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Bitcoin metrics Prometheus exporter.

bitcoin-exporter is compatible with most bitcoin forks.

Produce blockchain, wallet and addresses metrics. Most relevant metrics are:

  • wallet total balance
  • wallet version
  • if the wallet is unlocked
  • available (spendable) balance for each managed addresses (and watched addresses)
  • best block time and index
  • ...


Edit the .env environment file to suit your needs and run:

npm start

bitcoin-exporter uses the bitcoin JSON-RPC API under the hood and need those credentials:


Usage with other wallets

The following environment variables are available, that should be enough for any bitcoin forks:



Using environment variables:

docker run -d --restart always --name my-exporter -p 9439:9439 -e "rpcuser=myrpcuser" -e "rpcpassword=myrpcpassword" -e "rpchost=my-wallet" --link my-wallet simplecoincom/bitcoind-exporter

Using a .env file:

docker run -d --restart always --name my-exporter -p 9439:9439 -v /path/to/my/conf:/app/.env --link my-wallet simplecoincom/bitcoind-exporter

An easy hack could be to directly use your wallet conf to feed your exporter env:

docker run --name my-exporter -p 9439:9439 -v /path/to/my/conf:/app/.env --link my-wallet simplecoincom/bitcoind-exporter

Example metrics

When visiting the metrics URL http://localhost:9439/metrics the following metrics are produced:

# HELP bitcoin_best_block_index The block height or index
# TYPE bitcoin_best_block_index gauge
bitcoin_best_block_index 69019

# HELP bitcoin_best_block_timestamp_seconds The block time in seconds since epoch (Jan 1 1970 GMT)
# TYPE bitcoin_best_block_timestamp_seconds gauge
bitcoin_best_block_timestamp_seconds 1522746083

# HELP bitcoin_chain_difficulty The proof-of-work difficulty as a multiple of the minimum difficulty
# TYPE bitcoin_chain_difficulty gauge
bitcoin_chain_difficulty 3511060552899.72

# HELP bitcoin_wallet_version the wallet version
# TYPE bitcoin_wallet_version gauge
bitcoin_wallet_version{ticker="BTC"} 71000

# HELP bitcoin_wallet_balance_total the total balance of the wallet
# TYPE bitcoin_wallet_balance_total gauge
bitcoin_wallet_balance_total{status="unconfirmed"} 2.7345
bitcoin_wallet_balance_total{status="immature"} 0
bitcoin_wallet_balance_total{status="confirmed"} 42.73453501

# HELP bitcoin_wallet_transactions_total the total number of transactions in the wallet
# TYPE bitcoin_wallet_transactions_total gauge
bitcoin_wallet_transactions_total 77

# HELP bitcoin_wallet_key_pool_oldest_timestamp_seconds the timestamp of the oldest pre-generated key in the key pool
# TYPE bitcoin_wallet_key_pool_oldest_timestamp_seconds gauge
bitcoin_wallet_key_pool_oldest_timestamp_seconds 1516231938

# HELP bitcoin_wallet_key_pool_size_total How many new keys are pre-generated.
# TYPE bitcoin_wallet_key_pool_size_total gauge
bitcoin_wallet_key_pool_size_total 1000

# HELP bitcoin_wallet_unlocked_until_timestamp_seconds the timestamp that the wallet is unlocked for transfers, or 0 if the wallet is locked
# TYPE bitcoin_wallet_unlocked_until_timestamp_seconds gauge
bitcoin_wallet_unlocked_until_timestamp_seconds 0

# HELP bitcoin_wallet_pay_tx_fee_per_kilo_bytes the transaction fee configuration, set in Unit/kB
# TYPE bitcoin_wallet_pay_tx_fee_per_kilo_bytes gauge
bitcoin_wallet_pay_tx_fee_per_kilo_bytes 0

# HELP bitcoin_address_balance_total address balance
# TYPE bitcoin_address_balance_total gauge
bitcoin_address_balance_total{address="1FxZE15d8bt381EuDckdDdp7vw8FUiLzu6"} 41.00683469
bitcoin_address_balance_total{address="1QAm6J6jLmcm7ce87ujrSdmjPNX9fgRUYZ"} 1.72770032


You can test this exporter with docker-compose:

docker-compose up

