Problem to be completed during Industry Prep - Interview Prep activity time
Create a function that takes a string consisting of one or more words separated by spaces. It should return a new string converted to "sponge case," where each word starts with a lowercase letter, and then alternates between upper and lower case for each following letter in the word.
sponge_case("spongebob") # Should return "sPoNgEbOb"
sponge_case("Who are YOU calling A Pinhead") # Should return "wHo aRe yOu cAlLiNg a pInHeAd"
sponge_case("WHAT is UP my dude") # Should return "wHaT iS uP mY dUdE"
sponge_case("E") # Should return "e"
sponge_case("e") # Should return "e"