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wrapify is a Go library designed to simplify and standardize API response wrapping for RESTful services. It leverages the Decorator Pattern to dynamically add error handling, metadata, pagination, and other response features in a clean and human-readable format.

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wrapify is a Go library designed to simplify and standardize API response wrapping for RESTful services. It leverages the Decorator Pattern to dynamically add error handling, metadata, pagination, and other response features in a clean and human-readable format. With Wrapify, you can ensure consistent and extensible API responses with minimal boilerplate. Perfect for building robust, maintainable REST APIs in Go!


  • Go version 1.23 or higher


To install, you can use the following commands based on your preference:

  • For a specific version:

    go get[email protected]
  • For the latest version:

    go get -u

Getting started

Getting wrapify

With Go's module support, go [build|run|test] automatically fetches the necessary dependencies when you add the import in your code:

import ""


An example of the wrapper-based standardized API response

  "data": "response body here", // The primary data payload of the response.
  "debug": {
    "___abc": "trace sessions_id: 4919e84fc26881e9fe790f5d07465db4",
    "refer": 1234
  }, // Debugging information (useful for development).
  "message": "How are you? I'm good", // A message providing additional context about the response.
  "meta": {
    "api_version": "v0.0.1", // API version used for the request.
    "custom_fields": {
      "fields": "userID: 103"
    }, // Additional custom metadata fields.
    "locale": "en_US", // Locale used for the request, e.g., "en-US".
    "request_id": "80eafc6a1655ec5a06595d155f1e6951", // Unique identifier for the request, useful for debugging.
    "requested_time": "2024-12-14T20:24:23.983839+07:00" // Timestamp when the request was made.
  }, // Metadata about the API response.
  "pagination": {
    "is_last": true, // Indicates whether this is the last page.
    "page": 1000, // Current page number.
    "per_page": 2, // Number of items per page.
    "total_items": 120, // Total number of items available.
    "total_pages": 34 // Total number of pages.
  }, // Pagination details, if applicable.
  "path": "/api/v1/users", // Request path for which the response is generated.
  "status_code": 200, // HTTP status code for the response.
  "total": 1 // Total number of items (used in non-paginated responses).

