Angular (typescript) Spinner. Wrapper around spinner: (<3.0.0 version).
It has dependency on spin.js. It doesn't include it in bundle so you have to isntall it yourself (<3.0.0 until #3 is fixed).
npm install [email protected] --save
npm install ng-ts-spinner --save
In case you are using Angular CLI, add spin.js (it will be downloaded together with ng-ts-spinner module) to your scripts path:
"scripts": ["../node_modules/spin.js/spin.min.js"]
import { NgTsSpinnerModule } from 'ng-ts-spinner';
. . .
. . .
imports : [
. . .
<div ng-ts-spinner [spinOn]="loadingInProgress" [options]="spinnerOptions">
<div>Everything here will be under the spinner</div>
spinOn - when set to true, spinner spins, when false, spinner is removed
overlayWhileSpin - if true, it will display overlay, making everything non-clickable where it is spinning (make sure parent element has positioning set)
spinnerOptions - options based on options from It can be empty, it will use defaults
When changing spinnerOptions, spinner should be stopped, and then again spin to apply changes of the options.
Breaking change: Added support for Angular6+. Now only support Angular6+, for below version, use 1.6.x
- New way of installing dependency. Spin.js has to be installed manually (since npm3+ doesn't install dependency automatically).
BREAKING CHANGE: Change the way you import module to:
import { NgTsSpinnerModule } from 'ng-ts-spinner';
- Added support for overlayWhileSpin
- Added index.ts to have nicer import (only name of the module)
- Restricted spin.js dependency to be under 3.0.0 because 3.0.0 removed spin.min.js.
- Spinner doesn't add extra div to the placeholder