You don't need to use reflection! They are heavy to process.
Simpli-SQL is a Kotlin and Java library that makes SQL operations easier and more flexible without the use of Reflections.
compile group: '', name: 'simpli-sql', version: '3.2.1'
val transacPipe = TransacConPipe("jdbc/datasourceName")
transacPipe.handle { con ->
val num = con.getFirstInt(Query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table"))
con.execute(Query("UPDATE table_count SET num = ? ", num))
// all good!
val conPipe = ReadConPipe("jdbc/datasourceName")
conPipe.handle { con ->
val num = con.getFirstInt(Query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table"))
con.execute(Query("UPDATE table_count SET num = ? ", num))
// ⚠ Exception: You can't update using a read connection
// build your query
val myQuery = Query()
.innerJoin("othertable", "idOtherTableFk", "idOtherTablePk")
.whereEq("myothercolumn", 2) // 'where' methods adds WHERE or AND (if not the first)
"columito" to 5,
"otrita" to "abc"
// run the query using a connector, in this case we are getting a simple String List
val mycolumnList = con.getStringList(myQuery)
query translated to:
SELECT mycolumn
FROM mytable
INNER JOIN othertable ON idOtherTableFk = idOtherTablePk
WHERE myothercolumn = 2
columito = 5
OR otrita = "abc"
val myQuery = Query().insertInto("mytable").insertValues(
"mycolumn" to "thenewvalue",
"myothercolumn" to 5)
val newId = con.execute(myQuery).key // key is the generated ID
val myQuery = Query().updateTable("mytable")
"mycolumn" to "thenewvalue",
"myothercolumn" to 5)
.whereGt("myothercolumn", 2)
val numOfRowsAffected = con.execute(myQuery).affectedRows
// affectedRows are the number of rows affected by the query
Really EASY and QUICK documentation
- Query documentation - How to build your queries
- Connector documentation - How to execute the operations and retrieve the information
- VirtualSelect documentation - How to build smarter queries