Structure of the wrapper-based standardized API response

// R represents a wrapper around the main `wrapper` struct.
// It is used as a high-level abstraction to provide a simplified interface for handling API responses.
// The `R` type allows for easier manipulation of the wrapped data, metadata,
// and other response components, while maintaining the flexibility of the underlying `wrapper` structure.
type R struct {
// Available checks whether the `wrapper` instance is non-nil.
func (w *wrapper) Available() bool
// Body retrieves the body data associated with the `wrapper` instance.
func (w *wrapper) Body() interface{}
// Cause traverses the error chain and returns the underlying cause of the error
// associated with the `wrapper` instance.
func (w *wrapper) Cause() error
// Debugging retrieves the debugging information from the `wrapper` instance.
func (w *wrapper) Debugging() map[string]interface{}
// Error retrieves the error associated with the `wrapper` instance.
func (w *wrapper) Error() string
// Header retrieves the `header` associated with the `wrapper` instance.
func (w *wrapper) Header() *header
// IsBodyPresent checks whether the body data is present in the `wrapper` instance.
func (w *wrapper) IsBodyPresent() bool
// IsClientError checks whether the HTTP status code indicates a client error.
func (w *wrapper) IsClientError() bool
// IsDebuggingKeyPresent checks whether a specific key exists in the `debug` information.
func (w *wrapper) IsDebuggingKeyPresent(key string) bool
// IsDebuggingPresent checks whether debugging information is present in the `wrapper` instance.
func (w *wrapper) IsDebuggingPresent() bool
// IsError checks whether there is an error present in the `wrapper` instance.
// This function returns `true` if the `wrapper` contains an error, which can be any of the following:
//   - An error present in the `errors` field.
//   - A client error (4xx status code) or a server error (5xx status code).
func (w *wrapper) IsError() bool
// IsErrorPresent checks whether an error is present in the `wrapper` instance.
func (w *wrapper) IsErrorPresent() bool
// IsHeaderPresent checks whether header information is present in the `wrapper` instance.
func (w *wrapper) IsHeaderPresent() bool
// IsLastPage checks whether the current page is the last page of results.
func (w *wrapper) IsLastPage() bool
// IsMetaPresent checks whether metadata information is present in the `wrapper` instance.
func (w *wrapper) IsMetaPresent() bool
// IsPagingPresent checks whether pagination information is present in the `wrapper` instance.
func (w *wrapper) IsPagingPresent() bool
// IsRedirection checks whether the HTTP status code indicates a redirection response.
func (w *wrapper) IsRedirection() bool
// IsServerError checks whether the HTTP status code indicates a server error.
func (w *wrapper) IsServerError() bool
// IsStatusCodePresent checks whether a valid status code is present in the `wrapper` instance.
func (w *wrapper) IsStatusCodePresent() bool
// IsSuccess checks whether the HTTP status code indicates a successful response.
func (w *wrapper) IsSuccess() bool
// IsTotalPresent checks whether the total number of items is present in the `wrapper` instance.
func (w *wrapper) IsTotalPresent() bool
// Json serializes the `wrapper` instance into a compact JSON string.
func (w *wrapper) Json() string
// JsonPretty serializes the `wrapper` instance into a prettified JSON string.
func (w *wrapper) JsonPretty() string
// Message retrieves the message associated with the `wrapper` instance.
func (w *wrapper) Message() string
// Meta retrieves the `meta` information from the `wrapper` instance.
func (w *wrapper) Meta() *meta
// OnKeyDebugging retrieves the value of a specific debugging key from the `wrapper` instance.
func (w *wrapper) OnKeyDebugging(key string) interface{}
// Pagination retrieves the `pagination` instance associated with the `wrapper`.
func (w *wrapper) Pagination() *pagination
// R represents a wrapper around the main `wrapper` struct. It is used as a high-level
// abstraction to provide a simplified interface for handling API responses.
// The `R` type allows for easier manipulation of the wrapped data, metadata, and other
// response components, while maintaining the flexibility of the underlying `wrapper` structure.
func (w *wrapper) Reply() R
// Respond generates a map representation of the `wrapper` instance.
func (w *wrapper) Respond() map[string]interface{}
// StatusCode retrieves the HTTP status code associated with the `wrapper` instance.
func (w *wrapper) StatusCode() int
// StatusText returns a human-readable string representation of the HTTP status.
func (w *wrapper) StatusText() string
// Total retrieves the total number of items associated with the `wrapper` instance.
func (w *wrapper) Total() int
// WithApiVersion sets the API version in the `meta` field of the `wrapper` instance.
