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Mongodb Polymer CRUD

This is the second presentation covering google polymer. At this point, I am expecting you understand how to get the polymer project and Mongolab database setup.

#Polymer 1.0 Setup the polymer project 1.0 (link below)

#Iron Ajax Add the utility element from the polymer catalog (link below)

#MongoLab Setup an account with Mongolab (link below)

##Overview of iron-ajax

Google states that iron-ajax makes it easy to make ajax calls and parse the response.

The iron-ajax element exposes XMLHttpRequest network request functionality.

Include import for the iron-ajax web component to your custom element

  <link rel="import" href="../iron-ajax.html">

Add the iron-ajax web component to your html document

        params='{"part":"snippet", "q":"polymer", "key": "AIzaSyAuecFZ9xJXbGDkQYWBmYrtzOGJD-iDIgI", "type": "video"}'

###Highlighting Key Attributes These are the basic attributes I need to get an ajax request to succeed or the web page will not validate requests correctly without it.

  • url

String default: '' The URL target of the request. url - where we get data from

auto Boolean default: false auto - fires events

If true, automatically performs an Ajax request when either url or params changes.

You can trigger a request explicitly by calling generateRequest on the element.


Performs an AJAX request to the specified URL.

  • handleAs

String default: json string of data

Specifies what data to store in the response property, and to deliver as event.detail.response in response events.

One of:

text: uses XHR.responseText.

xml: uses XHR.responseXML.

json: uses XHR.responseText parsed as JSON.

arraybuffer: uses XHR.response.

blob: uses XHR.response.

document: uses XHR.response.

  • Body or Params

use data bindings to declare data provider (behind the scenes)

params attribute - jason encoded object at value to params

body attribue - jason encoded object at value to params

Body content to send with the request, typically used with "POST" requests.

If body is a string it will be sent unmodified.

Params content to send with the request, typically used with "POST" requests.

An object that contains query parameters to be appended to the specified url when generating a request. If you wish to set the body content when making a POST request, you should use the body property instead.

  • method

The HTTP method to use such as 'GET', 'POST', 'PUT', or 'DELETE'.

Default is 'GET'.

  • on-response

go to url and brings it back to last-response to our data bindings

scope variable handles events - the data that come back

then i can handle that data in sync with the dom nodes data bindings

that data goes to dom repeater

then loops over the data returned to my defines tags

generate dom based on the url call returned

all the iron ajax updates the dom - no js

dom-bind wraps data elements and listens for the change events

iron-ajax will notify return data through on-response attribute that is readOnly

on-response will be set to the most recent response received by a request that originated from this iron-ajax element. The type of the response is determined by the value of handleAs at the time that the request was generated.

You can trigger a request explicitly by calling generateRequest on the element.

##Overview of CRUD operations


            setajaxCreate: function () {
                var xtransaction = new crudCreate(;
                this.$.ajax.url = "";
                with(xtransaction) this.$.ajax.body = {
                    recId: recId,
                    date: date,
                    recIndex: recIndex,
                    email: email,
                    action: action,
                    active: active


         <iron-ajax auto url="{'recIndex': -1}&apiKey=mongolabApiKey" handle-as="json" on-response="tasksLoaded"></iron-ajax>
            <template is="dom-repeat" items="{{todos}}">
                <div class="paper-font-body2 paperSweetSpace">
                        Email:: <span>{{}}</span>
                        Action:: <span>{{item.action}}</span>
                        Date:: <span>{{}}</span>
                        Index:: <span>{{item.recIndex}}</span>
                        MongoLab Id:: <span>{{item._id.$oid}}</span>


            setajaxUpdate: function () {
                var xtransaction = new crudUpdate(this.greeting);                
                this.$.ajax.url = ""+this.MongoLabId+"?apiKey=mongolabApiKey";
                with(xtransaction) this.$.ajax.body = {
                    "$set": {
                        date: date,
                        recIndex: recIndex,
                        action: action


            setajaxDelete: function () {
                this.$.ajax.url = ""+this.MongoLabId+"?apiKey=mongolabApiKey";


Github SiliconHacker Mongodb Polymer Crud


Google Polymer 1.0

iron elements documentation - and give you all the methods and events it fires

iron-ajax 1.0.4

iron-ajax… wat?! -- Polycasts #26


This is the second presentation covering google polymer






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