Structural heuristics for the deterministic (D-ICEP) and planning (S-ICEP) version of the Isolated Community Evacuation Problem (ICEP)
The D-ICEP represents the base version of the ICEP with deterministic data. Due to the high complexity of the problem, large instances are difficult to solve. The structural heuristics (phase 1 and phase 2) allow for quicker solution times in comparison to commercial solvers (see the repository on for an exact implementation with a commercial solver).
The S-ICEP is a modified version of the D-ICEP for planning purposes. It adds a two-stage stochastic model structure with recourse. The scenario-independent first stage of the model includes the decision on an optimal evacuation resource fleet. The scenario-dependent second stage optimizes the evacuation route plan for a given evacuation scenario. The structure-based greedy search heuristics in this package allow for also solving the S-ICEP more quickly than with the D-ICEP.
More information on the algorithms and the model itself can be found in the paper corresponding to this package: Krutein, K. F. & Goochild, A. The Isolated Community Evacuation Problem with Mixed Integer Programming. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics & Transportation Review. (2022) Volume: tbd
This file implements an instance of an evacuation dock (evacuation pick-up and drop-off points)
This file implements an instance of a location
This file implements an instance of an evacuation location, and forms a sub-class of ""
This file implements an evacuation resource.
This file prints outputs from the best solution of the MP-BRKGA, in the form of a route plan.
This file implements phase 1 of the structure-based heuristic for the D-ICEP used in the paper mentioned above.
This file implements phase 2 of the structure-based heuristic for the D-ICEP used in the paper mentioned above.
This file implements the greedy wrapper around heuristic phase 1 and phase 2, that represents the entire heuristic for the D-ICEP.
This file represents a stochastic search method for the S-ICEP that aims to test all possible resource combinations
This file represents a stochastic search method for the S-ICEP that simplifies "" and always updates the solution as soon as an improvement can be found, before looking for a better solution.