A package to help you with two fingers gestures on the web.
This is an adaptation of the research, article and code by @danburzo:
Two fingers gestures have become very common on the web, mostly to enable zooming and panning. But they are passed to browsers as different events depending on:
- the hardware on which they are performed (trackpad OR touchscreen)
- the OS and browser that interprets them
This package tries to unify these interactions and inconsistencies to expose a single Gesture
npm i @skilitics-public/two-fingers
yarn add @skilitics-public/two-fingers
pnpm add @skilitics-public/two-fingers
The API takes inspiration from Apple's GestureEvent
import { twoFingers } from "@skilitics-public/two-fingers";
const myDiv = document.querySelector('#myDiv');
const unregister = twoFingers(myDiv, {
onGestureStart: (g) => console.log(`Gesture start. Gesture: ${g.toString()}`),
onGestureChange: (g) => console.log(`Gesture change. Gesture: ${g.toString()}`),
onGestureEnd: (g) => console.log(`Gesture end. Gesture: ${g.toString()}`),
}, (wheelEvent) => ({dx, dy}));
The callbacks are passed a Gesture
argument of the following TS type:
type Gesture = {
origin: Coords;
translation: Coords;
scale: number;
rotation?: number;
type Coords = {
x: number;
y: number;
Which means you can use the callback as in this example:
const gestureChange = (g) => {
console.log(g.origin) // { x: number; y: number }
console.log(g.translation) // { x: number; y: number }
console.log(g.scale) // number
console.log(g.rotation) // number