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Expand the std lib a bit.
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sstanfield committed Jan 17, 2024
1 parent bb6e725 commit d1c52fb
Showing 1 changed file with 294 additions and 9 deletions.
303 changes: 294 additions & 9 deletions lisp/core.slosh
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -4,6 +4,9 @@
(def symbol? (fn (v) (eq? (type v) :Symbol)))
(def vec? (fn (v) (eq? (type v) :Vector)))
(def list? (fn (v) (if (or (nil? v)(pair? v))(if (nil? (cdr v)) #t (recur (cdr v))) #f)))
(def seq? (fn (v) (or (pair? v)(vec? v))))
(def empty? (fn (v) (= (len v) 0)))
(def not-empty? (fn (v) (> (len v) 0)))
(def callable? (fn (v) (let (t (type v))(or (eq? t :Lambda)
(eq? t :Continuation)
(eq? t :Special)
@@ -32,12 +35,32 @@ Example:
(macro (name args & body)
`(def ~name (macro ~args ~@body))))

Usage: (get-error exp0 ... expN) -> pair

Evaluate each form (like do) but on error return (:error msg backtrace) instead of aborting.
On success return (:ok . expN-result).

If there is no error will return the value of the last expression as the cdr of
the pair. Always returns a pair with the first value either being :ok or :error.

Section: core

(def get-error-t1 (get-error (err \"Some Error\")))
(test::assert-equal :error (car get-error-t1))
(test::assert-equal \"Some Error\" (cadr get-error-t1))
(test::assert-true (vec? (caddr get-error-t1)))
(test::assert-equal '(:ok . \"Some String\") (get-error \"Some String\"))
(test::assert-equal '(:ok . \"Some Other String\") (get-error (def test-get-error \"Some \") (str test-get-error \"Other String\")))
(defmacro get-error (& body)
`(let (old-error (on-error nil))
(defer (on-error old-error))
(let (old-error (gensym))
`(let (~old-error (on-error nil))
(defer (on-error ~old-error))
(call/cc (fn (k)
(on-error (fn (key val) (k (cons key val))))
(cons :ok (do ~@body))))))
(cons :ok (do ~@body)))))))

(defmacro block (& body)
@@ -109,12 +132,12 @@ Example:
(assert-equal 11 i)
(defmacro dotimes
(times body)
((fn (idx-name)
`(if (> ~times 0)
(loop (~idx-name) (~times) (do
(if (> ~idx-name 1) (recur (- ~idx-name 1)))))))(gensym)))
(times & body)
(let (i-name (gensym))
`(let (~i-name 0)
(while (< ~i-name ~times)
(inc! ~i-name)))))

Evaluate body a number of times equal to times' numnrical value. Includes an
@@ -137,3 +160,265 @@ Example:
(inc! ~idx-bind))))

Usage: (when provided-condition if-true)

when is a convenience function used to check a form, provided-condition,
and run some form, if-true, if provided-condition evaluates to true.

Section: conditional


(assert-true (when #t #t))
(assert-false (when #t nil))
(assert-false (when nil nil))
(defmacro when
(provided-condition if-true)
`(if ~provided-condition ~if-true))

Usage: (dyn key value expression) -> result_of_expression

Creates a dynamic binding for key, assigns value to it and evals expression under it.
Note that if key must be a symbol and is not evaluted.

The binding is gone once the dyn form ends. This is basically a set! on the
binding in an unwind protect to reset it when done. When used on a global will
set the first binding found and reset it when done.
Calls to dyn can be nested and previous dynamic values will
be restored as interior dyn's exit.

Section: core

(defn test-dyn-fn () (prn \"Print dyn out\"))
(dyn *stdout* (open \"/tmp/sl-sh.dyn.test\" :create :truncate) (test-dyn-fn))
(test::assert-equal \"Print dyn out\" (read-line (open \"/tmp/sl-sh.dyn.test\" :read)))
(defmacro dyn
(key value & expression)
(let (old-val (gensym))
`(let (~old-val ~key)
(defer (set! ~key ~old-val))
(do (set! ~key ~value) ~@expression))))

Identity function.

Section: core


(assert-equal 0 (identity 0))
(defn identity (x) x)

Produces the last element in a list or vector. Nil if the list/vector is empty.

Section: sequence

(assert-equal 3 (last '(1 2 3)))
(assert-equal 3 (last '#(1 2 3)))
(assert-equal nil (last '()))
(assert-equal nil (last nil))
(assert-equal nil (last '#()))
(defn last

(let (last-list (fn (obj)
(if (nil? (cdr obj)) (car obj)
(recur (cdr obj)))))

(if (vec? obj) (if (> (len obj) 0) (let (i (- (len obj) 1)) obj.~i) nil)
(list? obj) (last-list obj)
(err "Not a vector or list"))))

(def butlast nil) ; predeclare and assign butlast to avoid a warning when used in butlast declaration.
Produces the provided list minus the last element. Nil if the list is empty or one element.

