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metafusion library

Multithread image generation service.

Pipes classes

Pipe classes implement different methods to generate or process images using diffusion models.

All Pipe classes have two methods: setup and gen.

  • setup This method defines the parameters of the pipeline for image generation. Pipelines that take an image as an input perform image preprocessing in setup. Setup's arguments are stored in the pipeline and used whenever the gen method is called.

  • gen This method takes parameters as input that are not stored inside the pipeline. All pipelines accept a dictionary as input. Expected keys include prompt (str), generator (torch.Generator), negative_prompt (str).


This pipe generates an image from a text prompt.

pipe = Prompt2ImPipe(model_id='runwayml/stable-diffusion-v1-5')
pipe.setup(width=768, height=768, clip_skip=2)
image = pipe.gen({'prompt': 'bio-tech lab with computers and exotic flowers, artwork'})'bio.png')

setup parameters:

  • width: Width of the image to generate.
  • heigth: Height of the image to generate.
  • guidance_scale: Strength of the prompt's influence on the generation process.
  • steps: The number of denoising steps. More denoising steps usually lead to higher quality images at the expense of slower inference. The default value is 50.
  • clip_skip: - Number of layers to skip from CLIP while computing the prompt embeddings. Skipping some layers gives a less precise representation of the prompt. The default value is 0.

Optimal values of guidance_scale and steps vary significantly between different checkpoints.


This pipe generates an image from another image.

pipe = Im2ImPipe(model_id='runwayml/stable-diffusion-v1-5')
pipe.setup("./_projects/biolab/00000.png", strength=0.5, steps=25)
img = pipe.gen({'prompt': 'biolab, anime style drawing, green colors'})'bio1.png')

setup parameters:

  • fimage: File path to the input image.
  • image: Input image. Can be used instead of fimage.
  • strength: Strength of image modification. Defaults to 0.75. Lower strength values keep the result closer to the input image. A value of 1 means the input image is more or less ignored.
  • scale: The scale factor for resizing the input image. The output image will have dimensions (height * scale, width * scale). Defaults to None.
  • guidance_scale, steps, clip_skip: same as in Prompt2ImPipe

Cond2ImPipe This pipe generates an image from a special conditioning image (e.g., an image after canny edge detection). The conditioning image is processed internally with ControlNet and uses the StableDiffusion(XL)ControlNetPipeline.

Models are expected to be in ./models-cn/ for StableDiffusion and in ./models-cn-xl/ for StableDiffusionXL.


This is a subclass of Cond2ImPipe. The difference is that the conditional image is not taken as input but is obtained from the input image, which is processed internally by the image processor. The image processor depends on the conditioning type specified in the constructor.

setup parameters

  • fimage, image: same as in Im2ImPipe.
  • cscales: Strength of control image influence.
  • width, height, steps, clip_skip, guidance_scale: Same as in Prompt2ImPipe.
model_id = 'runwayml/stable-diffusion-v1-5'
pipe = CIm2ImPipe(model_id, model_type=ModelType.SD)
pipe.setup("./bio1.png", strength=0.5, steps=25, ctypes=['soft'])
img = pipe.gen({'prompt': 'biolab, anime style drawing, green colors'})'bio2.png')

possible values for ctypes:

  • 'canny' - canny edge detection
  • 'soft-sobel' - sobel edge detection
  • 'soft' - same as soft-sobel with different edge detector.
  • 'depth' - depth map
  • 'pose' - A OpenPose bone image.
  • 'ip2p' - original image will be used as control
  • 'inpaint' - original image will be thresholded and inpainted(use InpaintingPipe for this option)
  • 'qr' - original image will be used as control.

MaskedIm2ImPipe This image-to-image pipeline uses a mask to redraw only certain parts of the input image. It can be used as an inpainting pipeline with any non-inpaint models. The pipeline computes the mask from the difference between the original image and the image with a mask on it. The colour of the mask affects the result.

blur = 8
model_id = 'runwayml/stable-diffusion-v1-5'
img ="./mech_beard_sigm.png")
# read image with mask painted over
img_paint = numpy.array("./mech_beard_sigm_mask.png"))
scheduler = "EulerAncestralDiscreteScheduler" # gives good results

pipe = MaskedIm2ImPipe(model_dir+model_id)
pipe.setup(original_image=img, image_painted=img_paint, strength=0.85,
           scheduler=scheduler, guidance_scale=7, clip_skip=3, blur=blur)

prompt = "a man wearing a mask"
img = pipe.gen({'prompt': prompt, 'seed':84958344})'inpaint1.png')

setup parameters:

  • original_image: Image without the mask.
  • image_painted: Modified version of the original image. This parameter should be skipped if the mask is passed.
  • mask: The mask. Defaults to None. If None, it will be computed from the difference between original_image and image_painted. This should be skipped if image_painted is passed.
  • blur: The blur radius for the mask to apply during the generation process.
  • blur_compose: The blur radius for composing the original and generated images. scale: The scale factor for resizing the input image. The output image will have dimensions (height * scale, width * scale).

metafusion service


ServiceThread from multigen.worker module implements a generation queue that can be used to implement, e.g., a web service.

This class needs two config files:

  1. A file (e.g., config.yaml) that specifies directories to use in ServiceThread:


model_list: models.yaml   # 
model_dir: ./models-sd/
logging_folder: ./logs/
  1. Another file (models.yaml) that specifies models and pipelines:
    id: SDXL/stable-diffusion-xl-base-1.0/sd_xl_base_1.0.safetensors
    type: SDXL
    id: Hyper-SDXL-4steps-lora.safetensors
    type: SDXL

        name: "Prompt to Image"
        classname: Prompt2ImPipe
        need_imgs: False
        needs_cnet: False

Before scheduling image generation, one needs to create a session. The session determines where generation results are stored, both inside the ServiceThread and on the filesystem. open_session returns a dictionary containing a "session_id," which can be used later to query generation results.

These arguments are expected by open_session:

  • user: User name.
  • project: Project name, which determines where generated results are stored.
  • pipe: The name of the pipe to use for the session, as specified in the models config file under the "pipes" field.
  • model: The name of the model to use for the session, as specified in the config file under the "base" field.
  • loras: List of LoRA models to load. LoRAs must be present in the models config under the "lora" field.

queue_gen is used to schedule image generation. These keyword arguments are expected:

  • session_id One of the session IDs returned by open_session.
  • count: Number of images to generate.
  • image_callback: Callback function that accepts one argument - the path to the generated image.
    Other arguments are passed as is to the setup() method of the pipeline, and prompt is passed to gen().

full example:

cfg_file = 'config.yaml'

worker = ServiceThread(cfg_file)

pipe = "prompt2image"
model = 'sdxl1'
result = worker.open_session(

count = 5
c = 0
def on_new_image(*args, **kwargs):
    print(args, kwargs)
    global c
    c += 1

if 'error' not in result:
    sess_id = result['session_id']
                    width=1024, height=1024, steps=4,
                    seeds=[seed + i for i in range(count)],


This class together with Cfgen is used by ServiceThread to generate images.

nprompt = "jpeg artifacts, blur, distortion, lowres, bad anatomy, bad crop"
prompt = "biological lab with computers and exotic flowers, green colors"
pipe = Prompt2ImPipe(model_id)
pipe.setup(width=768, height=768)
gs = GenSession("./_projects/biolab", pipe, Cfgen(prompt, nprompt))


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