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Moses Narrow edited this page May 20, 2024 · 8 revisions


Dmsgweb is an application which permits access to websites (public-key:port) over dmsg with a web browser via proxy configuration.

Dmsgweb is now available as skywire dmsg web

The idea for the dmsgweb implementation was inspired by that of i2p, which allows access to .i2p domains or websites in a similar manner via a proxy configuration in a web browser. Dmsgweb can be additionally configured with the proxy provided by i2p in order to access i2p websites as well as .dmsg websites. The TOR browser may also be configured with dmsgweb's resolving proxy, if desired, and if dmsgweb is configured with the i2p proxy in addition, it is possible to browse .onion, .dmsg, and .i2p domains at once, if desired.


$ skywire dmsg web --help

	┌┬┐┌┬┐┌─┐┌─┐┬ ┬┌─┐┌┐
	 │││││└─┐│ ┬│││├┤ ├┴┐
	─┴┘┴ ┴└─┘└─┘└┴┘└─┘└─┘
DMSG resolving proxy & browser client - access websites and http interfaces over dmsg
.conf file may also be specified with
DMSGWEB=/path/to/dmsgweb.conf skywire dmsg web

Available Commands:
  srv          serve http from local port over dmsg

  -d, --dmsg-disc string   dmsg discovery url (default "")
  -z, --envs               show example .conf file
  -f, --filter string      domain suffix to filter (default ".dmsg")
  -l, --loglvl string      [ debug | warn | error | fatal | panic | trace | info ]
  -p, --port uint          port to serve the web application (default 8080)
  -r, --proxy string       configure additional socks5 proxy for dmsgweb (i.e.
  -t, --resolve string     resolve the specified dmsg address:port on the local port & disable proxy
  -e, --sess int           number of dmsg servers to connect to (default 1)
  -s, --sk cipher.SecKey   a random key is generated if unspecified
 (default 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)
  -q, --socks uint         port to serve the socks5 proxy (default 4445)
  -v, --version            version for web

example .conf file can be used if flags are not preferable

$ skywire dmsg web -z

#--		Defaults shown
#--		Uncomment to change default value

#--	Set port for proxy interface

#--	Configure additional proxy for dmsgvlc to use

#--	Web Interface Port

#--	Resove a specific PK to the web port (also disables proxy)

#--	Number of dmsg servers to connect to (0 unlimits)

#--	Dmsg port to use

#--	Set secret key

This application is very simple and has two main parts which are wrapped in a cobra cli framework to provide the help menu.

The application consists of

  • a resolving socks5 proxy which can be configured in a web browser (default http port 4445)
  • an http server which translates requests to and copies responses from a dmsg(http) client (default http port 8080).

Another socks5 proxy (i.e. the skywire socks5 proxy client - default socks5:// can be configured via the -r flag to force both the regular http traffic as well as the dmsg client connection to the dmsg network itself through another proxy. As mentioned above, it's also possible to configure the i2p proxy for dmsgweb.

Browse Dmsghttp websites

It is suggested to first create a keypair for the dmsg client to connect with. This step is optional, but recommended:

skywire dmsg web gen-keys > dmsgweb.key

If desired, configure a locally running skywire visor's proxy client for this application. refer to the socks5 proxy user guide article from this wiki for starting the proxy client.

After completing the above two steps, start dmsgweb like this:

skywire dmsg web -s $(tail -n1 dmsgweb.key) -r

If you skipped the previous two steps, start dmsgweb without flags or arguments; and a keypair will be generated automatically:

skywire dmsg web

Note: it is not advisable to whitelist any public key used by dmsgweb without explicitly generating the keypair and saving to a file as detailed in the above steps.

To configure this application in a web browser, use SOCKS5 proxy (default in dmsgweb).

The process of configuring a proxy in different web browsers is described in the socks5 proxy user guide article. Simply change the port to 4445.

A few experimental dmsg websites exist, notably the skywire reward system frontend which can be accessed here:

http://036a70e6956061778e1883e928c1236189db14dfd446df23d83e45c321b330c91f.dmsg will indicate the dmsg address it is running on.

