- Install python (Only if you want to do the cleanup of cards, notes and occurances)
- Install Kubernetes Helm (package manager) v2.9.0 or higher
- you need to have an IBM Cloud account where you are able to navigate to IBM Cloud Security Advisor Dashboard. Account ID and other account details refered in this document is corresponding to that account
- Clone this repo
cd security-advisor-k8s-hunter-integration/scripts/public
- Inorder to point to security advisor london endpoint do following changes: uncomment line#16 and comment line#15 in /config/helm/kubehunter-adapter-public/values.yaml
./sa_kubehunter_install.sh <account-id> <apikey> <target-clustername> "<complete path of kubeconfig of target cluster>"
- for example:
./sa_kubehunter_install.sh account_id apikey mycluster "/Users/sunilsingh/.bluemix/plugins/container-ser-ice/clusters/mycluster"
<account-id>: Account id on which the card needs to be generated
<apikey>: api-key of the above account-id.
<target-clustername>: The target public k8s cluster on which kube-hunter needs to be configured
<complete path of kubeconfig of target cluster>: Run `ibmcloud cs cluster-config <clustername>` to get kube-config
- Clone this repo
cd security-advisor-k8s-hunter-integration/scripts/public
- Run below automated script to cleanup all in once.
./sa_kubehunter_cleanup.sh <account id> <api key> "full path to directory of kube configs>" <cloud-env>
- For example:
./sa_kubehunter_cleanup.sh accountid apikey myrhelcluster oc-login-apikey
./sa_kubehunter_cleanup.sh accountid apikey "/Users/sunilsingh/.bluemix/plugins/container-service/clusters/mycluster" "https://us-south.secadvisor.cloud.ibm.com/findings/v1" ibmcloud
<account id>: Account id on which the card needs to be generated
<apikey>: api-key of the above account-id.
<target-clustername>: The target public k8s cluster on which kube-hunter needs to be configured
<complete path of kubeconfig of target cluster>: Run `ibmcloud cs cluster-config <clustername>` to get kube-config
<cloud-env>: Value is `ibmcloud`
- Clone this repo
cd security-advisor-k8s-hunter-integration/scripts/redhat
- Inorder to point to security advisor london endpoint do following changes: uncomment line#6 and comment line#15 in /config/helm/kubehunter-adapter/values.yaml
./sa_kubehunter_install.sh <account-id> <api key> <target-clustername> <oc login api-key>
- for example:
./sa_kubehunter_install.sh account_id apikey mycluster-rhel "oc-login-api-key"
<account-id>: Account id on which the card needs to be generated
<apikey>: api-key of the above account-id.
<target-clustername>: The target rhel-openshift cluster on which kube-hunter needs to be configured
<oc-login-api-key>: The api-key to login to cluster
- Clone this repo
cd security-advisor-k8s-hunter-integration/scripts/redhat
- Run below automated script to cleanup all in once.
./sa_kubehunter_cleanup.sh <account id> <apikey> <target-clustername> <oc-login-api-key> <sa-endpoint>
- For example:
./sa_hunter_cleanup.sh accountid apikey myrhelcluster oc-login-apikey "https://us-south.secadvisor.cloud.ibm.com/findings/v1"
<account id>: Account id on which the card needs to be generated
<apikey>: api-key of the above account-id.
<target-clustername>: The target rhel-openshift cluster on which kube-hunter needs to be configured
<oc-login-api-key>: The api-key to login to cluster
<sa-endpoint>: The value is `https://us-south.secadvisor.cloud.ibm.com/findings/v1`
<source-server>: The value is `redhat`
- Clone this repo
cd security-advisor-k8s-hunter-integration/scripts/redhat
- Inorder to point to security advisor london endpoint do following changes: uncomment line#16 and comment line#15 in /config/helm/kubehunter-adapter/values.yaml
./sa_kubehunter_install.sh <account id> <api key> <cluster name> <oc login api-key> redhat
- for example:
./sa_kubehunter_install.sh account_id apikey mycluster-rhel "oc login api-key" redhat
<account id>: Account id on which the card needs to be generated
<apikey>: api-key of the above account-id.
<target-clustername>: The target rhel-openshift k8s cluster on which kube-hunter needs to be configured
<oc-login-api-key>: The api-key to login to cluster
- Clone this repo
cd security-advisor-k8s-hunter-integration/scripts/redhat
- Run below automated script to cleanup all in once.
./sa_kubehunter_cleanup.sh <account id> <api key> <target-clustername> <oc-login-api-key> <sa-endpoint> <source-server>
- For example:
./sa_kubehunter_cleanup.sh accountid apikey mycluster-rhel oc-login-apikey "https://us-south.secadvisor.cloud.ibm.com/findings/v1 redhat"
<account id>: Account id on which the card needs to be generated
<apikey>: api-key of the above account-id.
<target-clustername>: The target rhel-openshift cluster on which kube-hunter needs to be configured
<oc-login-api-key>: The api-key to login to cluster
<sa-endpoint>: The value is `https://us-south.secadvisor.cloud.ibm.com/findings/v1`
<source-server>: The value is `redhat`
- The cronjobs are scheduled to run every 15 mins, which is configurable. Change the schedule to run the cronjobs at:
- If you get an error something like
Error: incompatible versions client and server
, runhelm init --upgrade
- If you get an error like :
namespaces security-advisor-insights is forbidden: User system:serviceaccount:kube-system:default cannot get resource namespaces in API group in thenamespace security-advisor-insights
, fix the helm using helm setup or follow below steps:kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/IBM-Cloud/kube-samples/master/rbac/serviceaccount-tiller.yaml helm init --service-account tiller kubectl get pods -n kube-system -l app=helm helm list