This repository is not maintained by ANTs developers
This extension implements ANTs Registration into Slicer
CDash: SlicerPreview
Install from the Slicer Extension Manager.
- antsRegistration: provides an interface for doing registration with ANTs. Generates parameters passed to the antsRegistrationCLI module.
- antsRegistrationCLI: cli module that runs the command generated from antsRegistration module.
- Load volumes to register (for example MRBrainTumor1 and MRBrainTumor2 from Sample Data module)
- Set MRBrainTumor1 in the fixed image selector, MRBrainTumor2 in the moving image selector and select Rigid from the Stages (Presets).
- Choose a Transformed Volume to specify the output
- Click the Run Registration button and wait for the registration to finish.
The following is an example CT to MR rigid registration.