func (w *wrapper) WithApiVersion(v string) *wrapper
// WithApiVersionf sets the API version in the `meta` field of the `wrapper` instance using a formatted string.
func (w *wrapper) WithApiVersionf(format string, args ...interface{}) *wrapper
// WithBody sets the body data for the `wrapper` instance.
func (w *wrapper) WithBody(v interface{}) *wrapper
// WithCustomFieldKV sets a specific custom field key-value pair in the `meta` field of the `wrapper` instance.
func (w *wrapper) WithCustomFieldKV(key string, value interface{}) *wrapper
// WithCustomFieldKVf sets a specific custom field key-value pair in the `meta` field of the `wrapper` instance
// using a formatted value.
func (w *wrapper) WithCustomFieldKVf(key string, format string, args ...interface{}) *wrapper
// WithCustomFields sets the custom fields in the `meta` field of the `wrapper` instance.
func (w *wrapper) WithCustomFields(values map[string]interface{}) *wrapper
// WithDebugging sets the debugging information for the `wrapper` instance.
func (w *wrapper) WithDebugging(v map[string]interface{}) *wrapper
// WithDebuggingKV adds a key-value pair to the debugging information in the `wrapper` instance.
func (w *wrapper) WithDebuggingKV(key string, value interface{}) *wrapper
// WithDebuggingKVf adds a formatted key-value pair to the debugging information in the `wrapper` instance.
func (w *wrapper) WithDebuggingKVf(key string, format string, args ...interface{}) *wrapper
// WithErrMessage adds a plain contextual message to an existing error and sets it for the `wrapper` instance.
func (w *wrapper) WithErrMessage(err error, message string) *wrapper
// WithErrMessagef adds a formatted contextual message to an existing error and sets it for the `wrapper` instance.
func (w *wrapper) WithErrMessagef(err error, format string, args ...interface{}) *wrapper
// WithErrSck sets an error with a stack trace for the `wrapper` instance.
func (w *wrapper) WithErrSck(err error) *wrapper
// WithErrWrap wraps an existing error with an additional message and sets it for the `wrapper` instance.
func (w *wrapper) WithErrWrap(err error, message string) *wrapper
// WithErrWrapf wraps an existing error with a formatted message and sets it for the `wrapper` instance.
func (w *wrapper) WithErrWrapf(err error, format string, args ...interface{}) *wrapper
// WithError sets an error for the `wrapper` instance using a plain error message.
func (w *wrapper) WithError(message string) *wrapper
// WithErrorf sets a formatted error for the `wrapper` instance.
func (w *wrapper) WithErrorf(format string, args ...interface{}) *wrapper
// WithHeader sets the header for the `wrapper` instance.
func (w *wrapper) WithHeader(v *header) *wrapper
// WithIsLast sets whether the current page is the last one in the wrapper's pagination.
func (w *wrapper) WithIsLast(v bool) *wrapper
// WithLocale sets the locale in the `meta` field of the `wrapper` instance.
func (w *wrapper) WithLocale(v string) *wrapper
// WithMessage sets a message for the `wrapper` instance.
func (w *wrapper) WithMessage(message string) *wrapper
// WithMessagef sets a formatted message for the `wrapper` instance.
func (w *wrapper) WithMessagef(message string, args ...interface{}) *wrapper
// WithMeta sets the metadata for the `wrapper` instance.
func (w *wrapper) WithMeta(v *meta) *wrapper
// WithPage sets the current page number in the wrapper's pagination.
func (w *wrapper) WithPage(v int) *wrapper
// WithPagination sets the pagination information for the `wrapper` instance.
func (w *wrapper) WithPagination(v *pagination) *wrapper
// WithPath sets the request path for the `wrapper` instance.
func (w *wrapper) WithPath(v string) *wrapper
// WithPathf sets a formatted request path for the `wrapper` instance.
func (w *wrapper) WithPathf(v string, args ...interface{}) *wrapper
// WithPerPage sets the number of items per page in the wrapper's pagination.
func (w *wrapper) WithPerPage(v int) *wrapper
// WithRequestID sets the request ID in the `meta` field of the `wrapper` instance.
func (w *wrapper) WithRequestID(v string) *wrapper
// WithRequestIDf sets the request ID in the `meta` field of the `wrapper` instance using a formatted string.
func (w *wrapper) WithRequestIDf(format string, args ...interface{}) *wrapper
// WithRequestedTime sets the requested time in the `meta` field of the `wrapper` instance.
func (w *wrapper) WithRequestedTime(v time.Time) *wrapper
// WithStatusCode sets the HTTP status code for the `wrapper` instance.
func (w *wrapper) WithStatusCode(code int) *wrapper
// WithTotal sets the total number of items for the `wrapper` instance.
func (w *wrapper) WithTotal(total int) *wrapper
// WithTotalItems sets the total number of items in the wrapper's pagination.
func (w *wrapper) WithTotalItems(v int) *wrapper
// WithTotalPages sets the total number of pages in the wrapper's pagination.
func (w *wrapper) WithTotalPages(v int) *wrapper

