A collection of helpful RxJS operators to deal with backoff strategies (like exponential backoff) Angular-in-Depth article about this library is at https://indepth.dev/power-of-rxjs-when-using-exponential-backoff/
works similiarly to interval
except that it doubles the delay between emissions every time.
name | type | attirbute | description |
config | number | IntervalBackoffConfig | required | Can take number as initial interval or a config with initial interval, optional max Interval and optional backoff delay function (exponential by default) |
is especially useful for periodic polls that are reset whenever user activity is detected:
fromEvent(document, 'mousemove').pipe(
// There could be many mousemoves, we'd want to sample only
// with certain frequency
// Start immediately
// Resetting exponential interval
initialInterval: LOAD_INTERVAL_MS,
maxInterval: MAX_INTERVAL_MS
name | type | attirbute | description |
config | number | RetryBackoffConfig | required | Can take number as initial interval or a config with initial interval, optional max Interval, optional max number of retry attempts, optional function to cancel reties and optional backoff delay function (exponential by default) |
initialInterval: 100,
maxRetries: 12,
// 👇 resets retries count and delays between them to init values
resetOnSuccess: true