Sissi 👸 stands for Small Indieweb Static SIte
and is a configuration-free minimalistic static-site generator, inspired by eleventy, but for an even more minimalistic approach.
This is a silly but serious experiment by Lea about how far we can get with dependency-free node.js. This must be how Zach started Eleventy
What does it include?
export default function(config) {
// You can add plugins via config.addPlugin here
// config.addPlugin(html);
return {
dir: {
input: 'demo',
output: 'dist'
It comes with a very basic but effective include system, inspired by Max Böcks zero-build approach:
<html-include src="header.html"/>
@import 'variables.css';
@import 'layout.css';
Not sure yet :D.
There is an extension system. You could use that to add esbuild support. That part is compatible with eleventy. Also, You could totally replace the above CSS processor with LightningCSS, for example.
npm run dev
- You can add plugins via config.addPlugin to add further functionality to Sissy
By default, all files are copied from the input file to the output folder, not changing the name. You can change this behavior to always create a directory and an index file instead:
export default function(config) {
config.naming = directoryNaming;