A chat server with authentication, persistent and searchable history, rich markdown formatting, video, private rooms, conversation highlighting, plugins, persisted notifications, and many other features.
You can see it in action or use it on http://dystroy.org/miaou (anybody can create a room for public or private use on this server).
To discuss the code and feature of Miaou, please come to the dedicated room.
A vagrant configuration is available to help you set up a development environment quickly. See more information at its documentation.
If you prefer to use docker as development environment, its also available. See more information at its documentation.
If you want to install Miaou on your own, the installation documentation is available here.
And if you run your own server, please tell us.
As described in the help, Miaou is mostly coded in JavaScript. Stuff includes io.js, PostgreSQL, OAuth2, socket.io, WebRTC, express, Bluebird, Redis, Jade, Passport.js, hu.js, jQuery, sass/scss, Uglify-js and nginx.
If you have the ability and will to contribute, come and discuss with us. The best landing place is usually the Miaou room where you can ping @dystroy or @Florian. We'll show you where we manage ideas, reports, tasks and you'll see the list of tasks waiting for a volunteer.
Help is welcome but remember:
- Come and discuss with us before to code
- And, always test before doing a pull request.
Most of Miaou follows the MIT License. Exceptions are specified here.
Copyright (c) 2014 Denys Séguret <http://dystroy.org/>