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Sphinx (and Jupyter Book) extensions for the Simply Logical content


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📖 Simply Logical extensions for Jupyter Book (Sphinx)

This repository holds a collection of Sphinx extensions designed for the Jupyter Book platform. It implements the following functionality:

  • information boxes -- admonition-like blocks with title and content;
  • exercise and solution boxes -- numbered admonition-like blocks holding exercises and their solutions; and
  • interactive Prolog code blocks -- SWI Prolog code blocks that can be executed directly in the browser with SWISH.

This readme file holds a technical documentation of the sphinx-prolog extension. We also publish a Jupyter Book template for authoring interactive Prolog content that simultaneously serves as a user guide to the functionality implemented by this extension. The template is available in the simply-logical/prolog-book-template GitHub repository and the built guide can be found at; the "sphinx-prolog Extension" section should be of particular interest.

This readme file uses Jupyter Book's MyST Markdown syntax for roles and directives -- see MyST overview for more details. For use with Sphinx, please refer to the reStructuredText syntax.

To get started with sphinx-prolog, first install it with pip:

pip install sphinx-prolog

then, add desired sphinx_prolog extensions to the Sphinx extensions list in your

extensions = ['sphinx_prolog.infobox',

ℹ️ Infobox directive

The sphinx_prolog.infobox module defines the infobox directive used for building information boxes.


An information box is included with the infobox directive:

```{infobox} ibox:4.2
title: Title of my infobox
Content of my information box.

Note that if the content of an information box includes directives introduced with a triple backtick, the infobox directive itself should be introduced with a quadruple backtick. This logic applies to all nested directives.

Arguments, parameters and content

The infobox directive has one optional argument that specifies the referenceable label of this box. The label must be prefixed with ibox:. Then, the box can be referenced with the standard ref role, e.g., {ref}`ibox:4.2`, which will produce a hyper-link with the title of the information box.

Additionally, the infobox directive has one required parameter:

  • title -- specifies the title of the information box.

The infobox directive also requires a non-empty content.

🏆 Exercise and Solution directives

The sphinx_prolog.solex module defines the exercise and solution directives used for building numbered exercise and solution boxes. These elements can be referenced with the standard ref and numref roles.



An exercise box is included with the exercise directive:

```{exercise} ex:2.9
Content of my exercise box.

Each exercise can be referenced with its name using the ref role, e.g., {ref}`ex:2.9`, which produces exercise hyper-link; or with a numref role, e.g., {numref}`ex:2.9`, to get a numbered hyper-link reference such as Exercise #.

Note that the display text of the hyper-link produced with the ref role can be altered with the following syntax: {ref}`custom hyper-link<ex:2.9>`. The format string of the numbered reference can also be changed individually for each reference using the following syntax: {numref}`Task %s<ex:2.9>`, where %s will be replaced with the exercise number. Alternatively, the format string for the numbered references can be changed globally with the corresponding Sphinx configuration parameter -- see the following section for more details.


A solution box is included with the solution directive:

```{solution} ex:2.9
Content of my solution box.

Note that each solution must be linked to an existing exercise, hence the ex:2.9 argument. This syntax ensures that the solution has the same sequential number as the underlying exercise. Similar to exercises, solutions can be referenced with the ref and numref roles, with the corresponding hyper-links formatted as solution and Solution # respectively. The reference id of each solution box is generated automatically and derived from the corresponding exercise id by replacing ex with sol, e.g., a solution to an exercise with id ex:2.9 can be referenced with sol:2.9.

Configuration parameters

The solex extension uses the following Sphinx configuration parameters:

  • sp_exercise_directory -- defines the path to a directory holding files with content of each exercise;
  • numfig_format.exercise -- defines a custom formatter of the exercise numref role, e.g., "Question %s" where %s will be automatically replaced with the exercise number ("Exercise %s" by default); and
  • numfig_format.solution -- defines a custom formatter of the solution numref role, e.g., "Answer %s" where %s will be automatically replaced with the solution number derived from the corresponding exercise ("Solution %s" by default).

Arguments, parameters and content

Each exercise and solution has one required argument that must start with ex:... and specifies the unique id of this particular exercise. It is used to link a solution to an exercise and to reference it (the solution is referenced with the corresponding sol:... id, which is generated automatically).

The content of an exercise or a solution directive can be empty, in which case the solex extension looks for a content file whose name is derived from the exercise id and which should be located in the directory specified with the sp_exercise_directory configuration parameter. The exercise file name is expected to be the exercise id without the ex: prefix and with the .md extension. For example, for an exercise with ex:my_exercise id, the content file should be named If both the exercise content file exist and the directive is explicitly filled with content, the latter takes precedence. Solutions behave in the same way -- their content is sourced from the linked exercise file or is provided directly within the directive.

The solex Sphinx extension monitors the exercise content files for changes and automatically regenerates the affected pages.

💾 SWISH directive

The sphinx_prolog.swish module defines the swish and swish-query directives, as well as the swish-query role, all of which are used for building interactive SWI Prolog boxes executed directly in the browser with SWISH.


Code box

A SWISH code box is included with the swish directive:

