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kjohnsen committed Sep 30, 2022
1 parent beebeab commit d34bbae
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Showing 10 changed files with 576 additions and 0 deletions.
Binary file added BiasStaticNoiseData64.mat
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added Cell_PCA_data.mat
Binary file not shown.
44 changes: 44 additions & 0 deletions CheckCrossOver.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
function cross_itself = CheckCrossOver(x_temp)

% This function checks whether coordinates in x_temp crosses over itself.
% Inputs:
% x_temp Coordinates organized as (x1,x2,...,xK,y1,y2,...,yK)
% Outputs:
% cross_itself Boolean value that denotes whether there is cross-over.

d = length(x_temp);

cross_itself = false;
for p = 1:d/2
% reshuffle points such that p-th point is the first coordinate
x_temp(1:d/2) = [ x_temp(p:d/2); x_temp(1:p-1) ];
x_temp(d/2+1:end) = [ x_temp([p:d/2]+d/2); x_temp([1:p-1]+d/2) ];
% normalize by first coordinate
x_temp(1:d/2) = x_temp(1:d/2) - x_temp(1);
x_temp(d/2+1:end) = x_temp(d/2+1:end) - x_temp(d/2+1);
% rotate such that coord1 and coord2 is horizontal
rot_angle = -atan2( x_temp(d/2+2), x_temp(2) );
rot_matrix = [cos(rot_angle),-sin(rot_angle); sin(rot_angle), cos(rot_angle)];
x_rot = rot_matrix * [ x_temp(1:d/2), x_temp(d/2+1:end)]';
x_rot = [ reshape(x_rot(1,:),[],1); reshape(x_rot(2,:),[],1) ];
% rotate entire cell by angle from two coordinates
coord1 = [ x_rot(1); x_rot(d/2+1) ];
coord2 = [ x_rot(2); x_rot(d/2+2) ];
% consider all other points
for k = 3:d/2-1
coord3 = [ x_rot(k); x_rot(d/2+k) ];
coord4 = [ x_rot(k+1); x_rot(d/2+k+1) ];
m1 = ( coord2(2) - coord1(2) ) / ( coord2(1) - coord1(1) );
c1 = coord2(2) - m1 * coord2(1);
m2 = ( coord4(2) - coord3(2) ) / ( coord4(1) - coord3(1) );
c2 = coord4(2) - m2 * coord4(1);
x_cross = ( c2 - c1 ) / (m1 - m2); % analytically determine crossing
cross_itself = cross_itself | ...
( (x_cross > coord1(1)) & (x_cross < coord2(1) ) & ...
( (x_cross > coord3(1)) & (x_cross < coord4(1) ) | ...
(x_cross > coord4(1)) & (x_cross < coord3(1) ) ) );
if cross_itself == true, break; end;

16 changes: 16 additions & 0 deletions DIC_EPSF.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
function EPSF = DIC_EPSF(M,shear_angle,epsf_sigma)

% Generates an Effective Point Spread Function (EPSF) given parameters:
% M : Size of blurring MxM kernel (typ M=5)
% shear_angle : Shear angle in degrees
% epsf_sigma : Spread parameter sigma

[xg,yg] = meshgrid( [1:M] , [1:M] );
xg = xg - mean(xg(1,:));
yg = yg - mean(yg(:,1));
shear_angle_rad = shear_angle / 180 * pi;
exponent = exp( -(xg.^2 + yg.^2) / epsf_sigma^2 );
EPSF = - xg .* exponent * cos(shear_angle_rad) ...
- yg .* exponent * sin(shear_angle_rad);

31 changes: 31 additions & 0 deletions DefaultSyntheticCellParams.m
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function param = DefaultSyntheticCellParams

% Set default parameters (as in the paper)
param.imsize = 64;
param.NbrFrames = 100;

% Effective Point Spread Function Parameters
param.epsf_M = 5;
param.epsf_shear_angle = 225;
param.epsf_sigma = 0.5;

% Cell Surface Parameters
PixelspaceParam.ImSize = param.imsize;
PixelspaceParam.RotationAngle = rand*360; % ~Uniform(0,360)
PixelspaceParam.ScalingRatio = 0.7 + rand*0.1; % ~Uniform(0.7,0.8)
PixelspaceParam.Method = 'fractal'; % sumofgauss perlin fractal
PixelspaceParam.Persistence = sqrt(2); % perlin fractal
PixelspaceParam.NbrFrames = param.NbrFrames;
PixelspaceParam.Motion = 'shrink-expand'; % asympotic shrink-expand expand-shrink

param.PixelspaceParam = PixelspaceParam;

% Dynamic (Sensor) Noise Distributions Parameters
param.poiss_lambda = 1e-10;
param.poiss_amp = 20.6;
param.gauss_mu = 0;
param.gauss_sigma = 0.0181;
param.gauss_amp = 0.98;
param.SNR = -1;

29 changes: 29 additions & 0 deletions Demo.m
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%% Generate Synthetic Cell data

% Obtain default parameters
CellParam = DefaultSyntheticCellParams;

