Http Client for .NET Standard with fluent APIs which are intuitive, easy to use and also highly extensible.
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- Fluent APIs
- Highly extensible
- Middleware Support
- Custom Classes with DI enabled
- Access to both Request/Response within same scope (similar to ASPNET middleware)
- Logger and Timer middleware out of the box
- Multiple HttpClient support with a Fluent API for Client builder
- Customizable Formatters (JSON, XML out of the box)
- Url interpolation and query params e.g.
- GraphQL support
- File upload support
Version | .NET | Status |
1.x | .NET Standard 1.4+ | |
2.x | .NET Standard 2 | |
3.x | .NET Standard 2 | |
4.x | net8 |
PM> Install-Package FluentlyHttpClient
<PackageReference Include="FluentlyHttpClient" Version="*" />
- Features
- Installation
- dotnet support
- Usage
- Contributing
Add services via .AddFluentlyHttpClient()
// using Startup.cs (can be elsewhere)
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
Configure an Http client using the Http Factory (you need at least one).
// using Startup.cs (can be elsewhere)
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IFluentHttpClientFactory fluentHttpClientFactory)
fluentHttpClientFactory.CreateBuilder(identifier: "platform") // keep a note of the identifier, its needed later
.WithBaseUrl("") // required
.WithHeader("user-agent", "slabs-testify")
.Register(); // register client builder to factory
Simple API (non-fluent) is good for simple requests as it has a clean, minimal API.
// inject factory and get client
var httpClient = fluentHttpClientFactory.Get(identifier: "platform");
// HTTP GET + deserialize result (non-fleunt API)
Hero hero = await httpClient.Get<Hero>("/api/heroes/azmodan");
// HTTP POST + deserialize result (non-fleunt API)
Hero hero = await httpClient.Post<Hero>("/api/heroes/azmodan", new
Title = "Lord of Sin"
Fluent request API (request builder) allows to create more complex requests and provides further control on the response.
// inject factory and get client
var httpClient = fluentHttpClientFactory.Get(identifier: "platform");
// HTTP GET + return response and deserialize result (fluent API)
FluentHttpResponse<Hero> response =
await httpClient.CreateRequest("/api/heroes/azmodan")
.ReturnAsResponse<Hero>(); // return with response
// HTTP POST + return response and deserialize result (fluent API)
Hero hero = await httpClient.CreateRequest("/api/heroes/azmodan")
Title = "Lord of Sin"
.Return<Hero>(); // return deserialized result directly
Http client builder is used to configure http clients in a fluent way.
var clientBuilder = fluentHttpClientFactory.CreateBuilder(identifier: "platform")
// or similarly via the builder itself.
There are multiple ways how to register multiple http clients. The following is a nice way of doing it:
// shared
.WithHeader("user-agent", "slabs-testify")
// platform
// big-data - reuse all above and replace the below
Its also possible to create a new http client from an http client, sort of sub-client which inherits options from its creator. This might be good to pass defaults for a specific endpoint.
var httpClient = factory.Get("platform");
var paymentsClient = httpClient.CreateClient("payments")
.WithHeader("X-Gateway", "xxx")
Its also possible to configure builder defaults for all http clients via ConfigureDefaults
within IFluentHttpClientFactory
See example below.
fluentHttpClientFactory.ConfigureDefaults(builder => builder
// or
services.AddFluentlyHttpClient(builder => builder
// message handler - set HTTP handler stack to use for sending requests
var mockHttp = new MockHttpMessageHandler();
// request builder defaults - handler to customize defaults for request builder
httpClientBuilder.WithRequestBuilderDefaults(builder => builder.AsPut());
// formatters - used for content negotiation, for "Accept" and body media formats. e.g. JSON, XML, etc...
httpClientBuilder.ConfigureFormatters(opts =>
opts.Default = new MessagePackMediaTypeFormatter(); // use messagepack
opts.Default = opts.Formatters.SystemTextJsonFormatter(); // use system.text.json
opts.Formatters.Add(new CustomFormatter());
httpClientBuilder.WithVersion(HttpVersion.Version30) // specify to use http3 (defaults: http2)
As a best practice rather than using a string each time for the identifier, it's better to create an extension method for it.
public static class FluentHttpClientFactoryExtensions
public static IFluentHttpClient GetPlatformClient(this IFluentHttpClientFactory factory)
=> factory.Get("platform");
Request builder is used to build http requests in a fluent way.