```{swish} swish:1.2.3
query-text: ?-linked(a,b,X). ?-linked(X,a,Y).
query-id: swishq:1.1.1 swishq:1.1.2 swishq:1.1.3
inherit-id: swish:4.5.6 swish:4.5.7 swish:4.5.8
source-text-start: 4.5.6-start
source-text-end: 4.5.6-end
hide-examples: true
build-file: false
optional :- content.

Each SWISH code box can be referenced with its name using the ref role, e.g., {ref}`swish:1.2.3`, which produces SWISH code box hyper-link.

Query box

A display SWISH query box is included with the swish-query directive:

```{swish-query} swishq:1.2.3
source-id: swish:1.0.0 swish:1.0.1 swish:1.0.2

An inline SWISH query box is included with the swish-query role:

{swish-query}`?-my_query(a,X). <swishq:1.2.3>`

Each SWISH query box can be referenced with its name using the ref role, e.g., {ref}`swishq:1.2.3`, which produces SWISH query box hyper-link for display queries and SWISH query listing for inline queries.

Configuration parameters

The swish extension uses the following Sphinx configuration parameters:

  • sp_code_directory (required when loading the box content from a file, or using source text start or source text start) -- defines the path to a directory holding files with content (SWI Prolog code) of each SWISH code box; and
  • sp_swish_url -- specifies the URL of the SWISH execution server ( by default, which is hard-coded in the Simply Logical SWISH JavaScript lpn.js).
  • sp_swish_hide_examples (optional, default False) -- globally toggles visibility of the /** <examples> ... */ block in SWISH code boxes. This behaviour can also be changed locally for each individual code box with the hide-examples parameter of the swish directive (see below).
  • sp_swish_book_url (required when using SWISH code boxes with the build-file parameter set to true) -- a base URL under which the book will be deployed. It is used to compose links to Prolog code files that need to be accessed by file-based SWISH boxes. (See the description of the build-file parameter for more details.)

Arguments, parameters and content

Code box

Each SWISH code box has one required argument that specifies the unique id of this particular interactive code block. This id must start with the swish: prefix. The content of a SWISH box can either be provided explicitly within the directive, or -- when the content is left empty -- it is pulled from a code file whose name is derived from the code box id and which should be located in the directory specified via the sp_code_directory configuration parameter. The code file name is expected to be the code block id without the swish: prefix and with the .pl extension. For example, for a code block with swish:my_code id, the code file should be named The swish Sphinx extension monitors the code files for changes and automatically regenerates the affected pages.

SWISH code blocks also have a number of optional parameters:

  • query-text -- specifies a collection of queries to be implicitly embedded in the SWISH box (handled by the lpn.js JavaScript). If both the /** <examples> ... */ block (in the SWISH box content) and the query-text parameter are provided, the latter takes precedence. However, the query-text parameter works in conjunction with the code box's query-id and query box's source-id parameters.
  • query-id -- specifies (space separated) id(s) of query block(s) whose content will be used to populate the queries of this SWISH box (handled by the lpn.js JavaScript). A SWISH code box can import a single (e.g., query-id: swishq:4.5.6) or multiple (e.g., query-id: swishq:4.5.6 swishq:4.5.7 swishq:4.5.8) query blocks. Each SWISH query box must be placed on the same page (the same document) as the code block that uses it. The query-id parameter takes precedence over the /** <examples> ... */ block (in the SWISH box content), but it works in conjunction with the code box's query-text and query box's source-id parameters.
