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ViewHelpers for html5 tags that improve readability in complex fluid templates


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Fluid TagBuilder

This is an attempt to make complex Fluid templates with a lot of dynamically pieced together HTML tags more readable.

Disclaimer: This is no one fits all solution and should only be used when appropriate, certainly not for all tags in your template!


    class="{class} {f:if(condition: isBold, then: 'bold')} {f:if(condition: isActive, then: 'active')}"
    {f:if(condition: title, then: 'title="{title}"')}
    More content


        'bold': isBold,
        'active': isActive
    More content

Getting started

Install the library via composer:

composer require sitegeist/fluid-tagbuilder

... and start using it in your templates:

<html xmlns:ft="" data-namespace-typo3-fluid="true">


  • supports all tags currently defined by the HTML specification (see below)
  • supports all currently defined boolean HTML5 attributes
    • if true: required="required"
    • if false: no attribute
  • removes empty tag attributes
  • generates optimized class attribute from :classList="{...}"
  • generates data attributes from :dataList="{...}"
  • generates additional tag attributes from :attributeList="{...}"
  • short hand to remove whitespace with :spaceless="1"

Supported HTML tags

The extension includes short-hands for the following HTML5 elements:

  • a
  • abbr
  • address
  • area
  • article
  • aside
  • audio (with autplay, controls, loop, muted as additional boolean attributes)
  • b
  • base
  • bdi
  • bdo
  • blockquote
  • body
  • br
  • button (with disabled, formnovalidate as additional boolean attributes)
  • canvas
  • caption
  • cite
  • code
  • col
  • colgroup
  • data
  • datalist
  • dd
  • del
  • details (with open as additional boolean attribute)
  • dfn
  • dialog (with open as additional boolean attribute)
  • div
  • dl
  • dt
  • em
  • embed
  • fieldset (with disabled as additional boolean attribute)
  • figcaption
  • figure
  • footer
  • form (with novalidate as additional boolean attribute)
  • h1
  • h2
  • h3
  • h4
  • h5
  • h6
  • head
  • header
  • hgroup
  • hr
  • html
  • i
  • iframe (with allowfullscreen as additional boolean attribute)
  • img (with ismap as additional boolean attribute)
  • input (with checked, disabled, formnovalidate, multiple, readonly, required as additional boolean attributes)
  • ins
  • kbd
  • label
  • legend
  • li
  • link (with disabled as additional boolean attribute)
  • main
  • map
  • mark
  • math
  • menu
  • meta
  • meter
  • nav
  • noscript
  • object
  • ol (with reversed as additional boolean attribute)
  • optgroup (with disabled as additional boolean attribute)
  • option (with disabled, selected as additional boolean attributes)
  • output
  • p
  • param
  • picture
  • pre
  • progress
  • q
  • rp
  • rt
  • ruby
  • s
  • samp
  • script (with async, defer, nomodule as additional boolean attributes)
  • section
  • select (with disabled, multiple, required as additional boolean attributes)
  • slot
  • small
  • source
  • span
  • strong
  • style
  • sub
  • summary
  • sup
  • svg
  • table
  • tbody
  • td
  • template
  • textarea (with disabled, readonly, required as additional boolean attributes)
  • tfoot
  • th
  • thead
  • time
  • title
  • tr
  • track (with default as additional boolean attribute)
  • u
  • ul
  • var
  • video (with autoplay, controls, loop, muted, playsinline as additional boolean attributes)
  • wbr

All listed elements support the following boolean attributes:

  • autofocus
  • hidden
  • itemscope