Runtime destructive script assets that work with Unity WebGL builds.
Unity WebGL ビルドで動くランタイム破壊スクリプトアセットです
- After git clone, open as a Unity 2021.3.21f1 or later Universal RP project.
- Open "Assets/SimplestarGame/VoronoiFragmenter/Scenes/SampleScene.unity" file and play it.
- Press W key to move camera forward, S key to move camera backward, A, D keys to slide camera horizontally, Q, E keys to elevate camera up and down.
- Hold down the right mouse button and drag the mouse to rotate the camera.
- A left mouse click destroys the object that was targeted by the reticle.
- Pressing the Reset button in the upper right corner resets the scene to its initial state.
- The core process is the VoronoiFragmenter script component. Please read the content carefully to understand and use it.
- Voronoi diagram division is using csDelaunay.
- Use is free and no reporting is required.
- If you use Twitter, use the hashtag #SimpleVoronoiFragmenter and I will spread the post if I find it.