Parse JSON string to wrapper-based standardized API response

package main

import (


func main() {
	jsonStr := `{
		"data": "response body here",
		"debug": {
		  "___abc": "trace sessions_id: 4919e84fc26881e9fe790f5d07465db4",
		  "refer": 1234
		"message": "How do you do? I'm good",
		"meta": {
		  "api_version": "v0.0.1",
		  "custom_fields": {
			"fields": "userID: 103"
		  "locale": "en_US",
		  "request_id": "80eafc6a1655ec5a06595d155f1e6951",
		  "requested_time": "2024-12-14T20:24:23.983839+07:00"
		"pagination": {
		  "is_last": true,
		  "page": 1000,
		  "per_page": 2,
		  "total_items": 120,
		  "total_pages": 34
		"path": "/api/v1/users",
		"status_code": 200,
		"total": 1
	t := time.Now()
	w, err := wrapify.Parse(jsonStr)
	diff := time.Since(t)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Error parsing JSON: %v", err)
	fmt.Printf("Exe time: %+v\n", diff.String())
	fmt.Printf("%+v\n", w.OnKeyDebugging("___abc"))
	fmt.Printf("%+v\n", w.JsonPretty())

Example of creating a wrapper-based standardized API response

package main

import (


func main() {
	p := wrapify.NewPagination().
	w := wrapify.New().
		WithMessagef("How are you? %v", "I'm good").
		WithDebuggingKV("refer", 1234).
		WithDebuggingKVf("___abc", "trace sessions_id: %v", unify4g.GenerateCryptoID()).
		WithBody("response body here").
		WithCustomFieldKVf("fields", "userID: %v", 103).
	if !w.Available() {

HTTP Status Codes for APIs

Scenario HTTP Status Codes Example
Successful Resource Retrieval 200 OK, 304 Not Modified GET /users/123 - Returns user data or indicates cached content is valid.
Resource Creation 201 Created POST /users - Creates a new user, with a location header for the resource URL.
Asynchronous Processing 202 Accepted POST /large-file - File upload starts, and the client polls for result.
Validation Errors 400 Bad Request POST /users - Missing name field or invalid input format.
Authentication Issues 401 Unauthorized, 403 Forbidden Accessing a secured endpoint without valid credentials or insufficient permissions.
Rate Limiting 429 Too Many Requests Exceeded allowed API requests within a time window.
Missing Resource 404 Not Found GET /users/999 - User ID not found.
Server Failures 500 Internal Server Error, 503 Service Unavailable Database failure, unhandled exception, or server in maintenance mode.
Version Conflicts 409 Conflict PUT /resource/123 with an outdated version, causing a conflict.
Partial Responses 206 Partial Content Video streaming or fetching paginated results.
Redirecting Resources 302 Found, 307 Temporary Redirect, 308 Permanent Redirect URL redirection during resource movement or temporary relocation.
Client Data Too Large 413 Payload Too Large, 414 URI Too Long Request body or URL exceeds server-defined limits.
Unsupported Content Type 415 Unsupported Media Type Client uploads a file format not accepted by the server.
Preconditions in Requests 428 Precondition Required Conditional requests missing headers like If-Match.
Unavailable Legal Restrictions 451 Unavailable For Legal Reasons Server refuses access due to legal constraints (e.g., copyright violations).
Teapot Joke (RFC 2324) 418 I'm a Teapot Easter egg for servers implementing the Hyper Text Coffee Pot Control Protocol.

