Articles about Computer Vision and Deep Learning (OpenCV & Tensorflow & Pytorch)
Medium profile : https://medium.com/@siromermer -
Notebooks about ML & DL (Tensorflow & Pytorch)
Kaggle profile : https://www.kaggle.com/merfarukgnaydn
Converting Real life Chessboard Photos to a 2D Chessboard-Format --> Object Detection , Image Processing
- Converter for real-life Chess images to 2D format (format used by chess.com,lichess.org)
- OpenCV,Pytorch,Pandas, Numpy ,Depthai
- Extension for CSGO game: Developed a real-time object detection extension by training YOLOv8 and YOLOv7 models to enhance
aiming precision within the Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CSGO) game.
- Pytorch , OpenCV
- Computer vision projects focused on object detection, object tracking, classical computer vision techniques, image segmentation, feature extraction algorithms, and more. Python and C++ implementations available.