% Set custom parameters
CellParam.SNR = -10;
CellParam.NbrFrames = 100;

[I_N,BW,I,I_DIC,B] = GenerateSyntheticCellSequence(CellParam);

%% View Images Sequence

for f = 1:CellParam.NbrFrames
subplot(221); imagesc(I(:,:,f)); axis square; title(['Frame = ' num2str(f)]);
hold on; contour(BW(:,:,f),[0,0],'b');

subplot(222); imagesc(I_DIC(:,:,f)); axis square; title('I_{DIC}');
hold on; contour(BW(:,:,f),[0,0],'b');

subplot(223); imagesc(I_N(:,:,f)); axis square; title('I_N');

subplot(224); imagesc(I_N(:,:,f)+B); axis square; title('I_N + B');

colormap gray;
183 changes: 183 additions & 0 deletions EmbedCoordToImageSpace.m
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function [I,BW] = EmbedCoordToImageSpace(x,y,Param)

% This function takes shape coordinates and embeds them into image space
% using a selected noise generation function.

% Obtain parameters
ImSize = Param.ImSize;
RotationAngle = Param.RotationAngle;
ScalingRatio = Param.ScalingRatio;
Persistence = Param.Persistence;
Method = Param.Method;
Motion = Param.Motion;
NbrFrames = Param.NbrFrames;

% Obtain center coordinates
[xg,yg] = meshgrid(1:ImSize,1:ImSize);
ImCenter = mean(1:ImSize);

% Perform initial rotation
rot_matrix = [cosd(RotationAngle), -sind(RotationAngle); sind(RotationAngle), cosd(RotationAngle)];
rot = rot_matrix * [x,y]';
x = reshape( rot(1,:) , [] , 1); y = reshape( rot(2,:) , [] , 1);

% Perform spline interpolation with scaling
interp_pts = fnplt(cscvn([x,y]'));
x_interp = interp_pts(1,:)';
y_interp = interp_pts(2,:)';
Max_Width = max(abs( [ max(x_interp) , min(x_interp) , ...
max(y_interp) , min(y_interp) ] ));
x_interp = x_interp / Max_Width * ScalingRatio * ImSize / 2;
y_interp = y_interp / Max_Width * ScalingRatio * ImSize / 2;

% Cast into pixel space (binary image == GROUND TRUTH)
BW = roipoly( zeros(ImSize) , x_interp + ImCenter , y_interp + ImCenter );

% Methods of generating cell texture
switch lower(Method)
case 'perlin'
% Method #1: Use Perlin noise to generate cell texture
H = fspecial('disk',3);
P_N = perlin_noise(BW,Persistence);
case 'fractal'
% Method #2: Use Fractal noise to generate cell texture
H = fspecial('disk',3);
P_N = fractal_noise(BW,Persistence);
P_N = P_N - min(P_N(:)); P_N = P_N / max(P_N(:));
I = conv2( im2double(BW) , H , 'same' ) + (BW .* P_N);

% Stop here if only 1 frame is to be generated
if NbrFrames == 1, return; end;

% Create motion variables
K = double(BW); % analog for mask
L = P_N; % analog for noise
I_temp = zeros(ImSize,ImSize,NbrFrames);
BW_temp = zeros(ImSize,ImSize,NbrFrames);

% Generate motion by warping
switch lower(Motion)
case 'asympotic'
a = @(f) 1e-2 * exp(-f^1.3);
case 'shrink-expand'
turning_point = 0.25 + rand*0.1 + randn*0.1;
a = @(f) ((NbrFrames-f)/NbrFrames - turning_point) * 9e-6 ;
case 'expand-shrink'
turning_point = 0.25 + rand*0.1 + randn*0.1;
a = @(f) -((NbrFrames-f)/NbrFrames - turning_point) * 9e-6 ;

% Generate translation coordinates
trans_sigma = 2;
trans_start = trans_sigma*randn(2,1);
trans_end = diag(-sign(trans_start)) * abs(trans_sigma*randn(2,1));
trans_grad = trans_end - trans_start;

for f = 1:NbrFrames
% Apply distortion
K = barrel_distortion(K,a(f));
K_mask = round(K); %ceil(K-0.5);
L = barrel_distortion(L,a(f));
%J = barrel_distortion(J,a(f)); % Looks more natural (but is not GT)
%J = conv2( im2double(K_mask) , H , 'same' ) + (K_mask .* P_N);
J = conv2( im2double(K_mask) , H , 'same' ) + (K_mask .* L); % Looks more natural

%I_temp(:,:,f) = J;
%BW_temp(:,:,f) = K_mask;

% Apply translation
t = exp(-f/(NbrFrames/2));
tx = trans_start(1) + t*( trans_end(1)-trans_start(1) );
ty = trans_start(2) + t*( trans_end(2)-trans_start(2) );
I_temp(:,:,f) = imtranslate(J,[tx,ty]);
BW_temp(:,:,f) = ceil(imtranslate(K_mask,[tx,ty]));
I = I_temp; BW = BW_temp;

% Show spectral plots
% [static_spectrum,static_freq] = RadialAvgPSD(P_N);
% hold on; plot(10*log10(static_freq),10*log10(static_spectrum),'b');

% Show image
% clf; imagesc(I); axis square; colormap gray;
% hold on; plot(x_interp+ImCenter,y_interp+ImCenter,'b-');

%% Barrel Distortion
% Reference:

function I_barrel = barrel_distortion(I,a)
% The variable 'a' controls how much barrel/pin cushion distortion there
% is. If a>0 then the image appears to shrink. If a<0 then the image
% appears to expand.