Detailed Use of HTTP Status Codes

HTTP Status Code Category Description Example
100 Continue Informational Request headers received; client can proceed with the request body. Client sends a large payload after server's readiness.
200 OK Successful General success for GET, POST, PUT, or DELETE requests. Returns requested resource or success confirmation.
201 Created Successful Resource successfully created. POST /users creates a new user.
202 Accepted Successful Request accepted but processing is asynchronous. Long-running jobs or file uploads.
204 No Content Successful Request successful, but no response body is returned. DELETE /users/123 successfully deletes a user.
301 Moved Permanently Redirection Resource has moved permanently to a new location. Redirect from http:// to https://.
304 Not Modified Redirection Cached content is still valid. GET returns no new data if resource is unchanged.
400 Bad Request Client Error Malformed or invalid request from the client. Missing required fields or invalid input.
401 Unauthorized Client Error Authentication is required but missing or invalid. Accessing protected routes without valid credentials.
403 Forbidden Client Error Access is denied due to insufficient permissions. Non-admin user attempting to access admin resources.
404 Not Found Client Error Requested resource could not be found. GET /users/999 where the user doesn't exist.
409 Conflict Client Error Conflict with the current resource state. Versioning conflicts during updates.
429 Too Many Requests Client Error Too many requests sent by the client in a time window. Exceeding API rate limits for a free-tier user.
500 Internal Server Error Server Error Generic error due to unexpected server conditions. Unhandled exception or database failure.
503 Service Unavailable Server Error Server is temporarily unavailable (e.g., maintenance or overload). Server in maintenance mode.
504 Gateway Timeout Server Error Upstream server timeout occurred. API service failed while calling a dependent service.
205 Reset Content Successful Client should reset the view or form after the request. Clearing form data after a successful submission.
206 Partial Content Successful Partial data returned, typically for range requests. Video or file streaming.
302 Found Redirection Resource temporarily located at a different URI. Temporary URL redirection during maintenance.
307 Temporary Redirect Redirection POST request redirect maintaining HTTP method and body. Redirecting after login to the original page.
308 Permanent Redirect Redirection Resource has permanently moved; all requests must use the new location. Updating bookmarks for a relocated API endpoint.
413 Payload Too Large Client Error Request entity exceeds the server’s capacity limits. Uploading a file exceeding the server's maximum size.
414 URI Too Long Client Error Request URI is too long for the server to process. Query parameters exceed the allowed URL length.
415 Unsupported Media Type Client Error Media format of the request is not supported by the server. Uploading a .exe file when only .png is allowed.
416 Range Not Satisfiable Client Error Client requested an invalid range of data. Requesting byte range beyond the end of a file.
422 Unprocessable Entity Client Error Server understands the request but is unable to process the content. Semantic validation errors for a JSON payload.
451 Unavailable For Legal Reasons Client Error Resource cannot be provided due to legal restrictions. Region-based content restrictions.
500 Internal Server Error Server Error Catch-all for unexpected server errors. Database unavailable or unhandled exceptions.
501 Not Implemented Server Error Server lacks the functionality to fulfill the request. Unsupported HTTP method (e.g., TRACE).
502 Bad Gateway Server Error Server acting as a gateway received an invalid response from the upstream server. Reverse proxy errors.
504 Gateway Timeout Server Error Timeout occurred while waiting for an upstream server. API dependency fails to respond in time.
511 Network Authentication Required Server Error Network requires authentication to gain access. Captive portals in public Wi-Fi networks.

