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Releases: signetlabdei/ns-3-vr-app


25 Jan 15:02
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This new release v2.0.0 updates the application module to be compliant with new ns-3 building system, and adds dedicated class to simplify stats collection.

A description of the framework can be found in the documentation, while an overview of motivation, models, and results can be found in our published papers:

  1. M. Lecci, M. Drago, A. Zanella, M. Zorzi, "An Open Framework for Analyzing and Modeling XR Network Traffic," IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 129782-129795, 2021. Open Access DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3113162.
  2. M. Lecci, A. Zanella, M. Zorzi, "An ns-3 Implementation of a Bursty Traffic Framework for Virtual Reality Sources," Workshop on ns-3 (WNS3), Jun. 2021, Virtual Event, USA, Open access DOI: 10.1145/3460797.3460807.


  • Updated to ns-3.37 and moved from waf to CMake.
  • Added BurstyAppStatsCalculator and, to simplify stats collection.


11 Aug 15:29
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Updated release of the ns-3 VR application.
A description of the framework can be found in the documentation, while an overview of motivation, models, and results can be found in our published papers:

  1. M. Lecci, M. Drago, A. Zanella, M. Zorzi, "An Open Framework for Analyzing and Modeling XR Network Traffic," Submitted to IEEE Access, Pre-print available: arXiv:2108.04577v1.
  2. Mattia Lecci, Andrea Zanella, Michele Zorzi, "An ns-3 Implementation of a Bursty Traffic Framework for Virtual Reality Sources," Workshop on ns-3 (WNS3), Jun. 2021, Virtual Event, USA, Open access DOI: 10.1145/3460797.3460807.

This new release v1.0.0 refers to the model explained in our latest manuscript (submitted to IEEE Access, pre-print available: arXiv:2108.04577).


  • Acquired VR traces for both 30 and 60 FPS streams for 4 different application (over 4 hours, available in CSV format)
  • Updated VR model according to the new traces
  • Update examples and results-generating scripts, as well as documentation and overall code quality and stability

This release was tested on ns-3.33.
Older versions of ns-3 miss the CsvReader class, necessary only for TraceFileBurstGenerator.


04 May 07:32
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Updated release of the ns-3 VR application.
A description of the framework can be found in the documentation, while an overview of motivation, models, and results can be found in our published paper (open access DOI: 10.1145/3460797.3460807).

Version v0.1.0 comprises the code for the original conference submission, version v0.2.0 comprises the code for the final version of the manuscript.


  • Acquired VR traces for both 30 and 60 FPS streams
  • Traces were obtained with a more powerful machine comprising an nVidia RTX 2080 Ti (with respect to the system used for v0.1.0, comprising an nVidia 950M)
  • Updated VR model also to support user-defined frame rates
  • Update frame size standard deviation distribution from linear (m*x) to a power law (a*x^b) to improve the fit
  • Update examples and results-generating scripts

This release was tested on ns-3.33.
Older versions of ns-3 miss the CsvReader class, necessary only for TraceFileBurstGenerator.


27 Apr 16:10
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First release of the ns-3 VR application.
A description of the framework can be found in the documentation, while an overview of motivation, models, and results can be found in our published paper (pre-print available: arXiv:2103.04609v1).

This release was tested on ns-3.33.
Older versions of ns-3 miss the CsvReader class, necessary only for TraceFileBurstGenerator.