Section: sequence

(assert-equal '(1 2) (butlast '(1 2 3)))
(assert-equal '(1 2) (butlast '#(1 2 3)))
(assert-equal nil (butlast '(1)))
(assert-equal nil (butlast '#(1)))
(assert-equal nil (butlast '()))
(assert-equal nil (butlast nil))
(assert-equal nil (butlast '#()))
(defn butlast
(if (vec? obj) (if (> (len obj) 0) (vec-slice obj 0 (- (len obj) 1)) nil)
(list? obj)
(let (new-link (cons nil nil))
(if (nil? (cdr obj))
(set! new-link nil)
(set! new-link (cons (car obj) (butlast (cdr obj)))))
(err "Not a vector or list")))

Produces the first element of the provided list or vector. Nil if the
list/vector is nil/empty. Note this is like car that works for lists and

Section: sequence

(assert-equal 1 (first '(1 2 3)))
(assert-equal 1 (first '#(1 2 3)))
(assert-equal nil (first '()))
(assert-equal nil (first nil))
(assert-equal nil (first '#()))
(defn first
(if (vec? obj) (if (empty? obj) nil obj.0)
(list? obj) (car obj)
(err "Not a vector or list")))

Produces the provided list or vector minus the first element. Nil if the
list/vector is nil/empty or one element. Note this is like cdr that works for
lists and vectors. This calls vec-slice to create a new vector when called with
a vector (i.e. is much more efficient with lists).

Section: sequence

(assert-equal '(2 3) (rest '(1 2 3)))
(assert-equal '(2 3) (rest '#(1 2 3)))
(assert-equal nil (rest '(1)))
(assert-equal nil (rest '#(1)))
(assert-equal nil (rest '()))
(assert-equal nil (rest nil))
(assert-equal nil (rest '#()))
(defn rest
(if (vec? obj) (vec-slice obj 1)
(list? obj) (cdr obj)
(err "Not a vector or list")))

Loops over each element in a sequence. Simple version that works with lists and
vectors, use iterator::for in general.

Section: sequence

(def i 0)
(seq-for x in '(1 2 3 4 5 6) (set! i (+ 1 i)))
(assert-equal 6 i)
(defmacro seq-for
(bind in items & body)
(if (not (eq? in 'in)) (err "Invalid seq-for: (for [i] in [sequence] (body))"))
`((fn (lst)
(if (not-empty? lst)
(let (~bind (first lst))
(recur (rest lst)))))~items))

Usage: (match condition (value form*)*) -> result

Evaluate condition and look for matching value in each branch of type
(value form*). Form(s) will be wrapped in an implicit do. Use nil to take
action if no match (encouraged!).

Section: conditional


(defn select-option (a)
(match a (1 \"opt-one\")
(2 (set! b 5) \"opt-two\")
(3 (str \"opt\" \"-three\"))))
(defn select-option-def (a)
(match a (1 \"opt-one\")
(2 \"opt-two\")
(3 (str \"opt\" \"-three\"))
(nil \"default\")))
(def b 0)
(assert-equal b 0)
(assert-equal \"opt-one\" (select-option 1))
(assert-equal \"opt-two\" (select-option 2))
(assert-equal b 5)
(assert-equal \"opt-three\" (select-option 3))
(assert-equal #f (select-option 4))
(assert-equal \"opt-one\" (select-option-def 1))
(assert-equal \"opt-two\" (select-option-def 2))
(assert-equal \"opt-three\" (select-option-def 3))
(assert-equal \"default\" (select-option-def 4))
(defmacro match
(condition & branches)
((fn ()
(let (make-action (fn (action)
(if (seq? action)
`(do ~@action)
make-cond (fn (condition val action others)
(if (nil? val) (make-action action)
(if (empty? others) `((= ~condition ~val) ~(make-action action))
`((equal? ~condition ~val) ~(make-action action) ~@(make-cond condition (first (first others)) (rest (first others)) (rest others))))))
cond-name condition)
`(if ~@(make-cond cond-name (first (first branches)) (rest (first branches)) (rest branches)))))))

Usage: (cond ((test form*)*) -> result

Evaluate each test in order. If it is true then evaluate the form(s) in an
implicit do and return the result. Stop evaluting at the first true test.
Return nil if no conditions are true.

Section: conditional


(defn select-option (a)
(cond ((= a 1) \"opt-one\")
((= a 2) (set! b 5) \"opt-two\")
((= a 3) (str \"opt\" \"-three\"))))
(defn select-option-def (a)
(cond ((= a 1) \"opt-one\")
((= a 2) \"opt-two\")
((= a 3) (str \"opt\" \"-three\"))
(#t \"default\")))
(def b 0)
(assert-equal \"opt-one\" (select-option 1))
(assert-equal b 0)
(assert-equal \"opt-two\" (select-option 2))
(assert-equal b 5)
(assert-equal \"opt-three\" (select-option 3))
(assert-equal nil (select-option 4))
(assert-equal \"opt-one\" (select-option-def 1))
(assert-equal \"opt-two\" (select-option-def 2))
(assert-equal \"opt-three\" (select-option-def 3))
(assert-equal \"default\" (select-option-def 4))
(defmacro cond
(& branches)
((fn ()
(let (make-action (fn (action)
(if (seq? action)
`(do ~@action)
make-cond (fn (condition action others)
(if (empty? others)
`(~condition ~(make-action action) nil)
`(~condition ~(make-action action) ~@(make-cond (first (first others)) (rest (first others)) (rest others))))))
`(if ~@(make-cond (first (first branches)) (rest (first branches)) (rest branches)))))))

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