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Check the dependencies: node and npm is installed in the system node -v # version on system is: v14.16.1 npm -v # version on system is : 7.10.0


  1. Create a folder/directory and cd to that directory $mkdir webdriverIO && cd webdriverIO
  2. Install WebdriverIO CLI tool npm install @wdio/cli
  3. create the empty NPM project and y means, take the default and no questions npm init -y
  4. create a project: $npx wdio config

Run the test!

  1. run all spec files: npx wdio
  2. run particular spec file npx wdio --spec ./test/specs/shop2.e2e.js


To run a particular spec.js: npx wdio --spec ./test/specs/digialert_sub.e2e.js

install allure command line:

npm install -g allure-commandline --save-dev or sudo npm install -g allure-commandline

to produce the report:

allure generate allure-results && allure open allure generate allure-results --clean && allure open

VS Code

In VS code, for mocha boiler plate, install “ES6 Mocha Snippets” extension.

add a video to report? 1 . install the dependency : npm install wdio-video-reporter
modify wdio.conf.js:

reporters: [    
        [video, {
        saveAllVideos: false,       // If true, also saves videos for successful test cases, false
        videoSlowdownMultiplier: 3, // Higher to get slower videos, lower for faster videos [Value 1-100]
    ['allure', {outputDir: 'allure-results'}]],

Test case:

E2E test case for checkout(adding product,cart validation and checkout)

Cart validation: few key concepts covered for

  1. read a table, and perform expecpt at cart level(so test can be pipeline or regression)
  2. read data, config_data for products and check_out_data for filling billing data.
  3. Page object model. Selecetors and key validation on page been kept in POM. For example, in cart POM, it also contains validation for cart i.e. price times quantity equals subtotal ( and do this for each row/product, and also get the sum of all subtotals) then Sum(subtotal) + shipping(get amount using regex) + tax equals Total. This total equals amount charged in checkout.

remote Machine - ubuntu

Install nodejs → sudo apt install nodejs

install npm - sudo apt intall npm

instal git --> sudo apt install git-all

configure git - git config 'simpleappdesigner'

email : git config --global ""

mkdir WebdriverioECom && cd WebdriverioECom

git init

git clone

npm install ( this will install dependencies listed in package.json

mkdir Screensnaps → this is needed to save screen snaps

install allure -- > sudo npm install -g allure-commandline

install java and set JAVA_HOME or JAVA is in path. This is needed for running allure report.

sudo apt install default-jre

which java→ to get the path

npx wdio -l error

allure generate allure-results --clean && allure open


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