Learning sparse codes from compressed representations with biologically plausible local wiring constraints
Code accompanying 2020 NeurIps paper by Kion Fallah*, Adam A. Willats*, Ninghao Liu, and Christopher J. Rozell.
This library provides code to learn a sparse coding model with different coefficient inference strategies (FISTA and ADMM), as well as different compression schemes (dense random matrix, block diagonal matrix, and banded random matrix).
* equal contribution
In order to train a compressed sparse dictionary, use the train_sparse_dict.py
script. There are several optional parameters, but the ones that you might be interested in are:
, which determines the compression matrix. Options arenone
for no compression,bdm
for banded diagonal matrix, andbrm
for banded random matrix. For a dense random, usebdm
with a localization of 1,-l 1
, which determines the degree of localization
Example usage:
python train_sparse_dict.py -c bdm -l 4
Python 3.0+, Scikit-Learn, Numpy, Scipy.
Whitened natural images retrieved from http://www.rctn.org/bruno/sparsenet/
The training script, train_sparse_dict.py
, outputs a dictionary containing Numpy arrays in a specific format. To use it, first load a training file:
data_file = np.load('./results/traindata_05-31-2020_none_J1.npz')
With any training file loaded, access the dictionary using the following format:
Dictionary key | Value |
data_file['phi'] | A Numpy tensor containing the dictionary at each epoch in training. Dimensions [num_epochs x patch_size**2 x dict_count] |
data_file['time'] | The training time, in seconds, at each epoch Dimensions [num_epochs x float] |
data_file['train_loss'] | Training loss at each epoch. Performed on uncompressed or compressed dictionaries learned on the main data-set. Loss is MSE reconstructing training patches. Dimensions [num_epochs x float]. |
data_file['val_loss'] | Validation loss at each epoch. Performed on uncompressed or reconstructed dictionaries on hold-out data-set, taken from seperate images. Loss is MSE between reconstructed validation patches. Dimensions [num_epochs x float]. |