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silarsis edited this page Nov 25, 2014 · 7 revisions

This project is intended to carry configuration for various PaaS. The intent is to install each one, and make notes about their approach and design. Installations will be done into an AWS account, so will be built as cf.json where possible. I'm only interested in docker-supporting Paas, ie. systems that allow me to deploy containers.

List of PaaS to consider, in rough order. Note, my definition of a PaaS is deliberately vague/wide - see list of things to look at below.

  • CoreOS
  • Mesos
  • Flynn
  • Deis
  • OpenShift
  • Serf
  • Maestro
  • Dokku
  • Kubernetes
  • Cloudify
  • Diego
  • Stackato

List of things to look into when installing them/while doing this:

  • How do we deal with load balancing? Do we have to reimplement the concept at a PaaS level, or is there some inherent support for AWS LB?
  • Likewise security groups, and access to external resources?
  • What's the deployment process for the PaaS itself?
  • What's the deployment process for containers once the PaaS is up?
  • Can we do zero downtime updates of microservices?
  • What's the support, if any, for service discovery?
  • Logging - where does it go to, how is it supported? Ditto alarms, metrics - NewRelic, PagerDuty, Logstash/Splunk.
  • CI, if any - if not, how does it fit with existing systems?
  • Orchestration of multi-container installs?
  • Timed tasks (ie. cloud-based cron) - what support, if any?
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