LoginResponse loginResponse =
await fluentHttpClient.CreateRequest("/api/auth/login")
.AsPost() // set as HTTP Post
Username = "test",
Password = "test"
}) // serialize body content
.WithSuccessStatus() // ensure response success status
.Return<LoginResponse>(); // send, deserialize result and return result directly.
Take = 5,
Roles = new List<string> { "warrior", "assassin" },
}, opts => {
opts.CollectionMode = QueryStringCollectionMode.CommaSeparated;
opts.KeyFormatter = key => key.ToLower();
}); // => /url?roles=warrior,assassin&take=5
requestBuilder.WithUri("{Language}/heroes/{Hero}", new
Language = "en",
Hero = "azmodan"
}); // => /en/heroes/azmodan
// send and returns HTTP response
FluentHttpResponse response = requestBuilder.ReturnAsResponse();
// send and returns HTTP response + deserialize and return result via `.Data`
FluentHttpResponse<Hero> response = requestBuilder.ReturnAsResponse<Hero>();
// send and returns derserialized result directly
Hero hero = requestBuilder.Return<Hero>();
FluentlyHttpClient ❤️ GraphQL. First class support for GraphQL to be able to create request/response even simpler.
// configure globally to use uri for GraphQL endpoint.
httpClientBuilder.WithRequestBuilderDefaults(requestBuilder => requestBuilder.WithUri("api/graphql"));
// send and returns HTTP response + deserialize and return result via `.Data` directly
FluentHttpResponse<Hero> response =
await fluentHttpClient.CreateGqlRequest("{ hero {name, title } }")
// => response.Data.Title
Middleware's are used to intercept request/response to add additional logic or alter request/response.
Implementing a middleware for the HTTP client is quite straight forward, and it's very similar to ASP.NET Core middleware.
These are provided out of the box:
Middleware | Description |
Timer | Determine how long (timespan) requests takes. |
Logger | Log request/response. |
Two important points to keep in mind:
- The first argument within constructor has to be
which is generally callednext
. - The second argument within constructor has to be
which is generally calledcontext
, - During
theawait _next(context);
must be invoked and return the response, in order to continue the flow.
The following is the timer middleware implementation (bit simplified).
public class TimerHttpMiddleware : IFluentHttpMiddleware
private readonly FluentHttpMiddlewareDelegate _next;
private readonly TimerHttpMiddlewareOptions _options;
private readonly ILogger _logger;
public TimerHttpMiddleware(
FluentHttpMiddlewareDelegate next, // this needs to be here and should be first
FluentHttpMiddlewareClientContext context, // this needs to be here and should be second
TimerHttpMiddlewareOptions options,
ILoggerFactory loggerFactory
_next = next;
_options = options;
_logger = loggerFactory.CreateLogger($"{typeof(TimerHttpMiddleware).Namespace}.{context.Identifier}.Timer");
public async Task<FluentHttpResponse> Invoke(FluentHttpMiddlewareContext context)
var watch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
var response = await _next(context); // this needs to be invoked to continue middleware flow
var elapsed = watch.Elapsed;
_logger.LogInformation("Executed request {request} in {timeTakenMillis}ms", context.Request, elapsed.TotalMilliseconds);
return response;
namespace FluentlyHttpClient
// Response extension methods - useful to extend FluentHttpResponse
public static class TimerFluentResponseExtensions
private const string TimeTakenKey = "TIMER_TIME_TAKEN";
public static void SetTimeTaken(this FluentHttpResponse response, TimeSpan value)
=> response.Items.Add(TimeTakenKey, value);
public static TimeSpan GetTimeTaken(this FluentHttpResponse response)
=> (TimeSpan)response.Items[TimeTakenKey];
// FluentHttpClientBuilder extension methods - add
public static class FluentlyHttpMiddlwareExtensions
public static FluentHttpClientBuilder UseTimer(this FluentHttpClientBuilder builder, TimerHttpMiddlewareOptions options = null)
=> builder.UseMiddleware<TimerHttpMiddleware>(options ?? new TimerHttpMiddlewareOptions());
// response extension usage
TimeSpan timeTaken = response.GetTimeTaken();
Options to middleware can be passed via an argument. Note it has to be the second argument within the constructor.
public TimerHttpMiddleware(
FluentHttpMiddlewareDelegate next,
FluentHttpMiddlewareClientContext context,
TimerHttpMiddlewareOptions options, // <- options should be here
ILoggerFactory loggerFactory
Options can be passed when registering a middleware.
