Hi. This is my dotfiles repo, which also doubles as an Ansible setup that lets me manage my machines extremely easily.
Clone the repo to /home/fox/dots
, then run bin/sync-dots
If you only need a basic partitioning scheme (512MiB UEFI boot at the start of the disk, 8GiB swap at the end, root everything in-between), run:
curl -L git.io/fox-partition | bash -s /dev/sda
For Arch, enter the arch-chroot
and run:
curl -L git.io/fox-arch | bash -s <intended hostname>
For NixOS, finish the installation, then log in as fox
and run:
curl -L git.io/fox-nixos | bash
The awesomewm theme bases heavily on Powerarrow Dark, from lcpz/awesome-copycats.
The wallpaper comes from a post by /u/Leogonnagiveittoyou on Reddit, although that's probably not the original source.