[nrows,ncols] = size(I);
[xi,yi] = meshgrid(1:ncols,1:nrows);
imid = round(size(I,2)/2);
xt = xi(:) - imid;
yt = yi(:) - imid;
[theta,r] = cart2pol(xt,yt);
s = r + a*r.^3;
[ut,vt] = pol2cart(theta,s);
u = reshape(ut,size(xi)) + imid;
v = reshape(vt,size(yi)) + imid;
tmap_B = cat(3,u,v);
resamp = makeresampler('linear','fill');
I_barrel = tformarray(I,[],resamp,[2 1],[1 2],[],tmap_B,0);


%% Perlin noise
% This function was modified to include persistence
% The original function was taken from:
function im = perlin_noise(im,persistence)

if nargin == 1
persistence = 0;

[n, m] = size(im);
i = 0;
w = sqrt(n*m);

while w > 3
i = i + 1;
d = interp2(randn(n, m), i-1, 'spline');
if persistence == 0
im = im + i * d(1:n, 1:m);
im = im + persistence^i * d(1:n, 1:m);
w = w - ceil(w/2 - 1);


%% Fractal Noise (to be precise, 1/f^p noise)
% A nice (visual) explanation can be found at

function im = fractal_noise(im,persistence)

% If persistence wasn't defined, then pink noise (i.e. 1/f) is default
if nargin == 1
persistence = 1;

% Extract size information
[N(1),N(2)] = size(im);
hr = (N(1)-1)/2;
hc = (N(2)-1)/2;

% Distance from center (normalized to 0:1)
[x,y] = meshgrid( [-hc:hc]/hc , [-hr:hr]/hr );
D = sqrt( x.^2 + y.^2 );

% Create a 1/f^p filter
H = 1 ./ D.^persistence; % filter
H = H / norm(H(:)); % normalize

im = real( ifft2( ifftshift( fft2(randn(N)) .* H )) );

78 changes: 78 additions & 0 deletions GenerateRandomCellShape.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
function [x_syn_data] = GenerateRandomCellShape(pca_data,NbrCoeffs,NbrSyntheticCells)

% This function generates synthetic cells using coefficient distribution
% Inputs:
% pca_data.b Coefficients of training examples
% pca_data.V Eigen-vectors
% pca_data.x_bar Data mean
% NbrCoeffs Number of coefficients to use
% NbrSyntheticCells Number of Synthetic cells
% Outputs:
% x_syn_data

% Extract key variables
b = pca_data.b;
V = pca_data.V;
x_bar = pca_data.x_bar;
d = size(b,1); % number of dimensions
N = size(b,2); % number of examples

dd = NbrCoeffs; % sub-dimensions of interest (select any dd < d)

x_syn_data = zeros(d,NbrSyntheticCells);

%% Covariance method (this assumes gaussian distributed coefficients)
% Unfortunately, this is an incorrect assumption.

% % Generate data covariance matrix S
% S = zeros(d);
% for i = 1:N
% S = S + b(:,i) * b(:,i)';
% end
% S = S/(N-1);
% % Obtain the cholesky factor T (for faster random generation later on)
% % Read up the function mvnrnd() for details.
% T = cholcov(S);
% c = 1;
% while c <= NbrSyntheticCells
% % Generate a random cell-shape
% b_syn = T' * randn(size(T,1),1);
% % Resynthetize to coordinates
% x_syn = x_bar + V * b_syn;
% % Plot
% % plot( x_syn([d/2+1:d,d/2+1]) , x_syn([1:d/2,1]) , 'bo-' );
% % title(['Cell #' num2str(c) ', cross-itself = ' num2str(cross_itself)]); pause;
% if ~CheckCrossOver(x_syn), x_syn_data(:,c) = x_syn; c = c+1; end
% end

%% Kernel Density Estimation method
% This doesn't assume any gaussianity on the coefficient distributions

c = 1;
while c <= NbrSyntheticCells % Generate random cells

% Generate random Eigen-values
b_rand = zeros(d,1);

for i = d:-1:(d-dd+1)
clear pd;
data = b(i,:)';
%bw = 1.06 * min(std(data),iqr(data)/1.34) * N^-0.2;
%pd = fitdist(data,'Kernel','Kernel','normal','Width',bw);
pd = fitdist(data,'Kernel');
b_rand(i) = random(pd);

% Create synthetic cell
x_syn = x_bar + V * b_rand;

if ~CheckCrossOver(x_syn), x_syn_data(:,c) = x_syn; c = c+1; end
c = c - 1;

disp(['Total cells generated: ' num2str(size(x_syn_data,2))]);

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