.UseMiddleware<LoggerHttpMiddleware>() // register a middleware (without args)
.UseMiddleware<TimerHttpMiddleware>(new TimerHttpMiddlewareOptions
WarnThreshold = TimeSpan.Zero
}) // register a middleware with options (args)
.UseTimer(new TimerHttpMiddlewareOptions
WarnThreshold = TimeSpan.Zero
}) // register a middleware using extension method
As a best practice, it's best to provide an extension method for usage such as UseTimer
especially when it has any arguments (options), as it won't be convenient to use.
When using middleware additional data can be added to the request/response via the .Items
of request/response,
in order to share state across middleware for the request or to extend response.
The timer middleware example is making use of it.
// set item
// or similarly without extension method
response.Items.Add("TIME_TAKEN", value)
// get item
TimeSpan timeTaken = response.GetTimeTaken();
// or similarly without extension method
TimeSpan timeTaken = (TimeSpan)response.Items["TIME_TAKEN"];
One of the key features is the ability to extend its own APIs easily. In fact, several functions of the library itself are extensions, by using extension methods.
An example of how can the request builder be extended.
public static class FluentHttpRequestBuilderExtensions
public static FluentHttpRequestBuilder WithBearerAuthentication(this FluentHttpRequestBuilder builder, string token)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(token)) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(token));
builder.WithHeader("Authorization", $"Bearer {token}");
return builder;
In order to extend headers for both FluentHttpClientBuilder
and FluentHttpRequestBuilder
, the best approach would be to extend on
, this way it will be available for both. See example below.
public static class FluentHttpHeaderBuilderExtensions
public static T WithBearerAuthentication<T>(this IFluentHttpHeaderBuilder<T> builder, string token)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(token)) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(token));
builder.WithHeader(HeaderTypes.Authorization, $"{AuthSchemeTypes.Bearer} {token}");
return (T)builder;
In order to extend Items
for both FluentHttpRequest
and FluentHttpResponse
, its best to extend IFluentHttpMessageState
This way it will be available for both. See example below.
public static IDictionary<string, string> GetErrorCodeMappings(this IFluentHttpMessageState message)
if (message.Items.TryGetValue(ErrorCodeMappingKey, out var value))
return (IDictionary<string, string>)value;
return null;
var multiForm = new MultipartFormDataContent
{ "hero", "Jaina" }
multiForm.AddFile("file", "./animal-mustache.jpg");
var response = await httpClient.CreateRequest("/api/sample/upload")
Even though in general we do not suggest (unless for small HttpClients) at times its useful to create a simple quick way http client.
public class SelfInfoHttpClient
private readonly IFluentHttpClient _httpClient;
public SelfInfoHttpClient(
IFluentHttpClientFactory httpClientFactory
_httpClient = httpClientFactory.CreateBuilder("localhost")
public Task<FluentHttpResponse> GetInfo()
=> _httpClient.CreateRequest("info")
In order to test HTTP requests, the library itself doesn't offer anything out of the box. However, we've been using RichardSzalay.MockHttp, which we recommend.
public async void ShouldReturnContent()
// build services
var servicesProvider = new ServiceCollection()
var fluentHttpClientFactory = servicesProvider.GetService<IFluentHttpClientFactory>();
// define mocks
var mockHttp = new MockHttpMessageHandler();
.Respond("application/json", "{ 'name': 'Azmodan' }");
var httpClient = fluentHttpClientFactory.CreateBuilder("platform")
.WithMessageHandler(mockHttp) // set message handler to mock
var response = await httpClient.CreateRequest("/api/heroes/azmodan")
Assert.Equal("Azmodan", response.Data.Name);
Assert.NotEqual(TimeSpan.Zero, response.GetTimeTaken());
Install/setup the following:
- NodeJS v8+
- Visual Studio Code or similar code editor
- Git + SourceTree, SmartGit or similar (optional)
# run tests
npm test
# bump version
npm version minor --no-git-tag # major | minor | patch | prerelease
# nuget pack (only)
npm run pack
# nuget publish dev (pack + publish + clean)
npm run publish:dev