The dmsghttp log server's /health endpoint may be accessed over dmsg for any skywire visor - if that visor is indeed connected to dmsg.

The custom dmsghttp path field in the visor's config specifies a custom path which is served by the visor over dmsghttp. This is by default a folder called "custom" inside the local_path or local folder of the skywire installation.

Any files added to the custom dmsghttp path may be accessed over dmsghttp.

If an index.html is added, a static website is readily possible for any running skywire visor and may be accessed by the visor's public key.

For advanced integration of dmsg with existing websites, see the dmsghttp article

Note on URL Scheme

While dmsgcurl and similar utilities use a custom URL scheme: dmsg://<pk>:<port>/ this is not supported by browsers.

To access websites over dmsg, use the following scheme:


If the application uses the default dmsg port 80, the port can be omitted and the URL specified as follows


Notes on Web Browser Compatibility

Web Browsers vary to some degree in their support for accessing .dmsg addresses which are entered directly in the URL / search bar.

It may be necessary to disable auto-https redirects in settings.

For Brave browser, no matter how the .dmsg URL is entered in the search bar, a search is performed. However, clicking the link to the reward system frontend here will permit access to the dmsg website(!):


There is no apparent way to disable this behavior, however, a workaround is to create an html document and include the link to the dmsg website which one desires to access.

Open the html document in the browser, and then click the link in the document to access the dmsg website.

Alternative Use Case

The -t, --resolve flag was added to dmsgweb to allow resolving a single dmsg pk:port locally via the web port (default 8080) without serving socks5 proxy.

dmsgweb -t 036a70e6956061778e1883e928c1236189db14dfd446df23d83e45c321b330c91f:80

the dmsg website at 036a70e6956061778e1883e928c1236189db14dfd446df23d83e45c321b330c91f:80 may now be accessed at

This may be used to avoid http traffic to a remote server, or avoid the use of http 301 / 302 redirects to another domain, or to avoid port forwarding.

Simply reverse proxy the http port where the remote dmsg website is served locally to your desired domain.

Advanced Use Cases

The dmsg client is persistent with dmsgweb ; whereas with dmsgcurl the client is started for and stopped after each task, currently. The time of the initial connection can be a significant factor in scripted operations ; hence it is advantageous to leverage the completeness of existing utilities such as curl or others, if you prefer, to do standard http requests using the resolving proxy provided by dmsgweb.


$ curl -Lx socks5h:// http://$(skywire cli visor pk).dmsg/health 

dmsgweb srv


$ skywire dmsg web srv --help
DMSG web server - serve http interface from local port over dmsg
	.conf file may also be specified with
	DMSGWEBSRV=/path/to/dmsgwebsrv.conf skywire dmsg web srv

  -D, --dmsg-disc string   dmsg discovery url (default "")
  -d, --dport uint         dmsg port to serve (default 80)
  -e, --dsess int          dmsg sessions (default 1)
  -z, --envs               show example .conf file
  -l, --lport uint         local application http interface port (default 8086)
  -p, --port uint          port to serve (default 8081)
  -s, --sk cipher.SecKey   a random key is generated if unspecified
 (default 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)
  -w, --wl string          whitelisted keys for dmsg authenticated routes

example conf file can be used instead of flags if preferred

$ skywire dmsg web srv -z

#--		Defaults shown
#--		Uncomment to change default value

#--	DMSG port to serve

#--	Port for this application to serve http

#--	Local Port to serve over dmsg

#--	Number of dmsg servers to connect to (0 unlimits)

#--	Set secret key

#--	Whitelisted keys to access the web interface

A server side implementation has been included as the srv subcommand of dmsgweb, which allows for easily serving http from a local port over dmsg.

