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Dillon Redding edited this page Dec 31, 2023 · 8 revisions

The simplest way for a client to interact with hypertext is by following some sort of link. We can accomplish this with the follow function, which is a thin wrapper around the fetch function. It accepts a target and a set of options. Because the response to following the target may not contain Siren content, follow returns a Response object.

The target is polymorphic. It can be a string representing a URL:

import { follow } from '@siren-js/client';

const entryPoint = '';
let response = await follow(entryPoint);

It can be a URL object:

response = await follow(new URL(entryPoint));

And probably the most useful is when the target is a Link or EmbeddedLink object:

response = await follow(customerLink); // customerLink is from the Modeling page 👉

If you can safely assume the server only responds with Siren content, you can easily combine follow with parse (see Parsing).

const customerEntity = await follow(customerLink).then(parse);

Providing a Base URL

You can provide a baseUrl in case the target URI is relative.

response = await follow('/orders', {
  baseUrl: ''

Configuring Fetch

Use the requestInit option to specify the options for the call to fetch.

response = await follow('', {
  requestInit: {
    headers: {
      'Api-Key': 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
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