Test Case Scenarios

Test Case Scenario Expected HTTP Status Code(s) Description
User successfully logs in 200 OK API response includes user details and authentication token.
User account created successfully 201 Created Resource (user account) is created, and the location of the new resource is returned.
File uploaded successfully but no additional data 204 No Content File upload completed successfully without a response body.
User submits invalid login credentials 401 Unauthorized Login fails due to incorrect username or password.
Accessing a protected resource without login 403 Forbidden User is not authorized to view the resource, even with authentication.
User attempts to access a non-existent endpoint 404 Not Found Requested API endpoint or resource does not exist.
Validation error on a user registration form 422 Unprocessable Entity Form data does not pass validation rules (e.g., password too short).
Request body too large (e.g., large file upload) 413 Payload Too Large File upload or JSON body exceeds server limits.
Incorrect file format uploaded (e.g., .exe file) 415 Unsupported Media Type Server does not support the uploaded file type.
Pagination requested beyond total pages 416 Range Not Satisfiable Client requests data outside the valid range of pages or records.
Server fails to connect to the database 500 Internal Server Error Unhandled error when the database connection cannot be established.
Feature not yet implemented in the API 501 Not Implemented HTTP method or endpoint is recognized but not implemented.
API request timeout due to heavy backend processing 504 Gateway Timeout Upstream server takes too long to process the request.
Resource moved to a new location 301 Moved Permanently, 308 Permanent Redirect URL of the resource has changed permanently; clients should update their links.
Resource temporarily relocated during maintenance 302 Found, 307 Temporary Redirect Temporary redirect to another URL while the primary resource is unavailable.
Rate-limiting: Too many API requests 429 Too Many Requests Client exceeds the allowed number of API requests in a given time window.
Precondition headers fail validation 412 Precondition Failed Conditional request fails because resource has been modified.
JSON body missing required fields 400 Bad Request Client sends a malformed or incomplete request body.
Legal restriction prevents content access 451 Unavailable For Legal Reasons Server is legally restricted from providing access to the resource.
Client loses connection before the request completes 499 Client Closed Request Client aborts the connection before receiving a response (commonly logged, not directly sent).
Authentication required by proxy server 407 Proxy Authentication Required Proxy server requires authentication to forward the request.
File partially downloaded for video streaming 206 Partial Content Only a specific byte range of the resource is delivered for streaming or download resumption.
Form submission resets after success 205 Reset Content Server advises client to clear the form view post submission.
HTTP protocol not supported by server 505 HTTP Version Not Supported Server rejects the request because it uses an unsupported HTTP protocol version.
Conflict during resource creation (e.g., duplicate) 409 Conflict Duplicate data (e.g., username already taken) prevents successful resource creation.
Request missing mandatory headers 428 Precondition Required Server expects precondition headers but they are not provided in the request.
Server unavailable for scheduled maintenance 503 Service Unavailable API temporarily down due to maintenance.
Captive portal blocking request 511 Network Authentication Required Network requires user to authenticate via a captive portal (e.g., public Wi-Fi).
User attempts to delete a resource they don’t own 403 Forbidden User lacks the necessary permissions to delete the resource.
Successful logout action 204 No Content Logout succeeds, and no further information is needed in the response body.
Failed payment during checkout 402 Payment Required Payment processing fails due to insufficient funds or invalid card details.
Retryable error while interacting with an API 503 Service Unavailable, 429 Too Many Requests Server advises client to retry the request later due to high load or maintenance.
Resource has been permanently removed 410 Gone The requested resource is no longer available and has been intentionally removed.
Attempting to use deprecated API functionality 426 Upgrade Required Server indicates the client must switch to a newer API version or feature.
Server encounters infinite loop in processing 508 Loop Detected Recursive dependency or circular reference causes server to fail.
Client request rejected for failing security policy 403 Forbidden Request rejected due to IP block, WAF policy, or lack of role-based access.
Data synchronization between microservices fails 424 Failed Dependency Dependent service failure causes the current request to fail.
Cache expired and client retries fetching resource 304 Not Modified Client reuses cached data because the resource hasn’t been modified.
Conditional GET succeeds with ETag header validation 200 OK ETag or Last-Modified headers validate that the resource is still current.
Debugging API errors via enhanced logs 500 Internal Server Error Logs include additional debugging information in non-production environments.
