A Vagrant box with Elasticsearch for playing around with. Different bootstrap files are provided to use in the Vagrantfile.
These are things you need to install once on your machine to use this box.
$ sudo apt-get install virtualbox
$ sudo apt-get install vagrant
- Vagrant Virtualbox Guest Plugin
$ vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest
- OpenJDK JRE 7
- Elasticsearch 1.3.7 or 2.1.1 or 2.3.2
- "head" plugin
- "mapper-attachments" plugin (not for 1.3.7; seems not to work for 2.1.1 either...)
vagrant up
vagrant halt
vagrant suspend/resume
vagrant reload
vagrant destroy
vagrant status
vagrant ssh
The Elasticsearch server-port of the guest is forwarded to the host, so from the host do
curl -XGET -v http://localhost:9200
Also the "head" plugin is installed, so from a browser in the host, just get
E.g. Spring JPA for ElasticSearch needs ES in version 1.3.7. For this the bootstrap-es137.sh
should be used instead!