Project 3
This project is an exciting game done in my Data Structures and Algorithms class at UCLA.
To see what the game looks like in action,
macOS: You'll need to have XQuartz and freeGLUT installed to run the program. Install XQuartz: Click the download link, open the downloaded .dmg file, double-click on XQuartz.pkg, and follow the installation instructions. Log out and log back in again. To verify the installation, open a Terminal window and run the command echo $DISPLAY. That should produce one line of output that ends with org.macosforge.xquartz:0. Install freeGLUT: Install the homebrew package manager. Open a Terminal window and run the command brew install freeglut.
Clone Project 3 and run it on XCode.
Project 4
Project 4 is a Substitution Cipher Decryptor.
It involves the implementation of multiple classes (MyHash, Tokenizer, Translator, Decryptor) to create table mappings, break up the text into individual words, attempt to translate the words using the current table mappings, and decrypt it.