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Releases: sisl/SOFA.jl


20 Sep 15:17
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  • Moved "Test" dependency to [extras] (cleans up Project.toml in downstream packages)
  • Added [compat] requirements for StaticArrays and BinDeps


28 Aug 20:34
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Update packaged to 2019-07-22 release SOFA C Release
Changed Vector and Matrix returns to use StaticArrays

Restrict Package to Julia 1.0

02 Dec 01:27
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Update Project.toml and REQUIRE to restrict package to Julia versions 1.0 and above.

Initial Release

02 Dec 01:16
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Initial release of the SOFA.jl package. SOFA.jl is a wrapper which builds and calls the SOFA C Library of fundamental astrodynamics functions.

The three functions which use iauLDBODY do not return numerically correct values, but the function calls can be made without causing errors.

There is not documentation in the current release, and users should refer to the official SOFA documentation for usage.