with stack mode: Theophilix#104
bugfix: Frontend: Layout: Stack mode: Popup is transparent, sorting and layout mode is hidden / overlapped.: Theophilix#105
enhancement: backend: general: add new column "last changes" for normal table overwiew Theophilix#97
enhancement: Frontend: Enable stack view also for large screens: Theophilix#52
[2] Appointment mode
- enhancement: Backend: Appointment: Fill newly created appointment table with data Theophilix#85
For version 4.6.6:
[0 General]
enhancement: Backend: CSV Import: Go to menu type of imported table: Theophilix#103
bugfix: Backend: CSV Export: When leaving out table name an error appears Theophilix#100
bugfix: Backend: xml import: wrong german spelling "warnung" should be "Warnung" (capital letter): Theophilix#99
bugfix: Backend: Appointment tables overview: options not working, are linking back to normal tables menu Theophilix#98
[1] Normal mode
enhancement: Frontend: Sorting options: Change "Timestamp" (+ arrow up/down) to "Newest"/"Oldest" Theophilix#101
bugfix: Frontend: Column Toggle Mode: When hiding a column, each click on a cell refreshes tablehttps://github.com/Theophilix/issues/102
For version 4.6.5: [0] General
- enhancement: backend: csv/xml export - activate function to export and import hidden timestamp column Theophilix#95
- enhancement: Backend: when importing a xml, go to the menu type of imported table Theophilix#86
- enhancement: Backend: Show ETE version number Theophilix#83
- bug: backend: general: name of menu is in wrong language Theophilix#96
[1] Normal mode
- Frontend: Layout: Center the pagination select box vertically Theophilix#82
[2] Appointment mode
- enhancement: Appointment / layout: Make "blocked (time limit)" cell as small as reserved cell and remove line spacing between words Theophilix#56
For version 4.6.4:
[0] General
- bugfix: backend: XML Export: don't save any files on webspace Theophilix#84
- bugfix: backend: csv import: imported csv in wrong category (normal instead of appointment), even if settings are correct Theophilix#90
- bugfix: backend: xml import: Warning when trying to upload wrong file format is green Theophilix#94
[1] Normal mode
- bugfix: backend: remove notice when admin edits name (appointment mode) oder edits cell (normal mode) Theophilix#92
[2] Appointment mode
- enhancement: backend: appointment table: add variable first_name and last_name to summary field in ics-file Theophilix#91
For version 4.6.3:
enhancement: Backend: Consequent separation of appointment and normal function tables Theophilix#59 (Delete column is working now!)
enhancement: Frontend / Layout: give delete buttons it's own column, separate it from the change sort order column Theophilix#49
For version 4.6.2:
- bugfix: frontend: In swipe mode, the pagination module is hidden when clicking on swipe buttons Theophilix#51
- bugfix: frontend: Automatically choose stack view for mobile screens Theophilix#61
- enhancement: backend: Consequent separation of appointment and normal function tables Theophilix#59 (Delete column is not working yet!)
[1] Normal mode
- bugfix: Notices: "undefined offset" and " Trying to get property of non-object" Theophilix#80
- bugfix: Caching interferes with edit rights Theophilix#79 <<<<<<< HEAD =======
- bugfix: frontend: Administer table save buttons leads to loss of data Theophilix#88
For version 4.6.1:
[1] Normal mode
- bugfix: notices: "undefined offset" and " Trying to get property of non-object" Theophilix#80
- bugfix: Caching interferes with edit rights Theophilix#79
For version 4.6:
[1] Normal mode
- enhancement: New four state datatype Theophilix#33
- bugfix: stack sorting problem: Theophilix#77
- bugfix: changing ACL settings takes a long time to be saved / made Theophilix#73
For version 4.5.5:
[1] Normal mode
- enhancement: sorting by timestamp Theophilix#74
- bugfix: changed pagination rows standard from 15 to 100: If appointment system is in use, 15 rows are too few. If there are more than 15 rows, the wrong time and date was in ics-File Theophilix#76.
For version 4.5.4:
[1] Normal mode
- bugfix: calendar not working Theophilix#64
- bugfix: compatibility problems with PHP-Version 7.0 and 7.1 Theophilix#65
For version 4.5.3:
[2] Appointment mode
- enhancement: Theophilix#42: Frontend / Appointment function: Allow multiple bookings for the same day and time
- enhancement: new options in backend: "show username to admin" and "show username to user".
- enhancement: admin can insert several usernames separated by ENTER key.
- bugfix: print view now shows exactly what user sees
[3] Universal changes
- bugfix / enhancement: xml download: proposed filename is table name
For version 4.5.2:
[1] Normal mode
- bugfix: layout mode change when using pagination Theophilix#30
[3] Universal changes
- bugfix / enhancement: xml import error and version handling
For version 4.5.1:
[1] Normal mode
- bugfix: uploaded wrong stringparser file -> bbcode works now
- bugfix: “deprecated” warnings in development debug mode
[2] Appointment mode
- enhancement: Theophilix#41: Frontend / Appointment table: admins can edit table values directly (change free -> reserved and vice versa) when logged in to frontend.
For version 4.5:
[1] Normal mode
- enhancement: natural sorting, not perfect yet, but work on it will continue
- bugfix: BBCode is working now
- bugfix: php 7.1 modulo by zero
- bugfix: 800px width (deleting column disappeared)
- bugfix: sort date problem when deleting content of date cell
- bugfix: dropdown fields error
- bugfix: filter problem: a) Umlaut ä/ö/ü + b) filter not working with enter key + c) value does not stay in filter input form after clicking on “show” -> now, 2 input fields
- bugfix: firefox browser asks to refresh page after editing cells
[2] Appointment mode
- bugfix: admin doesn’t get email (was problem with „/“) + email does not show multiple appointments (example: you have an appointment on 05.03.2019 / 06.03.2019 at 17:20 / 17:40)
For version 4.4.3:
[1] Normal mode
- bug removed: Theophilix#27: Locale not recognized (in date format) (?)
- bug removed: Theophilix#39: When adding a new row, refreshing page is necessary before editing cell.
- Joomla update notification and update via Joomla administrator backend enabled.
For version 4.4.2:
[1] Normal mode
- bug removed: Theophilix#31: Sorting row column disappears in toggle view
For version 4.4.1:
[1] Normal mode
- bug removed: Theophilix#28: Sorting by date field results in an error if date field is empty
[3] Universal changes
- english corrections: Theophilix#29 -> Thank you, user "brianteeman"!
For version 4.4:
[1] Normal mode
- bug removed: when importing empty cells from csv-file, cell value changed to "free". Solution: select box "csv is appointment-table".
[2] Appointment mode
- bug removed: ICS files are deleted now
[3] Universal changes
- minor spellings errors corrected
- xml import/export: now xml-files are scanned for ETE-signature
- plugin update notification and update function via Joomla backend reactivated
For version 4.3:
[1] Normal mode
- XML import and export function: export and import a table with all settings.
- file download option for csv export
- additional delete and sort row function renamed. It is called "Additional row sorting and deleting column"(ger:"Zusatzspalte zur Umsortierung und Löschung der Tabellenzeilen")
[2] Appointment mode
- no changes
For version 4.2:
[1] Normal mode
- Column sorting (via header click or selection menu) option added (unfortunately, natural sorting is still not working)
- Table administrate view bug is fixed
- Choice of layout mode (stack, swipe, toggle)-option added
- Backend overview improved
[2] Appointment mode
- Selection of multiple appointments added. Users have to click a button after selecting dates/times.
- Time limit option (cells are marked as "blocked") added
- "Add weekdays to header" option added
- Layout improvements in frontend and backend