  • inherit-id -- specifies (space separated) id(s) of code block(s) whose content will be inherited into this particular SWISH box. The inherited code block(s) must be placed on the same page (the same document) as the code block that inherits them. A SWISH box can inherit from a single (e.g., inherit-id: swish:4.5.6) or multiple (e.g., inherit-id: swish:4.5.6 swish:4.5.7 swish:4.5.8) code blocks. (The inheritance logic is handled by the lpn.js JavaScript.)
  • source-text-start -- specifies the code file name without the .pl extension whose content will be (implicitly) prepended to the main code of this code block (e.g., source-text-start: 4.5.6-start). (The prefix logic is handled by the lpn.js JavaScript.)
  • source-text-end -- specifies the code file name without the .pl extension whose content will be (implicitly) appended to the main code of this code block (e.g., source-text-end: 4.5.6-end). (The suffix logic is handled by the lpn.js JavaScript.)
  • hide-examples (not set, true or false) -- prevents the /** <examples> ... */ block from being displayed (when not set, it is controlled by the sp_swish_hide_examples configuration parameter).
  • build-file (not set, true or false) -- long Prolog scripts cannot be loaded into SWISH boxes since URL requests have 2048 character limit. To allow for long Prolog scripts, all of the relevant code fragments are processed by this Python extension and placed in a single Prolog file. This file is then loaded into a SWISH box by its URL, which is composed from the book deployment URL provided by the user via the sp_swish_book_url configuration parameter and the Prolog script storage directory (_sources/prolog_build_files/...). The built Prolog files are stored under src/code/temp and then copied to the target directory (_sources/prolog_build_files located, for example, under _build/html for html builds) -- you may need to explicitly exclude this path in the Sphinx configuration file by adding it to exclude_patterns. This functionality has to be explicitly enabled by setting the build-file parameter to true. Note: such SWISH boxes will not work when browsing local documentation/book builds since the code files must be hosted on a server accessible by SWISH.

Query box

Each SWISH query directive has one required argument that specifies the unique id of this particular query block (which can be referenced by the query-id parameter of the SWISH code boxes). This id must start with the swishq: prefix. Similar, swish-query roles must contain their unique ids placed at the end of the role text and wrapped within angle brackets, e.g., {swish-query}`?-my_prolog_query(a, B). <swishq:my_id>`.

Additionally, the SWISH query block directive has one optional parameter:

  • source-id -- specifies (space separated) id(s) of code block(s) that will be injected with this particular query (handled by the lpn.js JavaScript). A SWISH query box can indicate a single (e.g., source-id: swish:1.0.0) or multiple (e.g., source-id: swish:1.0.0 swish:1.0.1 swish:1.0.2) code blocks. Each referenced SWISH code box must be placed on the same page (the same document) as the query box. The source-id parameter takes precedence over the /** <examples> ... */ block (in the SWISH box content), but it works in conjunction with the query-id and query-text parameters of the SWISH code blocks.

🧪 pseudo Prolog syntax highlighting

The sphinx_prolog.pprolog module defines code block syntax highlighting for pseudo Prolog (pProlog).


A pseudo Prolog (pProlog) code box with appropriate syntax highlighting is included with the standard backtick fence syntax (```) indicating pProlog programming language:


The CSS and JS files used by this Sphinx extension (namely sphinx-prolog.css, lpn.css and lpn.js, as well as their dependencies jquery-ui.min.css and jquery-ui.min.js, and their auxiliary files lpn-run.png and lpn-close.png) can be found in the sphinx_prolog/_static directory of this repository.