Configs I want to carry over on new systems
vim plugins
- surround
- fugitive
- NERDTree
mkdir -p ~/.vim/pack/vkong/start
cd ~/.vim/pack/vkong/start
git clone
vim -u NONE -c "helptags surround/doc" -c q
command line tools (already a part of nix configs)
- bat
- delta (git-delta)
- the_silver_searcher (ag)
- fzf
- gh (github command line)
- Install Nix
- Install home-manager
nix-channel --update
for updating packagehome-manager switch
to build new configsnix-env -qaP <package-name>
query package
- Follow guide for copying .vimrc to init.vim from neovim website
- Use lazy.nvim for plugins
# this is after ncurses is properly installed, make sure using the correct infocmp
infocmp tmux-256color > ~/
tic -xe tmux-256color ~/