MyReels is an open source locally hosted parts and project management server that allows you to track parts, add projects and parts used, and accurately keep track of parts used for projects.
The goal is to allow users to import invoices with parts numbers, part counts, sizes, etc... to make part management easier. In addition to this, MyReels focuses on managing parts based on projects. Meaning BOMs for projects can be used to deduct parts from your inventory automatically when you build these projects up.
MyReels can also be used to keep track of PCB quantities and revisions.
Please refer to the Installation and Usage Guide for steps for setting up, using, and troubleshooting MyReels.
Please see the Contribution Guide for information about contributing to this project. If you have any questions, please opan an issue or email [email protected]
All contributors are expected to follow the Code of Conduct when contributing to this projects.