The naive implementation of some M.L. algorithms, which will be updated continuously.
The algorithms that have been implemented are listed as follows:
- Code: /logistic/
- The file of derivation: /logistic/file/lrTex/lr.pdf
- Test data: sklearn.datasets.make_moons
- Details: maximize cross entropy,gradient ascent
- Result: /logistic/fig/decision.fig
- Code: /svm/
- The file of derivation: /svm/file/svmTex/svm.pdf
- Test data: /svm/flowers.csv
- Details: SMO,coordinate ascent
- Result: /svm/file/svmTex/svm.pdf
- Code: /kmeans/
- The file of derivation: /kmeans/file/kmeansTex/kmeans.pdf
- Test data: /kmeans/data.csv
- Details: minimize the summation of the square of errors
- Result: /kmeans/file/kmeansTex/kmeans.pdf
Some bugs still need to be fixed.
- Code: /EM-GMM/
- The file of derivation: /EM-GMM/file/gmmTex/gmm.pdf
- Test data: function generateData(...) in, which generates data from four Gaussian distribution
- Details: Maximization likelihood expectation
- Result: /EM-GMM/file/gmmTex/gmm.pdf.
- Code: /perceptron/
- The file of derivation: /perceptron/file/percepTex/perceptron.pdf
- Test data: /svm/flowers.csv
- Details: Minimization #(samples which are classified incorrectly),SGD
- Result: /perceptronfile/percepTex/perceptron.pdf
- Code: /naive-bayes/
- The file of derivation: /naive-bayes/file/nbTex/nb.pdf
- Test data: function loadDataSet in
- Details: Generative model,Laplace smoothing
- Result: /naive-bayes/file/nbTex/nb.pdf
- Code: /ANN/LeNet/
- Code: /ANN/MLP/
- Code: /sampling/, /sampling/
- The file of concept: /sampling/file/samplingTex/mcmc.pdf
- Test data: one dimension Gaussian distribution in and two-dimensional Gaussian distribution in
- Details: MCMC, Markov chain.
- Result: /sampling/file/samplingTex/mcmc.pdf
- 李航. 统计学习方法[M]. 清华大学出版社, 2012.
- Andrew Ng. CS229. Stanford, 2012.
- Raschka S. Python Machine Learning[M]. Packt Publishing, 2014.
- Feifie Li et al. CS231n. Stanford, 2017.
- Blogs etc. The details of which are listed in the derivation files of each packages.