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📖 documentation
:book: documentation
🧠 reasoning
:brain: reasoning
🐛 bug
:bug: bug
🐛 🙅 wontfix
:bug: :no_good: wontfix
Should also be labeled as bug. See
🏗️ software architecture
:building_construction: software architecture
🛠️ challenging fix
🛠️ challenging fix
Likely to be solvable in at most a few days (full-time).
📈 performance
:chart_with_upwards_trend: performance
🧰 complicated fix
🧰 complicated fix
Likely to need at least a week (full-time) to be solved.
🚧 installation
:construction: installation
Issues affecting the package installation. NOT related to the installation of ontologies.
data model
data model
🖥️ Windows OS
:desktop_computer: Windows OS
Issue specific to the Windows OS.
👀 visualisation
:eyes: visualisation
⚙️ wrappers
:gear: wrappers
Issues related to wrappers and/or wrapper development and the Wrapper API.
❔ question
:grey_question: question
🔨 simple fix
:hammer: simple fix
Likely to be solvable in at most a few hours (full-time).
ℹ️ best practices
:information_source: best practices
🔍 data privacy
:mag: data privacy
👩‍🎓 newcomer task
👩‍🎓 newcomer task
Issue that is a good entry point to the source code for a newcomer.
🐧 Linux OS
:penguin: Linux OS
Issue specific to the Linux OS.
Issue affecting the PICO ontology installer.
❓ information needed
:question: information needed
The issue cannot be solved until one of the interested parties provides more information.
🖐️ help wanted
:raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed: help wanted
🔂 duplicate
:repeat_one: duplicate
This issue is very similar to another, previously existing issue.
📜 ontology
:scroll: ontology
🌱 new feature
:seedling: new feature
Solving the issue involves the incorporation of a new feature.
💬 discussion
:speech_balloon: discussion
The idea is not mature enough to result in an implementation, and needs further discussion.
💉 testing
:syringe: testing
Solving the issue involves creating/modifying unit tests or benchmarks.
⚠️ critical
:warning: critical
Such issues should be solved as soon as possible, and using a `hotfix branch`.
⚡ breaking change
:zap: breaking change
Solution introduces incompatible API changes, MAJOR version number update. See