Database deadlock during bulk update 503 Service Unavailable Server temporarily pauses due to contention in backend services (e.g., database).
Sending an OPTIONS request for CORS preflight 204 No Content Preflight request checks permissions and provides headers without returning a body.
User provides outdated resource version for update 409 Conflict Request fails because the resource version has changed (optimistic locking conflict).
Authorization header missing for private API 401 Unauthorized Server denies access to private endpoints due to missing or invalid authorization credentials.
Request triggers alert for potential bot activity 429 Too Many Requests Server throttles requests due to rate limits exceeded by suspected bot.
Returning localized error messages 422 Unprocessable Entity Localized error message (e.g., user-facing validation errors) is included in the response.
API downtime monitored by a health check service 503 Service Unavailable Health check detects outage, and server signals unavailability for monitoring tools.
Proxy service fails to resolve the target server 502 Bad Gateway Reverse proxy server cannot reach the upstream server.
User requests unsupported language or locale 406 Not Acceptable Server cannot fulfill request due to missing translation or unsupported Accept-Language header.
Request contains missing parameters 400 Bad Request Request body or query parameters are incomplete or improperly formatted.
Rate-limited error with Retry-After header 429 Too Many Requests Response includes a Retry-After header to indicate when the client can send another request.
Simultaneous update results in inconsistent state 409 Conflict Two users updating the same resource simultaneously cause a conflict.
Long-running process accepted but not completed yet 202 Accepted Request acknowledged and being processed asynchronously; no result yet.
Streaming file in chunks for large downloads 206 Partial Content Response delivers file in chunks using Content-Range headers.
Server limits resource creation per account 429 Too Many Requests Too many POST requests for creating new resources are detected from the same account.
Request contains invalid authentication token 401 Unauthorized JWT token expired, malformed, or signed with an invalid key.
Custom error page for 404 not found 404 Not Found Server renders a user-friendly 404 error page for missing resources.
JSON parsing error during request processing 400 Bad Request Malformed JSON request body results in a bad request error.
File uploaded to a temporary storage location 201 Created Temporary resource is created, and location is returned in response headers.
Upstream server returns a malformed response 502 Bad Gateway Reverse proxy reports an invalid or unexpected response from the upstream server.
Deprecation warning in response headers 200 OK Warning header advises clients that the endpoint or feature will be deprecated in future.
Custom quota limits for premium users 429 Too Many Requests Rate-limiting based on user’s subscription tier is enforced.
User provides invalid credentials 401 Unauthorized Authentication fails due to incorrect or missing credentials in the request.
User requests a resource that no longer exists 410 Gone Requested resource was previously available but has been permanently deleted.
File upload is too large 413 Payload Too Large User attempts to upload a file that exceeds the allowed size.
Access is denied due to insufficient permissions 403 Forbidden User lacks permissions to access the requested resource, even though they are authenticated.
User tries to access a resource they are not authorized for 403 Forbidden The user is authenticated, but their role does not permit access to the resource.
API version mismatch 426 Upgrade Required The client needs to upgrade to a supported API version.
API successfully processes a request 200 OK Request is processed successfully, and the server returns the result.
Resource creation is successful 201 Created A new resource is created (e.g., new user, new item) and the response includes a location header.
User tries to update a resource with invalid data 400 Bad Request The user has sent invalid data or missing required parameters in the request body.
Invalid input format or type in request body 400 Bad Request Malformed JSON, XML, or any unsupported data format received in the body.
Client exceeds rate limit for API calls 429 Too Many Requests Too many requests sent in a given time frame, exceeding the rate limit.
Resource is temporarily unavailable due to maintenance 503 Service Unavailable Service is down due to scheduled or unscheduled maintenance.
Requested resource does not exist 404 Not Found The server cannot find the resource requested by the client.
User is logged out or session expired 401 Unauthorized Session has expired, requiring the user to authenticate again.
API request is valid but cannot be processed immediately 202 Accepted Request is accepted, but processing is deferred (asynchronous).
Invalid request headers 400 Bad Request Client sends improper headers, such as missing required headers or unsupported content types.
File type not supported during upload 415 Unsupported Media Type The server refuses to process the file because its type is not supported.
Client attempts to access a restricted IP address 403 Forbidden Server blocks access from a specific IP address for security reasons.
