Very simple package that, given the name of a comuna from Chile, returns its code
Each comuna in Chile has a unique code that makes easier to map them to different attributes (e.g. choropleth). Since I was going through the hassle of doing it each time I had a new project, I decided to build a very simple tool that could automate the task. I hope this can be of use to other developers / civic-hackers.
I added a fuzzy version for cases where there was no exact match.
- Given a comuna name, it returns its code, taking care of special characters, uppercases and lowercases.
- If it doesn't find an exact match, it prints that and returns None
- A fuzzy function returns the best match (uses fuzzywuzzy)
- You can specify to print the score of the fuzzy match
- You can specify a threshold above which it should return a match and below which it shouldn't.
- There is a function that tries the exact match and if it doesn't find it, it goes to the fuzzy version.
- The list of comunas-code is a simple CSV file for easier edition.
- If you want some comuna name version added to the csv file, just contact me and I'll add them right away.
pip3 install clcomuna
- fuzzywuzzy
- Python3.3+
>>> import clcomuna
(If there is a warning, ignore it. It comes with the dependency)
>>> clcomuna.get_code("peumo")
get_fuzzy: returns name, not code
>>> clcomuna.get_fuzzy("alragobo")
>>> clcomuna.get_fuzzy("alragobo", True)
>>> clcomuna.get_fuzzy("alragobo", True, 72)
Score lower than minimum threshold for comuna: ALRAGOBO - ALGARROBO
The optional second parameter True prints the found comuna and the score. The optional third parameter int stablishes a threshold for the function to return the best name match
>>> clcomuna.get_steps("alragobo")
Could not find code for: ALRAGOBO
>>> clcomuna.get_steps("alragobo", False, 74)
Score lower than minimum threshold for comuna: ALRAGOBO - ALGARROBO