HFUT IoT (Internet of Things) Major Resources in the School of Computer and Information.
Due to the size limit of git repositories, all materials are hosted on the Coding platform.
All materials include personal notes. For copyright issues, contact for removal.
The list of all materials can be found here: HFUT
- 硬件工程师综合训练 Comprehensive Training for Hardware Engineers
- Java技术 Java Technology
- RFID原理和应用 Principles and Applications of RFID
- 信号与系统 Signals and Systems
- 人工智能原理 Principles of Artificial Intelligence
- 汇编语言 Assembly Language
- 通信原理 Communication Theory
- 计算机网络 Computer Networks
- 计算机组成原理 Principles of Computer Organization
- 微机原理与接口技术 Microcomputer Principles and Interface Techniques
- 数据库 Databases
- 嵌入式系统 Embedded Systems
- 机器学习 Machine Learning
- 数理逻辑 Mathematical Logic
- 现代企业管理 Modern Business Management
- 操作系统 Operating Systems
- 传感器技术 Sensor Technology
- 单片机原理与技术 Microcontroller Principles and Techniques
- 软件工程 Software Engineering