Example - accessing the hypervisor UI remotely

As a test of serving and accessing so-called complex websites or web interfaces working over dmsg, accessing the skywire hypervisor makes a good demonstration

Run skywire with the hypervisor on one machine. On the same machine, then run:

$ skywire dmsg web srv -l 8000
[2024-05-20T15:00:57.724443172-05:00] DEBUG disc.NewHTTP [dmsgwebsrv]: Created HTTP client. addr=""
[2024-05-20T15:00:57.724535349-05:00] DEBUG [dmsg_client]: Discovering dmsg servers...
[2024-05-20T15:00:58.208964915-05:00] DEBUG [dmsg_client]: Dialing session... remote_pk=03717576ada5b1744e395c66c2bb11cea73b0e23d0dcd54422139b1a7f12e962c4
[2024-05-20T15:01:03.34028898-05:00] WARN [dmsg_client]: Failed to establish session. current_backoff="5s" error="deadline exceeded" remote_pk=03717576ada5b1744e395c66c2bb11cea73b0e23d0dcd54422139b1a7f12e962c4
[2024-05-20T15:01:08.344464474-05:00] DEBUG [dmsg_client]: Dialing session... remote_pk=0281a102c82820e811368c8d028cf11b1a985043b726b1bcdb8fce89b27384b2cb
[2024-05-20T15:01:13.483605911-05:00] WARN [dmsg_client]: Failed to establish session. current_backoff="6.5s" error="deadline exceeded" remote_pk=0281a102c82820e811368c8d028cf11b1a985043b726b1bcdb8fce89b27384b2cb
[2024-05-20T15:01:19.986939676-05:00] DEBUG [dmsg_client]: Dialing session... remote_pk=0326978f5a53aff537dbb47fed58b1f123af3b00132d365f1309a14db4168dcff7
[2024-05-20T15:01:24.99413617-05:00] WARN [dmsg_client]: Failed to establish session. current_backoff="8.45s" error="deadline exceeded" remote_pk=0326978f5a53aff537dbb47fed58b1f123af3b00132d365f1309a14db4168dcff7
[2024-05-20T15:01:33.449717262-05:00] DEBUG [dmsg_client]: Dialing session... remote_pk=03d5b55d1133b26485c664cf8b95cff6746d1e321c34e48c9fed293eff0d6d49e5
[2024-05-20T15:01:34.396529156-05:00] DEBUG [dmsg_client]: Serving session. remote_pk=03d5b55d1133b26485c664cf8b95cff6746d1e321c34e48c9fed293eff0d6d49e5
[GIN-debug] [WARNING] Running in "debug" mode. Switch to "release" mode in production.
 - using env:	export GIN_MODE=release
 - using code:	gin.SetMode(gin.ReleaseMode)

[GIN-debug] GET    /*path                    --> (3 handlers)
[GIN-debug] POST   /*path                    --> (3 handlers)
[GIN-debug] PUT    /*path                    --> (3 handlers)
[GIN-debug] PATCH  /*path                    --> (3 handlers)
[GIN-debug] HEAD   /*path                    --> (3 handlers)
[GIN-debug] OPTIONS /*path                    --> (3 handlers)
[GIN-debug] DELETE /*path                    --> (3 handlers)
[GIN-debug] CONNECT /*path                    --> (3 handlers)
[GIN-debug] TRACE  /*path                    --> (3 handlers)
listening on using gin router
[GIN-debug] [WARNING] You trusted all proxies, this is NOT safe. We recommend you to set a value.
Please check for details.
[2024-05-20T15:01:34.396851581-05:00] INFO [dmsgwebsrv]: Serving...  dmsg_addr="0367b4bd78c53e6fc24f8f83cd9ad40ba09e62a950f0181a943a9f46e3110ae9bf:80"
[GIN-debug] Listening and serving HTTP on :8081

note the second to last line of logging. transfer the dmsg address which in the above is; 0367b4bd78c53e6fc24f8f83cd9ad40ba09e62a950f0181a943a9f46e3110ae9bf (yours will be different) to the remote machine you wish to access the interface from, and run

skywire dmsg web -t 0367b4bd78c53e6fc24f8f83cd9ad40ba09e62a950f0181a943a9f46e3110ae9bf -p 8000

then go to to access the hypervisor UI

Whitelist Access

In the above example the whitelist was not demonstrated. Setting no whitelisted keys by default makes the application accessible to any other key; conversely, setting keys in the whitelist effectively authenticates the clients which are accessing the interface. It is highly recommended to set a whitelist of keys or a key which may access the interface.

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