Vitakka Consulting
- vitakka.co
laten-fw Public
ETL oriented Celery MongoDB skeleton framework
mesh-client Public
Forked from jamespic/mesh-clientA Python client library for NHS Digital MESH
navistore Public
Pure Python implementation of a key value store using the twisted.web framework
django_dicom Public
Forked from ZviBaratz/django_dicomA django app to manage DICOM files.
pylabber Public
Forked from ZviBaratz/pylabberA database manager for neuroscience
django_mri Public
Forked from ZviBaratz/django_mriA reusable Django app to manage MRI data.
vuelabber Public
Forked from ZviBaratz/vuelabberA Vue.js app for pylabber.
ckanext-developerpage Public
CKAN extension to show useful system information for debugging, maintenance and support purposes.
CKAN is an open-source DMS (data management system) for powering data hubs and data portals. CKAN makes it easy to publish, share and use data. It powers datahub.io, catalog.data.gov and europeanda…
ckanext-ed Public
Forked from ViderumGlobal/ckanext-edCodebase for Dept of Ed Open Data Project
flutter_plugins Public
Forked from fidelisa/flutter_pluginsFlutter plugins
staticutils Public
utilities for working with static assets in python based web programming
simple_flutter_audio_recorder Public
Forked from LarsDu/simple_flutter_audio_recorderA simple cross platform audio recording app for iOS and android made using Flutter
teleops Public
Talk to your servers in real time! TeleOps facilitates shell and management console access through instant messaging infrastructure.
ChatSecure-iOS Public
Forked from ChatSecure/ChatSecure-iOSChatSecure is a free and open source encrypted chat client for iPhone and Android that supports OTR encryption over XMPP.
coffeeshop Public
iOS 6.1 Application that uses rest kit.org the right way, for master-detail app of coffee shops around you based on http://www.raywenderlich.com/13097/intro-to-restkit-tutorial
django-pubnub Public
Real life example of how to use PubNub to send real time notifications from Django per unique user, secured.
peeper Public
A very crude simple social stream API in Python and PostgreSQL
floatfind Public
Python software to create soft-float enabled Debian repository for FPUless mipsel mobile devices.
prodline Public
An embedded production line logic glue using Python and urwid
relaxession Public
Relax your sessions. Secure automatic replication and health management for CouchDB using Python.
pydirsync Public
directory mirroring in Python, using twisted. asynchronous programming example.
qtsummit Public
python comprehensive CSV module usage exmaple, in form of scripts managing csv data
heroku-buildpack-python Public
Forked from heroku/heroku-buildpack-pythonPython buildpack