Application Live at :
- Write notes and posts and share them publicly.
- Option to keep notes marked as private/flagged for privacy.
- Social feed to read notes posted by other users of the application
- Modern Google Sign In for keeping your notes synced to the cloud.
- Perform update and delete operation on notes only written by logged in user
- Logged in state using sessions
- NodeJS, Express framework
- Passport.js OAuth 2.0 for Google authentication
- MongoDB database for non relational database
- MongoDB Atlas for cloud storage
- Materialize CSS framework
- Mongoose ORM
- JS ES6 syntax
- Particle.js for animated home screen
- Express Handlebars for templating engine
- mongo-connect package for handling sessions to keep user logged in 11.Heroku for deployment
- Serve the application as a standalone API
- Implement caching using Redis
- Add Comments and Like section for public posts.
- And more...