A dynamic JavaScript-based feed reader
The app can be accessed at:
Supports any valid feed - whether it's Atom or RSS/RDF:
Select a popular feed you would like to read from the dropdown list.
Enter the URL of any other feed you'd like to read.
App displays the latest articles from the feed.
Click 'Full Article' button alongside each article to open the article in a new window. NOTE: Clicking on the image will take you to an internal page showing the same details in a different 'view'.
Click on 'Statistics' button to see a breakup of the # of times each letter appears in the 'Description' of the article.
The app will save the most recently accessed feed in its local storage - for your convenience.
NOTE: Clicking on the 'Full Article' button will update the articles displayed on the home page by removing that particular article.
This is under the assumption that the user has already read the article and the app will update itself to show only 'unread' articles.
If you'd like to provide any feedback or have any suggestions, please open an Issue or PR.
Happy feeding...err...reading! :)