Required query parameters are missing 400 Bad Request A required query parameter is missing from the request, making it invalid.
Client sends an invalid or expired authentication token 401 Unauthorized Authentication fails due to the expiration or invalidity of the provided authentication token.
The request is processed but some resources fail 206 Partial Content The request was partially fulfilled; some resources were returned, but others failed.
Client requested a resource that has been moved 301 Moved Permanently The requested resource has been permanently moved to a new URL.
Client requests an old resource version 409 Conflict A conflict occurs, typically when trying to update a resource that has been modified by others.
Resource modification fails due to business rules 422 Unprocessable Entity The resource update fails due to invalid data (e.g., violating constraints or business rules).
Server error during processing due to unexpected issue 500 Internal Server Error Generic error indicating that the server encountered an unexpected condition.
Proxy server encounters an error while communicating with the backend 502 Bad Gateway The reverse proxy server is unable to forward the request to the backend service.
Request body exceeds maximum allowed size 413 Payload Too Large The client sends a request with a body larger than what the server is willing or able to process.
User attempts to upload a file without authorization 403 Forbidden User is authenticated, but lacks permission to upload files to the server.
API request violates business logic (e.g., attempting to submit an empty form) 400 Bad Request Request violates API business logic or validation rules (e.g., submitting empty or invalid fields).
Server does not support the requested HTTP method 405 Method Not Allowed The client attempts to use an unsupported HTTP method (e.g., using PUT on a read-only endpoint).
Client attempts to submit a request with too many parameters 400 Bad Request Request contains too many parameters or exceeds the API’s parameter limits.
Service is temporarily unavailable 503 Service Unavailable The service is temporarily unavailable due to reasons like server overload, maintenance, etc.
Invalid request format (e.g., XML instead of JSON) 415 Unsupported Media Type Server responds with an error when an unsupported content type (like XML) is sent in the request.
File not found in requested location 404 Not Found Client requests a file that does not exist on the server.
Server experiences a timeout when processing request 504 Gateway Timeout The server was unable to get a timely response from an upstream server.
Incorrect authentication method provided 400 Bad Request Authentication method provided by the client is not supported by the server (e.g., Basic Auth instead of OAuth).
Request sent in unsupported language 406 Not Acceptable The server cannot provide a response in the requested language.
Client sends invalid API version 426 Upgrade Required API version used in the request is outdated and no longer supported by the server.
The API is receiving an unexpected large number of requests 429 Too Many Requests The client exceeded the rate limit defined for the API endpoint.
Client requests a resource that is locked 423 Locked The requested resource is locked and cannot be modified.
Request failed due to a custom business rule violation 422 Unprocessable Entity The request contains valid input, but a business rule prevents it from being processed.
Client tries to access a deprecated endpoint 410 Gone The endpoint has been deprecated and is no longer available.
The server is unable to process the request due to a backend error 502 Bad Gateway Backend or upstream server issues prevent the processing of the request.
The client’s request is incomplete (missing necessary fields) 400 Bad Request Request cannot be processed because it lacks necessary fields or contains invalid values.
User reaches the maximum limit of API calls per day 429 Too Many Requests The user has exceeded their daily API quota limit and must wait until the next period.
Client tries to access a resource that requires a higher subscription tier 403 Forbidden Client is attempting to access a resource that is restricted based on their subscription tier.
Client sends a request with a malformed header 400 Bad Request A malformed or missing required header causes the request to be rejected.
Server successfully processes a POST request to create a new entity 201 Created The POST request creates a new entity (such as a user or item), and the server returns the URI of the newly created entity.
Client submits a valid request for batch processing 207 Multi-Status A batch request is processed with mixed success, returning the status of each request in the batch.
Request for an unsupported API version 426 Upgrade Required The requested API version is unsupported, and the client must upgrade.


To contribute to project, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone --depth 1
  2. Navigate to the project directory:

    cd wrapify
  3. Prepare the project environment:

    go mod tidy


wrapify is a Go library designed to simplify and standardize API response wrapping for RESTful services. It leverages the Decorator Pattern to dynamically add error handling, metadata, pagination, and other response features in a clean and human-readable format.







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