Install the required packages (in a virtual environment) using the following commands
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
The script accepts two command line arguments:
- input_folder, pointing to a folder containing:
- A subfolder newspaper, containing:
- .jpg images of newspaper scans
- .xml files specifying image coordinates
- A subfolder photo, containing:
- .jpg images of (cropped) photos
- A config.json, specifying the configuration of the data
- A subfolder newspaper, containing:
- output_folder, pointing to a folder for the output, default is
. If this folder does not yet exist, it will be created. If it does exist, existing results will be overwritten. It will be populated with:- for every photograph from the list find N-best matches from the illustrations in newspapers
- verify whether match is 'true/false' (postprocessing)
See the examples in the tests folder for more details.
There is a single test that performs the whole procedure for two different archives, using different configuration.